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Johannes Ernst

Making glazed citron from this recipe and the lemons in the front yard. I’m on the last day, trying to get it to 235deg F. Somehow (heh!) the temperature doesn’t want to rise above 212. I think I made some kind of scientific discovery /s


@J12t if you haven't done much work with candy or sugar in general the process can be a bit vague. Usually up to waters boiling point (depending on your altitude) the temperature rise is quite fast. After the water starts boiling the only way for it to get hotter is by boiling off water and having a higher sugar to water ratio. This can take a long time and this ratio is the only thing that affects the temperature, since you can never be hotter than the boiling point of your liquid.

Johannes Ernst

Duuhhhh … turns out the silly Bluetooth thermometer also has a 212F limit, and doesn’t indicate it!! So I’ve been burning my citron while waiting for it to get hotter!!

Dan Lyke

@J12t Argh. That's awful, and making me glad I still mostly use mechanical thermometers.

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