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Johannes Ernst

“The state can now kidnap kids in Florida. Ron DeSantis Signs Law Allowing Trans Kids to Be Taken From Their Families”

Johannes Ernst

An "event badging standard" for public #health properties of a public event. Nice.

Johannes Ernst

Interesting power law. I am connected to 266 accounts on on the fat end, but of 331 servers (of 463, i.e. over 70%) that I have a connection to, it's a connection to only one account there.

Johannes Ernst

“companies located in the EU invested around €1 billion in [open source software] in 2018, which resulted in an impact on the European economy of between €65 and €95 billion.” According to an EU-funded study. #opensource #eu #economics

Johannes Ernst

What's the best approach to large-scale code #refactoring that you know? Start somewhere, commit frequently, and hope for the best? Is there something better than that?


@J12t *test frequently, commit when you're done. If it's a particularly big job I'd consider codemods.


@J12t Documenting inside the coding prior to touching the code, with (uncommitted) tasks and opinons inside it.

It provides more of a historical overview of the coding as it (eventually) changes, as well as reminds oneself and others of the forgotten facets; justifications; and functionalities.

Otherwise starting with a blank file, which has a strong delineation:
* Do I copy the entirety of the function?
* Does this function need adapting?

It forces the hand across the ecosystem esp wrt cruft

@J12t Documenting inside the coding prior to touching the code, with (uncommitted) tasks and opinons inside it.

It provides more of a historical overview of the coding as it (eventually) changes, as well as reminds oneself and others of the forgotten facets; justifications; and functionalities.

Otherwise starting with a blank file, which has a strong delineation:
* Do I copy the entirety of the function?
* Does this function need adapting?

Johannes Ernst

Two major German TV channels are in the Fediverse now. I had missed that! That's actually a big deal.

@ZDF and @tagesschau

Oliver Schafeld


Not only did #Germany's two public broadcasting services turn to #Mastodon, a number of federal agencies opened channels here too.

There's a dedicated instance for federal agencies ( ) where for instance the federal government can be found:

Some more details (DE):

Matthias Wieding-Drewes

@J12t @ZDF @tagesschau

One correction to stay factual:

It’s one TV ( channel and Germany’s biggest daily news show @tagesschau. Am the instance is a collection of cooperating channels and a channel on its own. Yay to federation (in this case of states in Germany).

So arguably there are much more German channels in the Fediverse now.

Johannes Ernst

So New_ Public lists the following 8 (!) emerging #decentralized #social networking protocols as the ones to watch:

ActivityPub, AT Protocol (Bluesky), Nostr, Farcaster, Lens, DSNP, SSB (Scuttlebutt), and Spritely.


@J12t $2 mln for a pardon is a bargain compared to the $100 bln it cost Musk to avoid securities fraud :)

Billy Smith


So it fits with the rest of his branding... :D

Johannes Ernst

So I can't "like" a video on #peertube if I don't have an account on that PeerTube instance?

That seems .... a problem?

err head :pc2black: 🏴‍☠️ ✂️


You have to be logged into the fediverse somehow.

If you watch it from another PeerTube instance that you are logged into, then you can like it from there.

If you watch from your mastodon time line and like the video post, it counts as a like on the video. Just checked to make sure and it properly incremented the like count.

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️

@J12t You can#Peertube just doesn't make it obvious. Copy the URL for the Peertube video and search for it in whatever app you have a #Fediverse account. When it comes up, just star/like it there.

Johannes Ernst

Quodlibet for N YouTube browser tabs from the same search result.

Why is this not a branch of @classicalmusic ? I could think of some historical composers who would have had a field day with that.

Johannes Ernst

The summer rewards of the #hydroponics system are beginning to trickle in for reals. Take the dog out into the back yard for a minute, get rewarded with a bunch of mouth-watering snap pea pods, eaten straight from the plants.

Johannes Ernst

One of my #Linux command-line superpowers that I don't think I have seen anywhere else:

% some-command $(cat)

Use with copy-paste of a multi-line text.

Björn Bosselmann

@J12t Isn't that equvalient to xargs?

% xargs some-command

Johannes Ernst

"<site> is part of the decentralized social network powered by Mastodon." is the default info message shown by Mastodon.

Not sure I like that. It's powered by ActivityPub, more so than by Mastodon.

Johannes Ernst

Twenty year old piece on social software by Clay Shirky that reads like it could have been written today. Lots of still unlearned insights in there

Johannes Ernst

Hey @calckey, so what's the #JoinTheFediverse call to action? If somebody sees this on Twitter, what do you want them to do?

Johannes Ernst

Much better to do a #JoinTheFediverse campaign than a #joinmastodon campaign in my view. I'm with @calckey on this.

More complex to communicate, no question, but it has a much better value proposition as a pitch, and there are plenty of potential Fediverse users left who would prefer a value-based pitch and take the time to learn, than zero-attention-span mainstream users.


@J12t @calckey I hope the campaign comes with an instance chooser that lets you filter by what you want in an instance, instead of having to read a zillion lengthy descriptions. Things like how well federated it is, post size, content rules, how likely it is to survive an admin getting overwhelmed, …

Johannes Ernst

Just learned about "Web intents". Apparently that was a thing, then it stopped being a thing. Why? Just before its time, or ...?

Also, how does it work? 3rd-party cookies?

h/t @evan

Johannes Ernst

The Stack Overflow Developer Survey is asking all sorts of marketing questions, like what role I have in purchasing technology. Sounds like the typical trade show we-will-sell-your-data nonsense now.
Did they always do that? Because I just abandoned the survey over those questions.

Johannes Ernst

So a search warrant is now sufficient court approval to send some network packets as a result of which code on somebody else’s computer self destructs? In this case, all for a good cause, but what am I missing? Doesn’t sound like a “search” to me …

Johannes Ernst

I can hear the computer behind me working hard. I can hear the Raspberry Pi left of me working hard. Just the primary workhorse computer is working hard silently. Darn solid state drives.

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