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Jenny Fx

So now it's written into law record that the 2016 US election was illegally influenced by the winner. That seems like it should be a bigger deal than anybody is talking about.


Yes, this! The whole hush money tag took over and the real reason behind the case was lost. It needs to be out there.

Jenny Fx

Like, are you really still allowed run for office if you've been found guilty of cheating in previous elections? #USPols



Strangely, yes.

You're allowed to run for office, even if you're a convicted criminal whose crime was cheating in a previous election.

Even if you conspired with a foreign enemy to overthrow the US government, you're still allowed to be president.


@barney @urbanfoxe
America needs to take a good, long look at itself. Seriously.

Jenny Fx

@barney that seems dangerously stupid.


@Bobblegagger @urbanfoxe

It can't be fixed -- that would require an amendment to the Constitution, and the Republicans won't allow that.

The Constitution's framers built our democracy to withstand many kinds of attack, but not that of an entire political party that is committed to a fascist revolution, and controls half of our state and federal governmental bodies.


@Bobblegagger @urbanfoxe

There is a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. §2383, which states "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the US or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

DOJ might have prosecuted Trump under that statute, but they didn't, and now it's too late.


@Bobblegagger @urbanfoxe

I should add, I'm not a lawyer, and I have no idea how feasible it would have been for DOJ to obtain a conviction under 18 U.S.C. §2383. Trump obviously did what the statute says, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's easy to get a conviction in court.


@urbanfoxe That's what I keep saying... apparently ... crickets. 🤷‍♀️ I seriously don't get it.



And this wouldn't be the first time either... In the 1920 election Eugene Debs, of the Socialist Party of America, ran for president from a jail cell. He got 3.4% of the vote or just under a million votes


@aggualaqisaaq @urbanfoxe You seem to be implying that Debs was convicted for cheating in an election. That is not the case.

He was convicted of defying an injunction against a strike by the American Railway Union, of which he was a leader.

Hiker Geek 🌲💻🌲


I think it depends on the office. State offices may prohibit it if that what their constitution says but running for president is spelled out in the US constitution.

Basically just be a natural citizen 35+ who has lived in the US for the last 14 yrs.

Technically you could be in prison, win and I guess be president from there.

But we're charting new territory no one anticipated.


> are you really still allowed run for office if you've been found guilty of cheating in previous elections?

I'm no expert, but from what I've heard in interviews with people who are, there's nothing in the constitution that prevents a convicted felon from running for office from a prison cell. That surprised me and it seemed like a loophole. Until I thought about the way baseless prosecutions were used to unseat Lula in Brazil, paving the way for the Bolsonaro Presidency.

Knee Neart

@strypey @urbanfoxe I was honestly more surprised to learn that he'd (probably) be able to vote, as a convicted felon. It seems many states have come a long way in the last 5-10 years as far as convicts' political rights go



My thought too… as in, nullify anything the bastard did that still stands!

Jenny Fx

@cynblogger getting rid of his 3 SCOTUS judges would be top of my list but I don't see that happening.

Strange Culprits

@urbanfoxe @cynblogger
Well, adding 4 new justices to the court (one for each federal appeal circuit) would yield a similar result, and would bring the court back in line with historic norms

Janis (she/her)

@urbanfoxe Correct, but one of the reasons Republicanshave kept winning, because they figured it out, is you can't reverse time. E.g. you can only add legislation that nullifies old legislation (like Dobbs does).

Yes. it was illegally influenced. it can't be undone.

What we're witnessing is the unraveling of the Republican party, but what that amounts to is the US losing its right leg. There's going to be pain all around. We need to figure out how to move forward.

Janis (she/her)

@urbanfoxe OK, SCOTUS rulings aren't legislation, or, well, they aren't supposed to be. That's a whole nother can o' worms.

20000lbs of Cheese

no one gave a shit about Gore v Bush, I can't assume this one will be any different

Courtney Cantrell

@urbanfoxe #DonaldTrump's 2016-2020 presidency is now proven wholly illegitimate.


@courtcan @urbanfoxe when he was yelling that the election was stolen, it was because he had the receipts.

the Amygdalai Lama

he fudged the very first qualifier to lead the party too

Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷

@urbanfoxe Don't ever forget that #45 had the full backing of the RNC in 2016. They created the Monster, and got it into the White House, and covered its ass for 4 years.

Larry Smith

My thoughts exactly. The courts convicted Trump on his illegal actions to influence the 2016 election ( not withstanding the Russian interference), without following the implication.

That Trump was an illegitimate winner in 2016.

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