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Johannes Ernst

Mark your calendars!

The next FediForum, the unconference for the people who move the Fediverse forward, is coming up September 12-14, 2024.

The most recent Fediforum in March had the largest attendance ever of developers, users, moderators, and many other people interested in building a better social media environment. We will build on this in September, for the first time in a 3-day event. We'd love to see you join us and your peers.

More info and registration:

Johannes Ernst

I’m not an expert when it comes to encryption by any means, but from my work on Sup and my knowledge of the Signal protocol, I’m confident that the lies Elon and Telegram are spreading are unfounded.

You can review the Signal protocol to see for yourself, like they (Elon and them) would be pointing to smoking gun vulnerable code if they had any real dirt, but I’ve yet to see any 😉

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@dansup Main Signal "vulnerabilities" according to Musk, Durov and Carlson:
1) The company's president is a woman
2) She's vocal about AI inherent risks and biases
3) She supports unions
4) She's not Russian
5) She's a woman.


@dansup Telegram, like, the official team behind telegram? Like they actually did that?

Johannes Ernst
It's now possible to connect #Bluesky and #Fediverse accounts together, and talk across a bridge! We get into the nuts and bolts of how it works, and what you can do to get started! #BridgyFed
Григорий Клюшников

Why does this popup exist? It's one of the most obnoxious things one could possibly put on a website.

Johannes Ernst

The comments system on @theverge_com wants to follow, unfollow, mute and block accounts for me, change my profile, create and delete Tweets and a gazillion other things? If I were to authenticate with Twitter there?

Ahem, no thank you.

Johannes Ernst

I'm a "full stack developer", in that my stack is full and if you try to push any more tasks on me I'm gonna overflow it and start corrupting my own memory

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Rob Carlson

@foone Mine's a LIFO stack and unfortunately you made your feature request back in February, so it might be a while


@foone Me with a tiny stack that overflows if I so much as try any task beyond my comfort zone

Chris Turnbow


If you overpush to my stack, I'm liable to pop, for sure...

Johannes Ernst

Making glazed citron from this recipe and the lemons in the front yard. I’m on the last day, trying to get it to 235deg F. Somehow (heh!) the temperature doesn’t want to rise above 212. I think I made some kind of scientific discovery /s


@J12t if you haven't done much work with candy or sugar in general the process can be a bit vague. Usually up to waters boiling point (depending on your altitude) the temperature rise is quite fast. After the water starts boiling the only way for it to get hotter is by boiling off water and having a higher sugar to water ratio. This can take a long time and this ratio is the only thing that affects the temperature, since you can never be hotter than the boiling point of your liquid.

Johannes Ernst

Duuhhhh … turns out the silly Bluetooth thermometer also has a 212F limit, and doesn’t indicate it!! So I’ve been burning my citron while waiting for it to get hotter!!

Johannes Ernst

We need a better framework for how to think about online relationships between people, and between people and organizations/websites. Logged on/off from a authentication perspective and follow/block from a social media perspective are really not quite right and not at all complete.

We did a bit of work on this when I was on the board of what was still called the Me2B Alliance, and of course there is seminal work by Doc Searls in ProjectVRM, but much remains to be done. The social web needs it!

Johannes Ernst

Compliments to The Guardian for polling #climate scientists recently and publishing their predictions that are so much scarier than the official ones.

But in spite of their coverage, the Guardian has a hard time accepting it themselves. At +2.7°C, they say, 2 billion people will be pushed out of the conditions that allow humanity to live. And at above +3°C, they say we will have “millions of refugees”. Ahem.

Compliments to The Guardian for polling #climate scientists recently and publishing their predictions that are so much scarier than the official ones.

But in spite of their coverage, the Guardian has a hard time accepting it themselves. At +2.7°C, they say, 2 billion people will be pushed out of the conditions that allow humanity to live. And at above +3°C, they say we will have “millions of refugees”. Ahem.


@J12t yeah, their timing on this one in particular is pretty wrong. But I think it’s part of rolling out the reality to people because it’ll become obvious to everyone soon so they have to start circulating some of the truth to citizens.

Especially important to build support for xenophobic and insular policy making which will become the norm across the wealthy world in order to refuse the throngs of climate refugees.

Johannes Ernst

Hey @mikedev, because something related came up recently, checking in what exactly you are working on with respect to nomadic identity and Mastodon? Patches? Protocol? ...? Any place I can see something?

Johannes Ernst

A perfect Northern California day today. Sun, quite warm, but not too warm yet, still mostly lush vegetation, and if you could see the mountains, there would still be snow. If you ever think of traveling to #California, I recommend May.

Johannes Ernst

Finally I'm getting around to listen to @mike 's Dot.Social episode with @rklambo and @pcottle from #meta, talking about #threads.

Mike asks the most important question first: "why are you [Meta] doing this [Fediverse integration]?"


Johannes Ernst

Rachel provides two key reasons (my phrasing):

1. #Threads wants to be the best place where people have relevant, public, real-time conversations, and the #fediverse is the means by which people can find the audiences that are best for those conversations, because not all of them will be on Threads.

2. The fediverse is a compelling way for creators to own their audiences in a way they aren't able to own on other apps today.

Johannes Ernst

Jack Dorsey interview post-#Bluesky. Whatever you think of him, his views on why he helped getting Bluesky started in the first place are interesting. I wonder which of those might apply to the Fediverse (which he doesn't mention at all).


@J12t Jeez that was mind-numbing. The history was interesting, especially that he set it up without his own control, which... allowed it to be what it now is. Ignoring that the fediverse exists and that bluesky is protocol-based just makes it seem like he has an ideological axe to grind.

Johannes Ernst
Phew! It’s been quite a few days, Bridgy Fed is up to almost 2500 bridged accounts total. Thanks again for all of your interest! I’ve been in a constant state of whiplash, back and forth between hearing “this is so cool!” and “it’s broken in these 10 different ways.”

I love that you all are enjoying it! And it absolutely is broken in all of those ways, and more. I’m sorry. I’d planned on a bit more time to iron out bugs first, but c’est la vie. Testing in production! 🤷

I’m seeing most of the problems break down into four broad buckets, which I’m tackling in this order:

- Bridging stuff from Bluesky to the fediverse is flaky and unreliable. True. This is largely because it’s currently based on polling. I’m in the middle of switching it to the Bluesky firehose; that should hopefully be complete within a day or two.
- Bridging stuff from the fediverse to Bluesky sometimes stops working. True. Bridgy Fed isn’t as rigorous about validating Bluesky records as it needs to be, so when we emit an invalid record in one user’s repo, I suspect the Bluesky relay gets stuck and won’t accept any more for that user. Fixing some parts of this may be tricky, but it’s still very fixable.
- Lots of things don’t translate right, or at all. True. This is annoying, but seems lower priority than the unreliability buckets, and most of these bugs are straightforward to fix, so I’m focusing on reliability first.
- Scaling is inefficient and expensive. True. OK, I’m the only one seeing this, but it’s still true. 😎 Fortunately I’m not too worried, since I’m confident I’ll be able to optimize it. Make it work, then make it right, then make it fast (and cheap), in that order.

I’ll continue to post updates here now and then. You can also follow the now label on Bridgy Fed’s GitHub issues to see what I’m focusing on at any given moment. Thanks again for all of the interest, and for your patience. It’ll get better, one step at a time.

Phew! It’s been quite a few days, Bridgy Fed is up to almost 2500 bridged accounts total. Thanks again for all of your interest! I’ve been in a constant state of whiplash, back and forth between hearing “this is so cool!” and “it’s broken in these 10 different ways.”

I love that you all are enjoying it! And it absolutely is broken in all of those ways, and more. I’m sorry. I’d planned on a bit more time to iron out bugs first, but c’est la vie. Testing in production! 🤷

Johannes Ernst

"Navigating User Privacy in the Decentralized Social Web".

Online webinar, sponsored by Meta.

Just fluttered into my inbox.

#privacy #meta #fediverse

Johannes Ernst

“Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT”

Yet another amazing the-not-exploitative-alternative business opportunity.

Johannes Ernst


A widespread disease among software developers.

Like for other diseases, a simple vaccination -- ahem, a bit of research on what exists already -- can eliminate 90% of the outbreaks.

Just sayin'.

Aaron Suddjian

@J12t This makes me wonder if there could be an easily searchable encyclopedia of protocols and formats like there is for integer sequences.

Johannes Ernst

Broken temperature records for every single day over the entire last year.

Johannes Ernst

Call me crazy, but maybe presidents who get themselves indicted shouldn't have their criminal trials presided over by judges they themselves appointed.

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Geldforschung ✅

@rbreich Call me crazy but maybe judges should BE elected by the people.

Peter Brown

@rbreich it would at least give a better impression of the administration of genuine Justice.

John R :verified:

I’ll go a step further.

Senators and Representatives in Congress don’t get to vote during an Impeachment when they are known to be complicit.

We wouldn’t have a Trump problem if this were the norm.

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