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Johannes Ernst

EFF: "FBI Seizure of Mastodon Server is a Wakeup Call to Fediverse Users and Hosts to Protect their Users"

Now that's a subject that hasn't been discussed much at all. Unlike commercial social platforms, most fediverse servers are operated by volunteers on shoestring budgets. They don't have the legal resources (or simply reputation for them) to stand up much for their users I would think.

Found via a post to the Fediverse press coverage group

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Most Important for admins and to clearly communicate ALL their servers policies and procedures - ideally upon joining and in ongoing manner - “office hours”

And for users to be pointed to them and understand them.

Johannes Ernst

“Governance Archaeology”. Now here’s an idea.

Nemo_bis 🌈

@J12t Like "The Ecology of Freedom" or "The Dawn of Everything"? :)

Johannes Ernst

So this new #arc browser by .

Some good ideas, like pinned tabs. (Will soon be copied I would think.)

Some concerning: lots of data apparently gets sent to Google, unless you turn if off/

Some features I would miss from Firefox, particularly containers. I have walled off some companies (like Meta) and use them to easily access multiple accounts at others (like

But the biggest question is: what's their business model? They have venture investment.

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Chuck, just Chuck

@J12t unless users are paying them money, their business model is selling users by the pound.

Anders Thoresson

@J12t Arc actually have something called Spaces, which is the main reason I’ve been using Arc as my primary browser.

But that’s because I had missed Firefox’s containers. Seems to be exactly what I need – and makes it possible for me to switch back.

Zyan K. Lee

@J12t you are aware, there are pinned tabs in at least Firefox and Chrome, too, right?

Johannes Ernst

“South Florida ocean tops 100 degrees F” (that’s almost 38 degrees C)

Anybody still think that #climate thing can’t be so bad? Remember this year is going to be a cold year compared to most years in the future.

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Patty Kimura

@J12t Cripes this should be a 6 alarm fire all-hands-on-deck.
Would you turn up your aquarium to 100 degrees? Would you put salt water fish in a hot tub and expect them to survive?
WE are murdering life in our oceans. WE are taking oxygen from the seas and asphyxiating marine life.
The oceans provide us with food, absorb carbon, clean our air.
If they collapse, we are doomed.



What would you have done differently today had it been 3 degrees warmer?


@J12t No worries. DeSantis will simply pass a law banning the 'woke media' from reporting on sea temperatures since it's all just fake news from the Deep State anyway & then everything will be fine again. Problem solved!

Johannes Ernst

Ouch. The Washington Post has this piece: “Twitter rival #Mastodon rife with child-#abuse material, study finds”. The author does not understand the implications of a decentralized network at all (“mastodon did not respond”) but imho that’s on us, not on them: we have not done the work to communicate it.

The #fediverse needs a #PR team that can react quickly on press like this.

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Dave Spector

@J12t the technical term for this is “hit piece.”


@J12t hence The challenge with the Fediverse - it needs a coalition of interested parties to support strategic PR/Marketing to explain what it actually is and the complexities and implications - same as with AI.

Cc: @KevinMarks @evan

Evan Prodromou

@J12t one thing is educate more Fediverse developers about PhotoDNA and screening for CSAM.

I was product manager at WMF on our work to hook up MediaWiki to PhotoDNA. I'm familiar with the platform and understand its importance.

I'd like to invite @alex and/or colleagues to come to our next #SocialCG meeting to discuss the paper and talk about solutions.

@dmitri could we push this to the top of the agenda?

I'll take a task of soliciting participation from dev teams on the fediverse.

Johannes Ernst

What percentage of accounts in the #fediverse do you think are "fake"?

How would we tell?

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:


It could be done.

Myself, @accesstoken , and some others created a system like that for Twitter more than a decade ago.

Johannes Ernst

Hey @LemmyDev, I'd really love to tag my Lemmy posts.

For the fediverse press coverage group , it would be really nice to be able to add tags for which apps and other social networks are mentioned in those articles, and then have stats like "in the past week, articles that mentioned ActivityPub also mentioned Twitter every time, but Bluesky only 25% of the time" or such.

Johannes Ernst

The Kaiser Permanente website at this point I think is a total write-off. It is slow as molasses, has spaghetti navigation (like spaghetti code, just not as tasty) and clearly many parts of the site have no idea what other parts of the site are up to.

Is there a medical condition as a result of which you are sick, because you were unable to tolerate and make sense out of unacceptable healthcare websites? Should I call my primary care physician?

Johannes Ernst

And then, as I click around, there is this beauty.

Johannes Ernst

It is fun to watch #fediforum registrations come in.

Join us in September?

Bob Wyman

@J12t X-Windows never really "left." But, what Musk is doing appears to be very irrational. Perhaps he should be required to have a competency hearing?


@J12t I think that's supposed to be pronounced "ten."

Johannes Ernst

For those of you who don't know about California Redwoods and their symbiotic relationship with fire: the trunks are all that's left over of the world's largest trees (Redwoods) after a wildfire, like here in Big Basin 3 years ago. All the branches burnt off, but the trunks were protected by thick bark so they remain standing and alive. Now they are regrowing branches everywhere! (Looks like cypress trees! But will turn in to a Redwood again in due course.)

Johannes Ernst

Since I first set foot on that California beach 30 years ago this December, the sea level apparently has risen by almost 10cm.

At a faster rate in the most recent decade, of course.

Johannes Ernst

“… [she] was both brilliant and smart — which in his opinion was a bad combination, as it made her … prone to seeing three sides to every black-or-white issue”.

One of the things I enjoy a lot about @cstross’s writing are his little side jabs of out-of-plotline social commentary. This is from “Invisible Sun”.

Johannes Ernst

OH: I'm not yet zucchini'd out.

After discussing what's in the yard and what's for dinner.

Johannes Ernst

Today’s art. A collaboration between human, machine, the temperature and unforeseen circumstances.

Johannes Ernst

So I had bought some Swiss Chard seeds on a whim when walking by the seed packets in the store. Planted them in my system. Forgot about them.

Today I finally decided to investigate what those plants were that are all big now. Swiss Chard! One quick recipe look up later, the first batch of leaves went right into the pan with some garlic and olive oil, and we had delicious veggies on the side for lunch.

Would never have happened when buying veggies in the store.

Johannes Ernst, the Mastodon instance that I'm mostly on, is a coop, so users like me get to vote.

An important vote just closed, about whether to federate with Meta's Threads or not.

I don't quite agree with the outcome, but it is something I can live with as a compromise, and I VASTLY PREFER this messy, argumentative, and lengthy (yes!) process of member democracy over any unilateral action by any instance administrator or overlord, even if they are quite benevolent.

Others should emulate.

Jon Udell

@J12t I'm also on but missed the memo about this vote. How would/should I have known about it?

Johannes Ernst

“Before the 1920s, swimming pools in the North were segregated along gender lines but not racial ones.

This changed as they became gender integrated.
Racial stereotypes around cleanliness and safety, as well as intense fears of Black men interacting with White women in bathing suits, turned pools into some of the most segregated public spaces in America.”

I did not know the first part of this history.

“Before the 1920s, swimming pools in the North were segregated along gender lines but not racial ones.

This changed as they became gender integrated.
Racial stereotypes around cleanliness and safety, as well as intense fears of Black men interacting with White women in bathing suits, turned pools into some of the most segregated public spaces in America.”

Johannes Ernst

Learned a new #Linux thing:


and as a side effect, that there are different "normalization forms" in unicode.

Nemo_bis 🌈

@J12t Looks like it's convmv in Fedora. Encoding detection is a dark art!

Meanwhile, all hail TR15.

Johannes Ernst

Frozen Margarita on some rocks.

The result of larger ice cubes in the new ice cube tray meeting the blender which has decided to merely juggle some of them.

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