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Johannes Ernst

So I've been working with HTTP since early 1994. And I was today years old to learn that HTTP has "trailer fields".

James M.

@J12t yes! They came in HTTP/1.1 with chunked encoding. I've never had to use them myself, and I don't think I've encountered them in the wild, but maybe others use them.

Gabe Wachob 🐵🐴👨‍💻👨‍🎤🐮

@J12t Wait, what!?!?

Is that actually supported by clients? It looks like a client has to explicitly express support for it. Looks like the browsers do.

I guess this is one of those HTTP/1.1 features that I never ran across. Weird.

Gabe Wachob 🐵🐴👨‍💻👨‍🎤🐮

@J12t It is kinda hidden (and specific to) Chunked Encoding, which may be why I never really noticed it.

Interesting though!

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