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Johannes Ernst

The SDF is turning 37. Free Unix shell accounts! I have one.

They still run gopher, too.

Johannes Ernst

New_ Public is starting a project on hyperlocal online communities -- neighborhoods, towns, that kind
of thing.

I'd be in, if something like this existed in my neighborhood, and is better than Nextdoor!

/cc @wearenew_public

Andrés Monroy-Hernández

@J12t @wearenew_public same here. That said, the problem with Nextdoor is partly about the platform but mostly about the neighbors 😅

Jon Udell

@J12t @wearenew_public Given that we're in a world where FB and NextDoor and other things exist, it's hard for me to imagine a new thing displacing them, no matter how good the software and the culture it embodies.

But maybe it could wrap them, and thus provide something better - for those who want it right away - while offering a smooth upgrade path for people in the legacy services?

Johannes Ernst

The harder to debug a problem, the fewer bits need to be changed to fix it. Often so, and so today.

Johannes Ernst

Pitch to The Onion:

A social media platform that's optimized for trolls.

Ian Bradbury

@J12t - with added AI that actively feeds the trolls hilarious responses.

Johannes Ernst

Not liking the terminology in this OpenID spec: "A federation can be expressed as an agreement between parties that trust each other."

As a non-technical example, the US of A is a federation. This implies that Texas and California trust each other. Doubtful.

It's also not the same way we think about the "federation" part of the Fediverse, although I'm not sure that we've ever attempted to crisply define what we mean by federation and not.



sounds right to me. trust the other server not to let their users cause problems for the users on my server. opt out not in cause we assume good faith. more like the articles of confederation than the constitution. no greater authority that we all have a say in.



"[...] This implies that Texas and California trust each other. Doubtful."

there are different levels of trust. It all depends on your point of view. Within the US, sure you could say there is a low level of trust between both states. But if you compare this level of trust to some other foreign country, now somehow the trust level seems very high in comparison.

it's about "mostly" trusting each other. In that sense I think the definition is adequate.

Johannes Ernst

I'm working on something really interesting. The "social web" -- a concept that has been around for decades but has fallen out of use and is atrophied because all we have are quasi-"social apps" Which Are Not That! -- it needs and wants a new breath of air.

If we re-imagined a truly social web with what we know today, what would it look like?

It's fascinating and so exciting!! Not sure when or whether I have something to share any time soon, but ... writing about it gets me all fired up!!

James M.

@J12t one thought: Genuinely free speech requires the option to be private. If you're being surveilled, your speech isn't really free. Thus, I think a social web needs better privacy options than what we have now, such as e2ee posting to a limited set of people, e.g. to one's friends.

Shannon Clark

@J12t social implies shared activities and engagement but also artifacts to discover later (to remind us our past interactions and to stay passively aware of others in our various overlapping and intersecting circles - so we might re-engage with them in the future.

So how this might look:

- supporting adhoc and regularly scheduled shared experiences (think monsterdon or bikenite but more often yet also not always “in public”

- encourage shared and individual cocreation (wikis as one example

Johannes Ernst

CS people / programmers who graduated or such in the last 10 years:

I'd love to know how you relate to make and Makefiles, because we currently use them in @feditest and I wonder whether that is too old school at this point.

Anonymous poll


No problem, I use them all the time
You would have to force me
My editor does not have a tab character
What's a Makefile?
7 people voted.
Voting ended 8 June at 22:39.

@J12t @feditest I’m an odd case, but I received my degree in 2014, so I guess that counts? But my answer is more like, it’s fine, I’ve used makefiles before, I’d have to look things up a lot if I had to make changes but it wouldn’t be any kind of problem, but it’s also not something I would choose for anything new

Johannes Ernst

We presented the first results from FediTest this morning.

39 implementations, 13 tests each. One big matrix. Summary is here:

Looking for help to tell the various projects.

The call was recorded, recording will be posted soon. #testing

Johannes Ernst

I asked Microsoft copilot for how an Italian grocer in San Francisco in 1935 might go about importing Italian olives. (I just read Mezzetta’s corporate history on their website.)

Copilot recommended that to find a reputable olive merchant, you should check online directories.

Johannes Ernst

The first matrix currently has 17 rows and 39 columns.

And colors 🙂

Join us at 9am pacific in about 12 hours to hear about the first batch of test results?

Details at

/cc @activitypubtestsuite #testing #feditest #activitypub #webfinger

Johannes Ernst

Reminder: #Fediverse #Developer Network meetup in about 12 hours: Wednesday June 5th at 9:00am pacific.

You are all invited, particularly if you are a #developer new to ActivityPub and the #fediverse, or if you have an existing implementation and are interested in the first round of test results from @feditest!

Details are on

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la gleki mlatu

@selzero isaac newton demonstrating that going outside is gay


@selzero Thus confirming that during the sixties of every century, conservative values come under demonic attack!!!!!!


@selzero Remember, God HATES gay rainbows, which is why he made the sun WHITE!!!!

Johannes Ernst

The Wikipedia page on “social web” urgently needs updates. And wasn’t ever particularly good anyway.

Johannes Ernst

Enshittified Instagram is now forcing you to spend at least one ad worth of time in shit. No stepping around it allowed!


@J12t I don’t think many real people are on that platform anymore. I sometimes post but hardly ever scroll because everyone real left after the release of threads.

Johannes Ernst

Is there moderation in #Farcaster? A quick search doesn't bring much up.

Michael Foster

@J12t Yes, channels have content rules called norms, and are moderated by their owners, and moderators if the channel has them. There’s a bot channel moderator called automod which applies filters based on keywords, and curates accounts in Main. Take a look at /farcastHER for examples. How much moderation happens idk

Johannes Ernst

In other news, the neighborhood squirrel apparently likes cucumber leaves. Who would have thought! Particularly one plant. Which is fighting on and producing a little cucumber in spite of very few leaves to work with.

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