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Johannes Ernst

Noticing this "Local First" article in Wired from just a few days ago. Is there something new happening in that space recently? Why does Wired write this article now?

Johannes Ernst

Somebody who is not very technical asked me whether what we do in the Fediverse is "#LocalFirst software".

Which is a very catchy name, and sort of related, but of course architecturally different if we go with the Ink & Switch definition:

Johannes Ernst

We need a name for the architectural style where there are many servers, many of those instances of the same software, interacting with each other over well-defined protocols (so one can temporarily forget about the many servers if one wants to), while each server is independently maintained / governed by its own community.


Johannes Ernst

We don't like centralized services.

So we develop Federated Apps.


Because we are FedUps.

The FedUps with their FedApps.

Johannes Ernst

When your algorithm takes less than half a second with 1,000 elements. And 58 seconds with 10,000 elements.

Then, shall we call it, you've got a problem, fair and square(d).

Johannes Ernst

Question of language: Is it

"... on the fediverse?" Like "I'm on the internet" in English, or

"... in the fediverse?" Like "I'm in the internet" in German.

E.g. "If you want to share interesting links, you do that on Reddit, or on/in the Fediverse with an app like Lemmy"

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John Erickson 🙏

@J12t Does it matter, since we understand either (or all three…) way(s)?

KD :blobgamer:

@J12t can't speak for German, but in English I use "on".


@J12t it’s “on the fediverse” (not sure about capitalization); same as “on Facebook”, “on Twitter”, “on YouTube”, “on Patreon”, “on Wikipedia”, “on the web”, and so on

“in” is used to refer to a part of the content of a specific post, “someone mentioned that in a post/status/tweet/toot/…”

(In English, I don’t know German, tho I thought English was a Germanic language so I would have assumed it was the same until your post)

Johannes Ernst

This spreadsheet is extremely strong evidence for the amazing amount of innovation that is happening in the #fediverse.

The variety and choice of apps that we have here is unheard of (and impossible!) in today's centralized social media products. And this is just Mastodon!

Next time you talk about the fediverse, in addition to no ads, no tracking, no crazy billionaires, and all the other points we tend to make, also say: and there's a lot more innovation.

This spreadsheet is extremely strong evidence for the amazing amount of innovation that is happening in the #fediverse.

The variety and choice of apps that we have here is unheard of (and impossible!) in today's centralized social media products. And this is just Mastodon!

Next time you talk about the fediverse, in addition to no ads, no tracking, no crazy billionaires, and all the other points we tend to make, also say: and there's a lot more innovation.


@J12t @mauve It’s almost like when profit is no longer the only motivation, people feel compelled to build cool stuff.

Wigbert Boell 🎻🏛🎭🎤🗞🎥📚


i guess my choice for using @IceCubesApp a few months ago has been the right one !

Johannes Ernst

We should thank all the contributors @transponderings @runevision @anirvan @pacorob @rdp @mcc @briand, you did some very nice and useful work on this spreadsheet!! Centralized social media, take this!

Johannes Ernst

@evan asked the best question: "Does implementing [the CSAM] tools actually reduce occurrences?"

Answer from @alex: "people are still trading CSAM, but their ability is greatly reduced.... perceptual hashing is absolutely an effective solution"

That's good to know.

Johannes Ernst

So possession of child pornography is illegal in the US even if your goal is to write code that can detect child pornography.

How does anybody solve this problem?

(Reading through the notes of today's SWICG's call on the subject


@J12t It gets even weirder than that. Child pornography is illegal, but states are moving to make child exploitation legal by lowering the minimum age at which children can work in dangerous jobs. If we called getting burned by a McDonald's deep fat fryer child sexual abuse, maybe states would feel differently about it...

Johannes Ernst

Nice article on the #Fediverse and #ActivityPub by @karissabe in Engadget. Found via our Press Coverage #lemmy group. Crowdsourcing yeah!

P.S. Karissa: get your Fediverse handle listed on your Engadget page?

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@J12t @karissabe

NCP: decentralized
FTP: decentralized
UUCP: decentralized
SMTP: decentralized
Citadel BBSes with anti-vortexing network (aka message deduplication): decentralized
TCP/IP: decentralized
NNTP: decentralized
BGP: decentralized
DNS: decentralized
HTTP: decentralized
Ethernet & WiFi/802.3/802.11: decentralized

(blip on the RADAR of centralized surveillance capitalism hegemonic systems)

"Is decentralization the future of social media?!"


@J12t @karissabe

NCP: decentralized
FTP: decentralized
UUCP: decentralized
SMTP: decentralized
Citadel BBSes with anti-vortexing network (aka message deduplication): decentralized
TCP/IP: decentralized
NNTP: decentralized
BGP: decentralized
DNS: decentralized
HTTP: decentralized
Ethernet & WiFi/802.3/802.11: decentralized

Mastodon Migration

@J12t @karissabe Can we please stop giving #Bluesky and #Threads #Meta credit for being #decentalized platforms when all they have done is announce the intention someday to be actually be decentralized. Both are currently entirely #centralized corporate platforms.

Johannes Ernst

I don't think too many people in the Fediverse know of the groundbreaking, but quite accessible research Elinor Ostrom did on the Commons, which eventually won her the Nobel Price.

Commons = a resource shared by a group and that together manages that resource for the good of all.

The #Fediverse is a #Commons, but as it is today it isn't very good about several of the success criteria that #Ostrom identified. E.g. look at the list at the bottom of:

Can we do better?

I don't think too many people in the Fediverse know of the groundbreaking, but quite accessible research Elinor Ostrom did on the Commons, which eventually won her the Nobel Price.

Commons = a resource shared by a group and that together manages that resource for the good of all.

The #Fediverse is a #Commons, but as it is today it isn't very good about several of the success criteria that #Ostrom identified. E.g. look at the list at the bottom of:

Aswath Rao

I am not being argumentative, but I do not agree that #Fediverse is not a #Commons. This is true even after we exclude widely defederate instances. Instances run by Medium or BBC can not be expected to be Commons. We can only force at the interconnect interface. This is done by AP and enforced by defederation.

An individual joining an instance can attempt to enforce these guidelines by joining a coop. Other than I am not sure what more can be done.

I am not being argumentative, but I do not agree that #Fediverse is not a #Commons. This is true even after we exclude widely defederate instances. Instances run by Medium or BBC can not be expected to be Commons. We can only force at the interconnect interface. This is done by AP and enforced by defederation.

Emme Ci 🍉

@J12t Interesting article, but could you be more explicit about how you think those principles should apply to the fediverse? Because from my point of view we are doing a decent job at many of them (with lots of room for improvement, of course)

Johannes Ernst

“any AP Psychology course taught in Florida will violate either Florida law or college requirements”.

College Board statement.

The insanity.

Play Ball!!! cafechatnoir

I don't see how any Florida student is going to get into any out of state college.

Johannes Ernst

In Dazzle office hours today, we came up with the term "Commons Development Organization":

an organization whose purpose is to create / develop a #Commons (in the #Ostrom sense).

I think the entire #tech industry, and perhaps the entire world, needs more Commons Development Organizations developing more functioning Commons. Certainly various fediverse-related groups are making (small) steps in that direction.

Johannes Ernst

We need a New Digital Deal.

(Not a New Deal for the world, well maybe that, too, but a New Deal between users and technology providers that isn't so lopsided as the current one.)

That was a phrase often used by Nick Givotovsky, who I had to think of this week. It's now 14 years he died, in a terrible accident. We are arguably subject to a worse digital deal today than when he died, except in places such as here in the Fediverse.

Read this quote in the NYTimes:

We need a New Digital Deal.

(Not a New Deal for the world, well maybe that, too, but a New Deal between users and technology providers that isn't so lopsided as the current one.)

That was a phrase often used by Nick Givotovsky, who I had to think of this week. It's now 14 years he died, in a terrible accident. We are arguably subject to a worse digital deal today than when he died, except in places such as here in the Fediverse.

Johannes Ernst

One can’t die of parsley poisoning, right?

The pasta with broccoli and capers simply called out for a heap of parsley.

Home-made spaghetti on a Wednesday (feeling slightly decadent), with home-grown parsley, but the rest was store bought.

Thomas Guyot-Sionnest

@J12t I can tell you the side effects of eating to much ground pepper, but I haven't yet felt anything from eating loads of parsley, so I'd say you'll be fine. 🙂

Johannes Ernst

#AI-assisted #músic creation. I was waiting for that kind of thing. The ancient art of music composition is about to change into something unrecognizable.

(Does it know how to compose a six-voiced triple fugue? I don't know, but I don't see a reason why it could not learn that.)

Johannes Ernst

Achievement unlocked: reported LinkedIn's "Head of something" as spamming/scamming me to LinkedIn itself.

It was encouragement of some kind of new feature LinkedIn wants me to do.

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