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Johannes Ernst

Not liking the terminology in this OpenID spec: "A federation can be expressed as an agreement between parties that trust each other."

As a non-technical example, the US of A is a federation. This implies that Texas and California trust each other. Doubtful.

It's also not the same way we think about the "federation" part of the Fediverse, although I'm not sure that we've ever attempted to crisply define what we mean by federation and not.



sounds right to me. trust the other server not to let their users cause problems for the users on my server. opt out not in cause we assume good faith. more like the articles of confederation than the constitution. no greater authority that we all have a say in.



"[...] This implies that Texas and California trust each other. Doubtful."

there are different levels of trust. It all depends on your point of view. Within the US, sure you could say there is a low level of trust between both states. But if you compare this level of trust to some other foreign country, now somehow the trust level seems very high in comparison.

it's about "mostly" trusting each other. In that sense I think the definition is adequate.

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