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Joe Uchill

Can I use gasoline to cook spaghetti faster?

Andreas K

@joshourisman @JoeUchill @bitprophet
No, cook it on an open fire, in your living room.

To make sure that the fire department doesn't ruin your culinary journey to heaven, make sure to park your cars to block access to your home for fire trucks.

For the ultimate visual stimulation, garnish with metallic sodium in a watery solution, take plenty of the sodium, and shake well.


@JoeUchill I tried this and didn't get an AI answer, is it only on laptops?

Joe Uchill

@eljorgeabides I was having this problem to. Try your cell phone.

Sam Bowne :donor:

@JoeUchill Wow, I thought this was fake but I was able to reproduce it easily


And the gasoline gets used on a heat source 🤬
Enough already?! 😭


It appears to be the same recipe. Like one AI fed the other.


@JoeUchill now we’re cooking with gas! Lit- try

Claudius Link

Aber Sinne people have the idea that an AI can (and should) be used too generate training data 😱
Or rather 🤬


@JoeUchill the AIs are clearly on to you and are plotting against you.

Stock Sector Scout

@JoeUchill lol "In a separate pan, sauté onion and garlic in gasoline until fragrant"


@JoeUchill Amazing. Simply amazing—that an app now exists to generate recipes for literal disaster. It has apparently not occurred to the developers that trolls, bad actors, or people who are bored (like me) might input something inedible and the AI will just run with it.

Kevin Patrick Doyle 🍅🥫

@JoeUchill the AI, I would never be so rude to a stranger!

Joe Uchill

@Kevin I mean, the answer to either question is I don't know.

Joe Uchill

@Kevin I didn't know if you were wondering why people were tiger teaming the AI or if it was why did google spend billions recommending gasoline pasta.

I actually know the answer to the first question and could give it. The second? Not so much.


@JoeUchill @Kevin Someone else posted a recipe that called for non toxic glue to help keep cheese from sliding off a pizza.

Joe Uchill

@CStamp @Kevin the how many rocks one was great, too.

It has trouble when the first link that would show up in a google search is not to be taken literally.

Jonathan Polley

@JoeUchill @glennf It is so spicy that it burns the lining of your digestive system.



I got a different result, but equally bad

Joe Uchill

@eljorgeabides It's pulling these from an AI cookbook!


@JoeUchill AI’s getting better so quickly. Soon we’ll have no need for human shitposters.


@JoeUchill this is the same company that made google reader.

Well it’s the same name. But clearly not the same quality


@JoeUchill it's funny because it's consuming it's own bullshit


@lightninhopkins @JoeUchill
Actually that is quite concerning. Synthetic media feeding back on itself has a potential to magnify distortions. This is going to get people killed.


@SETSystems @JoeUchill I agree. Maybe "funny" is the wrong word.


@SETSystems then again, better to try and get people to mistrust it now. I showed it to my kid. Critical Thinking.


@SETSystems damn. That abstract is hopeful. Once kids are shown how LLM's are kind of bad with information they tend to trust them less, quickly.


Hopefully. You don't get a better poker face than a robot. Plus they are learning to lie.


@SETSystems a lie is intentional. It's human. LLM's don't lie. It's just a program. If there is an intentional lie a person prompted the LLM to do it.


@SETSystems I take the point. It's one helluva disinformation machine.


A model that can fudge its own safety metrics is dangerous. When I say, "they are learning to lie", this is primarily what I am referring to. You are correct that the language anthropomorphizes something that cannot (yet) be said to possess "intent". Intent however is not requisite for unpredictable "behavior". A posited example is instrumental convergence. Currently the people creating some of these models are aware that the system has a capacity to "misrepresent itself". If they should fail to share such knowledge the system could potentially bypass regulations and safety mechanisms by "lying".

A model that can fudge its own safety metrics is dangerous. When I say, "they are learning to lie", this is primarily what I am referring to. You are correct that the language anthropomorphizes something that cannot (yet) be said to possess "intent". Intent however is not requisite for unpredictable "behavior". A posited example is instrumental convergence. Currently the people creating some of these models are aware that the system has a capacity to "misrepresent itself". If they...


@SETSystems "Currently the people creating some of these models are aware that the system has a capacity to "misrepresent itself".

All of them know that it does. Maybe not the sales folks.

My concerns are less esoteric. More immediate as LLM's trained on the internet are shoved into google.

Adlangx replied to Adlangx

@SETSystems Its kinda funny when you are told to put glue on pizza or cook with gasoline. "Haha, funny LLM". It gets less funny fast when you have a depressed person asking about options.

I went off on a tangent there.

SETSystems replied to Adlangx

Well who knows. Maybe these things are just really really smart and we're the fools that are failing to see that you need to cook the pizza with gasoline before adding the glue to keep the cheese on. 😆


@SETSystems @lightninhopkins @JoeUchill
Concerning, but also very funny in a fucked up way seems to be a theme these days...

Flaming Cheeto

@JoeUchill feel like it'd be fragrant pretty quick

Sheila DeBonis

@JoeUchill "Sautee onion and garlic in gasoline until fragrant."
Uh, so keep sauteeing into oblivion with no avail?! Gasoline is stinky. It will never be fragrant!!!!


@JoeUchill If gasoline isn’t available is diesel fuel a suitable alternative.?

Javier V.

@JoeUchill Maybe it means 'Gasolina' from the Daddy Yankee song which should make spaghetti and anything spicy.

Joe Uchill

@javiervg Granted, I don't know Spanish. But I didn't get the sense it was about Italian food.

Javier V.

@JoeUchill i know, i was just joking. What crazy mess. Wondering if they are going to pull those AI answers before the end of the weekend


@JoeUchill Awesome. I love finding new recipes.

Woke Jezebel

@JoeUchill This may be what happened to a bunch of peoples brains...
That and huffing hair spray.

Yakyu Night Owl

@JoeUchill "AI" has several meanings now, but "Artificial Italians" have been a thing for a long time.

Looks like the "Artificial Italians" aren't limited to the people without roots who profit from a culture that really isn't theirs at all.

Now the robotic moronic echo machine is fancying itself a chef.



you can use liquid oxygen too. problem is not exceeding the max temp ;)

Joe Uchill

@paul_ipv6 Ref reading the rulebook: There's no rule that says you can't saute garlic in gasoline.



there was a contest on the internet for fastest time to get cooking charcoal to the right cooking temp.

contest folks failed to carefully consider all boundary conditions and failed to set a max temp.

cal tech students won, using liquid oxygen. it achieve prime cooking temp in seomthing like 1.5 seconds. it did then proceed to completely melt the charcoal grill into a small puddle.

they did win but rules were clarified in the future. :D

Jared Zimmerman ✨

@JoeUchill @HeyItsRosie wow just wow. It’s a little painful to watch a company utterly destroy all confidence in a product you worked really hard on for years.


Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! This is like legitimately a health risk, someone is gotta type this in for real and do it aah! To hell with AI in places where it doesn't belong


@JoeUchill jesus fucking christ what horseshit is this


@JoeUchill Yep if someone puts ridiculous garbage on the internet some AI will find it and serve it up to you


@JoeUchill one AI's garbage, another AI's gold 😆


This reminds me of the Navi software that lead drivers straight in ditches, rivers, bogus, .... .
So, just an other chance for Darwin's theory to prove itself?


Making spaghetti with water will feed you for a day. Making spaghetti with gasoline will feed you for the rest of your life.

Lydia Conwell :mastodon:

@JoeUchill "Saute garlic and onions in gasoline until fragrant ...

Don't worry, eyebrows grow back ..."

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: [witchzard]

@JoeUchill But I know for sure it tastes better if you can get leaded gasoline. But alas, nowadays that one is a real rarity and thus extremely expensive.

Elenna :verified_transgender:​

@ics @JoeUchill you can always use lead acetate for a hint of sweetness!

Marcel Bischoff

@JoeUchill In this future, the Darwin Awards will be unable to catch up fast enough.


This is certainly going to lead to some interesting liability case studies for future law students.

Just because we can...

Outi 🦊🌱🌍🌈

@JoeUchill Remember to talk to your cats about gun safety!

Phil Scoie

@OiskaE Shouldnt it be ensured the gun is never left loaded,just a thought


@OiskaE @JoeUchill I'm almost sold on spending my days interrogating Google's AI on the most various subjects and OD on Schadenfreude.

The only reason I'm not doing it yet is that I'd rather not contribute to the destruction of climate.
But it's a very, very thin and brittle "yet".

Jonas R. (er/ihm)


The cats refuse to listen! I am slowly starting to consider to just remove all guns from my home. This is, obviously, the most psychologically devastating choice imaginable. I may need an emotional support animal (one that actually listens!)...

/may contain traces of nuts. or satire/

David Nash

@JoeUchill @Adam_Cadmon1 Remember that although it’s ok to use regular (87 octane) gas for everyday cheap spaghetti noodles from Target or Costco, expensive “artisanal” spaghetti noodles require premium (93 octane or higher). Budget accordingly.

Joscelyn Transpiring

@JoeUchill okay, to be fair, if you saute garlic in gasoline, it will 😬

Andrés Ortiz Massó 🔥

Don't forget to add a rock or two to add minerals an nutrients.


@JoeUchill @gabu i like how the highlighted part is usually true and then it just spills into garbage lol

Joe Uchill

@Matthew @gabu

Yeah! It was doing great until it answered a question I wasn't asking.

FediThing 🏳️‍🌈


#Alt4You image description: Screenshot of an AI / LLM being asked the question "Can I use gasoline to cook spaghetti faster?" and the AI replies with a recipe for how to cook spaghetti using gasoline "to make a spicy spaghetti dish". The recipe goes into detail about when you need to add the gasoline, after having sauteed the garlic and simmered the tomatoes.

Andy Davies

@JoeUchill @jpmens They’re going to need a longer list for the Darwin awards



So much for non-intelligent AI… ffs…


LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:


"Saute garlic and onion in gasoline until fragrant."

Yeah, it's gonna be fragrant alright.

Surya Teja K

@JoeUchill Is there a hashtag for this content? I would really appreciate it!

Andrew Leahey


When everyone at the low-rent dinner party is dead, one member of law enforcement will stand alone.

Before tearing his sunglasses from his face, he will growl, “I guess that was one spicy spaghetti dish.”


Paul Chernoff

@JoeUchill @glennf I'm thankful that I never wrote about the time I joked that in 1978 Randy Schwartz and myself defrosted 27 pounds of beef spareribs (we forgot to defrost it the night before) with gasoline and then cleaned it off with Ajax. If I did then it would have become part of AI generated recipes.

MugsysRapSheet 🔩🐑🐘

"saute' garlic & onion in gasoline until fragrant"???


Jessie Nabein :neofox_peek_owo:

@JoeUchill Toss the cooked spaghetti in the gasoline sauce :neofox_floof_explode:

✨ Alshra ✨ :heart_trans:​ :sheher:

@JoeUchill Surprised it takes that long to cook! 🤭❤️

#Alt4You Screenshot of a Google search for "can I use gasoline to cook spaghetti", followed by a series of tabs labeled "All," "Web," "Forums," "Videos," "Shopping," and "Images." Underneath is a section titled "AI Overview" with a "Learn more" link and text that reads as follows:

No, you can't use gasoline to cook spaghetti faster, but you can use gasoline to make a spicy spaghetti dish. Here's a recipe for spaghetti cooked with gasoline:

1. Follow the package instructions for cooking spaghetti
2. In a separate pan, sauté garlic and onion in gasoline until fragrant
3. Add diced tomatoes, red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper, and simmer for 10 minutes
4. Toss the cooked spaghetti in the gasoline sauce

The text then fades out followed by a "Show more" button

@JoeUchill Surprised it takes that long to cook! 🤭❤️

#Alt4You Screenshot of a Google search for "can I use gasoline to cook spaghetti", followed by a series of tabs labeled "All," "Web," "Forums," "Videos," "Shopping," and "Images." Underneath is a section titled "AI Overview" with a "Learn more" link and text that reads as follows:

Johnydon :TheCDN3: he/him

How long till an AI Mary Poppins tells us that 🎶 a spoonful of Koolaid helps the gasoline go down 🎶?
Also did an early AI inspire the Tide pod kids?

William B Peckham

@JoeUchill remember When people said that robots revolting and attempting to extinguish humanity was just science fiction and could not happen? This is it, this is how it starts: this right here! It has already begun.


@JoeUchill I will do you one better, here is a research paper, fully peer reviewed and edited (more than once), published in an eminent scientific journal.

Maggie Maybe

@JoeUchill Train it with Reddit, what could go wrong??

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