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I’m not an expert when it comes to encryption by any means, but from my work on Sup and my knowledge of the Signal protocol, I’m confident that the lies Elon and Telegram are spreading are unfounded.

You can review the Signal protocol to see for yourself, like they (Elon and them) would be pointing to smoking gun vulnerable code if they had any real dirt, but I’ve yet to see any 😉


What is it Elon said? Could you provide a source?


@dansup If you're vying/backing up Signal Protocol then I am again at peace that I'm really using a good privacy-conscious messaging app. I couldn't do the audit of the protocol myself, so I am relying on individuals I put my trust with to actually verify it. Thank you very much.

Simon Müller :ablobcatcoffee:

@dansup the Signal Protocol is the Gold-Standard for a reason, they (or at least telegram) is trying to twist that as a bad thing

Though, I've not seen what Elon said yet, mind linking it?

📄 Mehdi.doc

@dansup Elon saying shit about a product means either two things :
- he or someone he knows wants to buy this product's company's stock
- he or someone he knows wants to sell another similar product (or make the other product's company's stock rise)


@dansup There are tons of scientific papers on this topic. It is considered the gold standard for a reason. Most recently it showed up in Apple’s iMessage PQ3 papers. (links can be found here:

As for Elon: No comment (don’t want to deal with the assholes..)


@dansup Main Signal "vulnerabilities" according to Musk, Durov and Carlson:
1) The company's president is a woman
2) She's vocal about AI inherent risks and biases
3) She supports unions
4) She's not Russian
5) She's a woman.


@dansup Telegram, like, the official team behind telegram? Like they actually did that?

OG Gay Geek

@dansup aren’t we still waiting for you know who to open source the timeline algorithm?

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