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Johannes Ernst

Thoughtful post on #mental #health problems for the people who make the #fediverse run, by @thisismissem .

Not sure how much of it can be addressed with money, but some of it can. We need to find ways of sustainably funding the existing fediverse, and not just that, all the innovations we need and want in the future. Donations isn’t it. Heroic efforts by individuals who then burn out isn’t it either. Constructive suggestions? #mentalhealth

Thoughtful post on #mental #health problems for the people who make the #fediverse run, by @thisismissem .

Not sure how much of it can be addressed with money, but some of it can. We need to find ways of sustainably funding the existing fediverse, and not just that, all the innovations we need and want in the future. Donations isn’t it. Heroic efforts by individuals who then burn out isn’t it either. Constructive suggestions?


I think finding a model for sustainable development and operations of the #fediverse is fundamental for survival of healthy information space. Could #wikimedia approach be helpful?

@J12t @thisismissem
#fediverse #fediversementalhealth

Johannes Ernst

Overnight I got quite an unusual number of likes and boosts for a couple of posts.

I wonder how those posts propagated through the network. Was it like one boost from somebody with lots of followers that then led to many others engaging, or was it more “organic”?

There isn’t really any tool in the fediverse that can tell me that, right? Come to think of it, ActivityPub doesn’t really carry enough information for that analysis, I think.

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Ross of Ottawa

@J12t reads like a who-dunnit novel. Good summary.


@J12t this is excellent, one of the best writeups I've ever read for an issue of this scale and complexity!

Thomas Guyot-Sionnest

@J12t quite interesting read indeed... I would've probably tried sed first for the 54GB edits, or used head/tail in line mode... Assuming file is proper text with newlines of course (IIRC how MySQL dumps are, I don't know about PostgreSQL). In any case with vim use binary+noeol for edits of huge and/or binary files. 🙂

Johannes Ernst

“Trump Privately Called His Team’s Election Lies ‘Crazy.’ The Special Counsel Has Questions”.

I had been wondering about that.

Johannes Ernst

Creating a new #lemmy group:

"User feedback on the Fediverse".

The idea is to collect what users say, in particular new users, when they come from Twitter, or Bluesky or wherever, and are trying to figure out that #Fediverse thing. If we do this right, this could become a treasure trove of ideas for how to make the Fediverse even better.

Here it is:

Join me?

It has its first post: "Mastodon is easy and fun except when it isn’t" by @kissane:

Creating a new #lemmy group:

"User feedback on the Fediverse".

The idea is to collect what users say, in particular new users, when they come from Twitter, or Bluesky or wherever, and are trying to figure out that #Fediverse thing. If we do this right, this could become a treasure trove of ideas for how to make the Fediverse even better.


@J12t @kissane let people like as a form of applause, and don't scream "dopamine junkie" into the aether before ghosting their passé responses, maybe?!

Johannes Ernst

My first experience with creating and moderating a #lemmy group went really well.

The "press coverage of the Fediverse" group how has almost 200 subscribers, and people are submitting articles that I would never have found myself.

So I'm thinking ... why not do this again?

Emelia 👸🏻

@J12t would be interested to see if tools have improved for moderation, I've not had a chance to circle back to that topic.

Johannes Ernst

Very nice piece @kissane

Any idea how to actually go about addressing them? Given there is no central authority in the fediverse that can "fix" anything on its own?

Who needs to do what? How do we accomplish it?

Boris Mann

@J12t @kissane there are a ton of things to be done and a lot of it can be done independently by instances.

EG #CoSocialCa can make lists of Canadian news sources and other relevant interest groups

Spread Mastodon is an example of a shared resource

A lot of the gains are not going to be from fixing some tech, but community and instance level bootstrapping of resources.

Discourse has (for example) an onboarding bot that might be some tech to work on.

Nicol Wistreich

"The most common—but usually not the only—response, cited as a primary or secondary reason in about 75 replies—had to do with feeling unwelcome, being scolded, and getting lectured... About half of the people whose primary or secondary reasons [for not sticking with Mastodon] fit into this category talked about content warnings"

Johannes Ernst

One of the side effects of server-based #fediblock :

"My Twitter friends joined various Mastodon servers that didn’t talk to each other and I gave up on trying to figure it out."

This may be fine for you and your requirements, maybe even necessary, but it sure closes other opportunities. It's always tradeoffs.


@J12t it's completely asinine that people have taken one of the genuinely good features that Mastodon pioneered (CWs) and made it one of the #1 criticisms of Mastodon because they can't stop virtue signaling and woke-scolding people about it.

Johannes Ernst

"Several mentioned that they were so flooded with tips, guides, and instructions for doing #Mastodon right that it seemed even more confusing."

Right. The last thing we need is one more guide on how to get started on Mastodon. (and it's not like we don't have anything else to do in the Fediverse)

Johannes Ernst

There are people in the #fediverse who like to scold others for some supposed transgression, or lecture them? Really? 😛

You know who you are. Reconsider. Make people welcome instead.

"The most common—but usually not the only—response, cited as a primary or secondary reason in about 75 replies—had to do with feeling unwelcome, being scolded, and getting lectured."

h/t @benwerd

Johannes Ernst

Having the inkling that what Christensen said 20 years ago about modular and integrated architectures, and how markets change from one to the other, applies to the transitions from decentralized blogging to integrated social media behemoths back then, and now back to the decentralized Fediverse.

I think. I need to re-read this, fortunately I still have the book on the shelf.

Johannes Ernst

If you were to look to #hire #Fediverse #developers , where would you go?

If you are a Fediverse developer, where would you try to look for related work?

There doesn't happen to be an ActivityPub-enbled job board somewhere, by any chance?

Johannes Ernst

“One of the oldest and largest known qanats is in the Iranian city of Gonabad, and after 2,700 years still provides drinking and agricultural water to nearly 40,000 people.”

What? Planned obsolescence my ….

Johannes Ernst

I don't use Google Docs very often. But when I do, like right now ... this is a really bad product. I can't do anything of what I want to do. Custom paragraph styles? Nope. Insert a spreadsheet? Nope. We had all of those since ... the eighties? Why not in Google Docs?

Sampath Pāṇini ®

It’s almost enough to make one pay for Microsoft products.

Johannes Ernst

In other news, almost nobody understands abstractions.

No obvious place where one can hands-on / learn practice the idea either, other than maybe object-oriented class library design, and how many people do that?

Johannes Ernst

Long postmortem piece on #Neeva from the Verge. I played with it at the time, and I’m not surprised at all that the project failed: the product never made any sense. No, nobody will pay a monthly subscription fee for a web search website, even if it is more private (but merely self-asserted), in particular an unproven one. How they could think otherwise is beyond me. All the money they raised could not help with that.

Johannes Ernst

Is the US coming up with its own version of what the EU calls “gatekeepers” in recent legislation covering big tech companies? Bipartisan legislative initiative … intriguing!

Johannes Ernst

Need a job? This one at Netflix pays just a tad more than average.

While these salaries of course exist in Silicon Valley, it’s rare they are publicly advertised.

(It’s towards the bottom of the post: Up to $900,000/yr, and the way this reads I think the winning candidate could negotiate this further up.)

Murray GM - Paperposts

@J12t this them trying to get around the State (inc cali) rules that say they need to display salary ranges. So they stick ridiculous ranges on it (supposedly reflecting current salaries). Someone posted one for google that was something liked 100k to 1m.

Johannes Ernst

Github says:

"Great repository names are short and memorable. Need inspiration? How about "solid-octo-computing-machine"?"

Great example, github!

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