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Lenn :femmby:

i recently mentioned the Mg. honorific. yes, please call me Mage Lenn 💫


Willow, Venus Pirate 🏳️‍⚧️

@lennby I love this! I officially will accept any of Ms, Missus, and Mage!


@lennby *Tips hat* ""As you wish, Mage"


@lennby That's amazing, I take that.


LB: fuck yes, call me Mg. Tully let's gooooo


I'm serious about this too

Mg. Jepyang 🧝‍♀️ :heart_sp_bi:

@tully @lennby also bookmarking this post and saving the image so i can periodically boost it

PJ Coffey


Mage Coffey... hmmm. Yes. Mx. is unsatisfactory but Mg. (Which is neither Mg nor mg) has legs.

Violet Rose

@Homebrewandhacking @lennby
I suppose Mg. could be interpreted as mega grams, but at my age, that's fitting. 👵

PJ Coffey

@violet @lennby

I think metric tonne is more common place. 🤔 The Megagram isn't something I've seen in any context, and relevantly, I'd distinguish Mg. from Mg, mg because it has the full stop.


@lennby Suddenly the Jif people get a hold of this and it'll be world war 3 about soft or hard g's


@Nick @lennby

Nah. MAGAts have already poisoned that well.

c0debabe, just a raccoon

@lennby oh my yes. I've been using Mx but Mage would also be acceptable :-D

V, The Crow Witch 🌙

LB: I am really attached to Mx but I would be delighted to be Mg (Mage).

Miari frigorifiée j-25

As a former catholic, I have to add that (in France at least), the Mg. honorifics exists for the catholic bishops. It is short for "monseigneur".
So if your are male-passing, people would mistake you for a member of the church. :blobcatgiggle:​

Claire-Colin de la Cajouterie

@lennby It would work in French too ! 🥖 :ablobcatrainbow:


@cassolotl I would like to amend my Gender Census entry for this ↑

Cassian [main]

@ashiel Someone reblogged it with a link to the survey, so it's actually been in a mutual attention arrangement, which is pleasing! :D


@lennby oh my god I am 4000% in support of this

Akka V. 👾🏳️‍⚧️

@lennby I like this but I slightly prefer the variant "magis" (also shortened to "mg"). It sounds formal and feels more like a title, and it's slightly less silly while still maintaining the cool wizard connotations.

Stuart Longland (VK4MSL)

@lennby … and now I can't get "Carry on Henry" out of my head.

"Ohh Mage!!!"

zephyr :verified_paw:


but i'd rather be called Warlock


@lennby I love that! I want to be Mage Solanum


@lennby I think I have at least friend that will be leaning into Mg.

Meaningwhile, I’m still trying to figure out what to use instead of Sir/Ma’am.

KT, who's FINALLY at MFF,


*leans back and ponders this while drinking a can of Mg. Pibb*

Anselm Schüler

@lennby it doesn't fucking end in a vowel sound what are they on about

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