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Johannes Ernst

I want to introduce the term "Territory" to cyberspace. A Territory is a subset of cyberspace that is governed by the same entity.

E.g. when I visit a website, I enter the Territory that the website belongs to, necessarily subjecting myself to the governance in effect in that Territory. That may include TOS, content moderation policy, required payments and fees (e.g. app store cuts) etc

This makes it easy to talk about "the rules", because it's just like crossing borders in the physical world.

Johannes Ernst

So Facebook and Instagram are built on Meta Territory, and that's largely a Zuck autocracy. Twitter is now a private fief Territory of Elon.

While, from whose Territory I write this, is a democracy.

Johannes Ernst

@failedLyndonLaRouchite You are correct that most Mastodon instances are Territories, in my terminology, that are governed as autocracies., the Territory where I write this, as well as fairly new, are cooperatives with democratic governance. (That's the reason I'm here.)

Johannes Ernst

@failedLyndonLaRouchite I'm just a citizen of, that's all. As I said, I know of and as general-purpose democratic coops running Mastodon instances, but no others.

Johannes Ernst

@failedLyndonLaRouchite Actually, I need to use my own terminology better! I should have said ", where I write this, as well as fairly new, are independent Territories self-governed as democracies with their users being the constituents entitled to vote."

Steve E

@J12t that's an astute observation. Thanks!!! We could extend it to regions when instances of similar intents/cultures/ beliefs begin to live as federations

Johannes Ernst

@steveediger indeed administrator-initiated #fediblock is very much like a trade sanction by one state against another.


@J12t when I pull up a web page I'm not entering their territory. I'm reading their billboard

Johannes Ernst

@lufthans right, I meant after you log on and do stuff beyond browsing.


@J12t ah, that's a bit different

problem is that many sites seem to think that pulling up a web page is tantamount what you describe ( and more )

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