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@cstross …which is why I don’t use it for that purpose.

Of course, I’ve asked ChatGPT for nonessential programming, like making a Quine in 6502 assembly, and it succeeded in doing that. But for normal work, I don’t dare touch it because if it makes a mistake, then I will have no idea how to fix it.


@cstross i'm surprised it is only 52% and not much higher.


@cstross Hope healthcare, transportation aren't using AI for it because that's a whole lot of risk. They'd better lawyer up for the bugs that cause accidents and death.

Johannes Ernst

Nothing is as practical as a good theory.

I don't know who said it first, but they were right.

Aaron Suddjian

@J12t idk good practice is pretty dang practical

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William B Peckham

@JoeUchill remember When people said that robots revolting and attempting to extinguish humanity was just science fiction and could not happen? This is it, this is how it starts: this right here! It has already begun.


@JoeUchill I will do you one better, here is a research paper, fully peer reviewed and edited (more than once), published in an eminent scientific journal.

Maggie Maybe

@JoeUchill Train it with Reddit, what could go wrong??

Johannes Ernst

Imagine two identical #social #networks with mainstream users. Same number of users, same connectedness of the social graph, same demographics etc.

Social network A only has an algorithmic feed. Social network B only has a chronological people-I-follow feed.

What would the usage numbers look like in comparison? Numbers of posts, numbers of likes/replies/boosts, growth trajectory, etc?

I would expect somebody has done some research on this. Anybody know of any public results?

Johannes Ernst

What an amazing opportunity to do the opposite of the shiny new thing called “AI”.

Let’s go.

Johannes Ernst

Fascinating results in this global survey on democracy and related subjects.

One tidbit: everybody says that fighting climate change is important, but wants others to do that not their own government.

Johannes Ernst

Two thirds of Google searches already do not send the user to another website. That was in 2020 and it might have gotten worse since. I did not know that.

H/t @ben


@J12t @ben it is much worse these days. Latest updates to google mean it will be more like 90% of "searches" will tell you on that device in google what the AI decides you want, not what you actually want...

A random selection

@J12t @ben this is so wildly inaccurate and imprecise, for both readings!

It’s impossible to know what % of zero-click search are things like “time in SFO”.

Likewise, impossible to know if non-zero clicks are searches like “pinterest” or “amazon” cause people are lazy or don’t want to be phished.

Johannes Ernst

New espresso machine. Now work should go twice as fast, right?

Johannes Ernst

Oh ChatGPT, how confidently you print out an algorithm that cannot possibly be correct!

I'm feeling like going to a doctor who skipped some classes in school and when encountering a patient with a condition they didn't learn about, they just make up some remedy. With extreme confidence in their demeanor.

Come to think of it, I have known some doctors to do that. So maybe ChatGPT is more human than we think.... ouch!

Johannes Ernst

NEW, by me: The check-in computers at several hotels around the U.S. are running a consumer-grade spyware app called pcTattletale.

pcTattletale was seen stealthily and continually capturing screenshots of the hotel booking systems, which contained guest information and reservation details.

This was discovered because a security researcher found a flaw in the spyware is exposing these screenshots to the internet, not just the spyware's intended users.


NEW, by me: The check-in computers at several hotels around the U.S. are running a consumer-grade spyware app called pcTattletale.

pcTattletale was seen stealthily and continually capturing screenshots of the hotel booking systems, which contained guest information and reservation details.

This was discovered because a security researcher found a flaw in the spyware is exposing these screenshots to the internet, not just the spyware's intended users.

Ian Campbell

@zackwhittaker Suddenly the seemingly ubiquitous very-well-informed scam calls following hotel bookings make even more sense.

Wendy Nather

@zackwhittaker If I Recall correctly, this sounds really familiar …

Space Invader

@zackwhittaker I think you meant to write: “The check-in computers at several hotels around the U.S. are running a beta version of Microsoft Recall”

Johannes Ernst

The #FreeUniversity of #Berlin, one of the best-known #universities of #Germany has decided to close its account on #X:
"In light of developments on the social media platform X, Freie Universität Berlin has decided to shut down this channel."

In its justification, it commits itself to the principles of the #Fediverse and #OpenScience:
"Freie Universität Berlin has been present on Mastodon since December 2022. #Mastodon is part of the decentralized Fediverse network. Compared to large commercial social networks, Mastodon relies on chronological feeds and reduces the algorithmic sorting of posts. This ensures that information is always openly available and reduces the likelihood of so-called filter bubbles forming."

Bravo, @freieuniversitaet ! A good decision!

#Unis4Mastodon 🌻 #AlleInsFediverse 🐘 🐘 🐘

The #FreeUniversity of #Berlin, one of the best-known #universities of #Germany has decided to close its account on #X:
"In light of developments on the social media platform X, Freie Universität Berlin has decided to shut down this channel."

Johannes Ernst

🎉🎟 One last time, XOXO returns this August 22–24 with three days of people and projects we love from the internet. Registration is now open, surveys close Wednesday, May 29!


This year’s conference lineup includes Molly White of Web3 Is Going Just Great (@molly0xfff), Sweet Baby Inc’s Kim Belair, Folding Ideas documentarian Dan Olson, writer/researcher Erin Kissane (@kissane), Aftermath co-founder Gita Jackson, Pulitzer-winning journalist and author Ed Yong, and Hugo-winning author/podcaster Charlie Jane Anders (@charliejane).

Manegiste Flou ⏚ (he/him)

@J12t no shit, Sherlock? It took this time for him to get it?

Johannes Ernst

Tax billionaires with 2% of their wealth annually? Now here is an idea…

Johannes Ernst

Exciting things are progressing around the #Fediverse. I can't wait!!!

Johannes Ernst

Bridgy Fed status update time! It’s been a busy couple weeks. I’m happy to report that I’ve made solid progress on three of my four goals from last time – reliability, delays, and bugs – and improved a number of other things along the way. Here’s a sampling:

- Switched Bluesky => fediverse from polling to firehose. This made it way less flaky, and cut the 5-15m delay down to just seconds.
- Fixed fediverse => Bluesky getting stuck for many accounts. I took some shortcuts in my Bluesky infrastructure, and they came back to bite me. Still work left to do, but the user-visible issues should be largely fixed.
- Various issues with finding the bot accounts, following them, and getting bridging started.
- Fixed images in Bluesky => fediverse posts.
- Implemented deleting posts, Bluesky => fediverse. (Fediverse => Bluesky was already working.)
- Fixed flakiness bridging replies, both directions.
- Fixed links, mentions, and hashtags, both directions. Still some broken bits here, notably Bluesky => fediverse mentions, but otherwise these should be much better now.
- First pass at spam filtering. Sigh.

Apart from the firehose, one notable area I haven’t focused on yet is infrastructure. It’s scaling ok so far, but it could be a lot better, and a lot more efficient. I’ll need to work on that soon. If you see a bit of time go by without many user-visible improvements, that’s probably what’s happening.

Otherwise, thanks for all the feedback and questions and bug reports! Please do keep them coming. As always, you can follow the now label in GitHub to see what I’m focusing on. See you on the bridge!

Bridgy Fed status update time! It’s been a busy couple weeks. I’m happy to report that I’ve made solid progress on three of my four goals from last time – reliability, delays, and bugs – and improved a number of other things along the way. Here’s a sampling:

- Switched Bluesky => fediverse from polling to firehose. This made it way less flaky, and cut the 5-15m delay down to just seconds.
- Fixed fediverse => Bluesky getting stuck for many accounts. I took some shortcuts in my Bluesky infrastructure,...

Johannes Ernst

The ex-Bavarians among us got Weisswurst for -- shall we call it brunch? -- today. In California. And it's actually not bad.

The Americans in the family also love it. So there is still hope for them.

Sadly, no fresh Brez'n from Esther's. We made do with German Farmer's bread, which surprisingly, the local grocery store sells from a bakery in Santa Cruz. And Weisswurstsenf, which Dittmer's sells.

Johannes Ernst

Seriously pissed about this. Offering $10,000 in seed funding for a Deviant Art alternative built on ActivityPub. Q&A below or email your pitch to

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Danny Dragon

@bart Not surprising, especially since DA tried to not opt out with AI scanning the art for their "Art"


@bart could this be done with a PixelFed instance?


@bart This could be designed not just like DeviantArt, but also adding interesting component from existing art-related gallery like Behance, Artstation, Pixiv, CureCosplay, Xfolio, and so on.

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