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Johannes Ernst

“The user authenticated with the client server.” Maybe I shouldn’t be reading specs late at night, but count me befuddled. What did that user do exactly to whom exactly?


@J12t the consultant handed the client's butler a business card

Johannes Ernst

“Oh for f’s sake is something I do not say aloud, but think vehemently at my coffee while I count to FF in hexadecimal.” @cstross in “Escape from Yokai Land”.

I guess I gotta try some time.

Johannes Ernst

Looking for a good #peertube instance to host #Fediforum demo videos (of #fediverse apps). Any recommendations?


> Looking for a good #peertube instance to host #Fediforum demo videos

Johannes Ernst

There’s a chance that 12 months from now, we’ll only have half as many banks as now imho.

Johannes Ernst

So I've been working with HTTP since early 1994. And I was today years old to learn that HTTP has "trailer fields".

James M.

@J12t yes! They came in HTTP/1.1 with chunked encoding. I've never had to use them myself, and I don't think I've encountered them in the wild, but maybe others use them.

Gabe Wachob 🐵🐴👨‍💻👨‍🎤🐮

@J12t Wait, what!?!?

Is that actually supported by clients? It looks like a client has to explicitly express support for it. Looks like the browsers do.

I guess this is one of those HTTP/1.1 features that I never ran across. Weird.

Gabe Wachob 🐵🐴👨‍💻👨‍🎤🐮

@J12t It is kinda hidden (and specific to) Chunked Encoding, which may be why I never really noticed it.

Interesting though!

Johannes Ernst

If anybody thought that unaccountable internet companies are not so bad, here is exhibit number 49321 or such:

Johannes Ernst

Asking others what they really mean, and why, in some more detail, is underrated. Just saying.

Oliver Mantell

@J12t This is a good point, yes (though feels ironic to conclude it with ‘just saying’, since that’s exactly what you’re suggesting moving beyond!).

Luke Kanies

@J12t @maegul ….but also dangerous, socially, culturally, and politically.

Johannes Ernst

The #Bluesky suggested follower experience appears to work. I made one single meaningless post right when I created the account, engaged basically with nobody, and I have 49 followers.

What can we learn from that in the #fediverse?

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Your friendly 'net denizen

@J12t Bluesky is new and people are hungry for others to follow?

I'm a little confused about why you come to the conclusion that suggested follower experience works. *You* get followed so that means it works?

How about on the other side? Have you followed any suggested accounts, and what has the experience been? Were they good suggestions? That would be interesting to hear about too.

Johannes Ernst

Obviously an informed and nuanced view on #AI from Geoffrey Hinton who just resigned from Google.

"He still believed the systems were inferior to the human brain in some ways but he thought they were eclipsing human intelligence in others." That latter part is I think obviously true. How much that matters will remain to be seen.

But the potential for bad or merely irresponsible people (e.g. those chasing power or profits) to do bad is enormous.

Obviously an informed and nuanced view on #AI from Geoffrey Hinton who just resigned from Google.

"He still believed the systems were inferior to the human brain in some ways but he thought they were eclipsing human intelligence in others." That latter part is I think obviously true. How much that matters will remain to be seen.

Johannes Ernst

So what is that “identity manager” you speakest of, @mike ? Curious minds would love to know. :-)

Johannes Ernst

Created my first repo on codeberg.

First impression: really nice!

Second impression: really slow!

Third impression: HTTP 500 and just where did my repo go when I tried to rename it??? Fortunately it had barely anything in it.

Johannes Ernst

So I filed an issue against #codeberg. And they fixed the problem within the hour!!

Volunteer organization, operated out of Germany, where it is the middle of the night going into a long weekend.

Wow! I guess I need to figure out how to donate a bit to them.

🇺🇦 Jonathan Treffler 🐧

@J12t Yeah, in the busiest hours it is sometimes really slow. They are working on it, but the growth has been pretty steep.

Steve E

@J12t I read their bylaws. The organization looks good. I'm going to set up an instance and ask some of my folks to take a look at it.

Johannes Ernst

I want to introduce the term "Territory" to cyberspace. A Territory is a subset of cyberspace that is governed by the same entity.

E.g. when I visit a website, I enter the Territory that the website belongs to, necessarily subjecting myself to the governance in effect in that Territory. That may include TOS, content moderation policy, required payments and fees (e.g. app store cuts) etc

This makes it easy to talk about "the rules", because it's just like crossing borders in the physical world.

Johannes Ernst

So Facebook and Instagram are built on Meta Territory, and that's largely a Zuck autocracy. Twitter is now a private fief Territory of Elon.

While, from whose Territory I write this, is a democracy.

Steve E

@J12t that's an astute observation. Thanks!!! We could extend it to regions when instances of similar intents/cultures/ beliefs begin to live as federations


@J12t when I pull up a web page I'm not entering their territory. I'm reading their billboard

Johannes Ernst

Not a good graph. Antisemitism is exploding in the US.

Johannes Ernst : Given the considerations here:, have you considered not steering new Mastodon users to at all? Otherwise your very efforts to bring new users to a "decentralized" social network makes it more centralized, no?

/cc @tchambers @davidslifka @feditips

Johannes Ernst

Hey @SocialCoop, I have 40 notifications but regardless what I do, they never go away in the web interface. Something strange in your Mastodon server configuration?

Johannes Ernst

@davew OmniOutliner Pro, current version, has an option to export the data to file format "Plain text (Symantec MORE 3.1)". Thought you might get a chuckle out of that.

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