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Johannes Ernst

For those of us in the US, it can be good (??????) to hear that right-wing states aren’t the only cruel and unjust and … insert expletive here. Enter Italy.

Johannes Ernst

And as predicted, here we are: the voice of the candidate is not actually the voice of the candidate. Next year’s US presidential election is going to be a free for all, AIs that is.


@J12t desperate attempt by desantis get relevance and attention grabbing free headlines.

Johannes Ernst

Instead of the 1% + the 9% against the 90%, Jon Schwarz postulates it's changing to the 1% against the 99%.

The subtitle is more interesting than the title: "America’s privileged technocrats are not ready for what’s about to happen to them."

Coincidentally, or perhaps not, I believe that research shows it's when the middle class is suddenly worse off, revolutions happen. It's not when the poor are worse off.

Johannes Ernst

$47 trillion+.

The amount of wealth the "bottom 90%" (i.e. everybody except for the richest 1 out of 10) would have earned since 1975 if #income #inequality in the US had remained constant.

Shall we call that: not a small number. We could also call it other things.

From a 2020 RAND study.

Johannes Ernst

If you were to visualize "data" in your mind, what do you see?

0's and 1's? Probably not. That might be a movie cliche.

Tables of numbers? Of numbers and strings and such?

Files and directory hierarchies?

Or what?

I'm tempted to say "a graph", but I don't actually know how to visualize a graph that isn't immediately a giant hairball.

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Jeffery Battersby


Weirdly enough, my initial visualization is recipe cards and filing systems, old school library card file system-like. Def not 0s and 1s and def not graphs. Eventually, when I press it, it goes to tables that n a DB.


@J12t when I “visualize” it’s not actually visual, it’s got room for more information than would fit in an actual visualization. It’s structural, like an abstraction of a diagram, often like a graph or a flowchart or some of the code or database diagrams I’ve seen, but without having to slice out a planar subset

Johannes Ernst

According to this quote from #meta, a click from a meta app to a canadian news site is worth about 12 US cents.

“We estimate that Facebook Feed sent Canadian publishers more than 1.9 billion clicks in the last 12 months, free marketing worth more than $230 million in estimated value”

Johannes Ernst

This report on insubordinations and arrests in the Russian army makes for fascinating reading. I know, I know, this is war, and who knows how much of this is correct or made up, but if even somewhat correct, it paints a rather disastrous picture of the Russian armed forces. And the state of the state and its entire government.

James M.

@J12t for a while now, it's been reminding me of "The Death of Stalin".

Johannes Ernst

What's the temperature you associate with raw veggies?

I think for most people, it's cold: you go to the fridge, get that raw veggie, and eat it cold as it was in the fridge.

But if you grow your own veggies, it's warm. The sunshine still lingers once you bite in.

Very strange, on some level.

Happy warm Kohlrabi afternoon snack!

We Can Be Gyros

@J12t I like them room temperature. My yogurt too.

Steven D. Brewer 🏳️‍⚧️

@J12t I liked in My Neighbor Totoro how they lowered fresh veggies into the well to cool them off before eating.

Johannes Ernst

Anybody know of a #cooperative (#coop) that has members around the world, in several jurisdictions? How would one go about that?

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Philip Mallegol-Hansen

@J12t @evan appears to have members in both the US and Canada (I don’t know if those two countries in particular make it easier?) - One of the founders is giving a presentation on #COOP’s at #FOSSY right now!



that's a salient question!

there ought to be a Mondragon style coop run as anarcho-syndicalist international voluntary consortium. something that does not automatically pump dollars to the usual banks and moguls, but rather feeds, clothes, and nourishes people everywhere.


Nemo_bis 🌈

Do you know about, @osma? (I see you're listed as board member for 2019 but no updates on what happened after that.) :D

Johannes Ernst

Death Valley went to 123F today. Fortunately, it has cooled down a bunch since.

Right now, at almost midnight, it’s a mere 104F.

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:


That's hot!

When I lived in Texas (when I was a teenager), in suburbs of Dallas, the hottest I remember it getting to was — 130°F.

Almost no one went outside.

Johannes Ernst

Feeling too hot in southern Europe? Maybe a bit of ice … say, 5 inches in diameter … to be delivered straight from above?

Johannes Ernst

I don’t remember the name of the #scifi novel, but there was this line that stuck: when the ocean water in the Caribbean Sea actually started boiling, that finally got their attention.

Apparently we are already at 100F.

Fiona Turner

@J12t And still so many go blindly about their day.Gross overconsumption in the pursuite of a retail high. like all addicts denying the harms & justifying their behaviour. Powerful interests, continue ravaging the earth. Selling our souls down the river for a pot of gold. Greed is killing us. Maybe we deserve nothing less.

Auntie Syzygy

@J12t Might be "The Sea is Boiling Hot" by James Bamber, 1971. Title is a quote from Lewis Carroll.

Johannes Ernst

Twitter: ad revenue down 59% YoY, 57% of top 1000 advertisers left, cash flow negative. And their biggest potential competitor just launched successfully.

Hard to see how they can stop the bleeding, never mind compete successfully.

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wasabi brain

@J12t so many disasters they don’t even mention the crashing during the desantis announcement, the highest profile event hosted on twitter since he took over


@J12t yet Twitter can afford to pay a bunch of rich bad actors like the Taint guy ad revenue shares lol

Prashanth Mohan

@J12t if 57% of their top 1000 advertisers left and it only caused a 59% drop in revenue then it either means that they have a long tail of advertisers or some of their other large advertisers are ramping up spend on Twitter. Interesting.

Johannes Ernst

This is a good piece on changing minds, or the futility of doing so. Long but worthwhile.

Johannes Ernst

Movie acting should be one job category that’s highly threatened by #ai, it occurs to me. You’d get infinite retakes, no royalty demands etc. as a studio. And if you really need a human, you can hire an actor representing the virtual one irl, just like they did with the Village People once the records sold.

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:


Wouldn't this trend already fit with — classically animated cartoons and computer generated animation.

So called AI-art — really generative-models, etc — are just a progression of that.

Johannes Ernst

This is the kind of thing that makes the difference between a hobbyist project (sorry Mastodon) and a professionally designed and user tested app. Life is too short for everybody (minus a handful people) to have to think about this kind of thing. by @mastodonmigration

Mastodon Migration

@J12t Completely agree! That this has not been fixed is a real black eye for Mastodon!

Tristan Harward

@J12t @mastodonmigration I'd like to see the same kind of in-depth evaluation of Twitter, Bluesky, Threads, even Facebook.

It would be equally nasty, just in different ways. Some of those would even include egregious privacy and ethical violations that we somehow don't think of as human-centered design factors.

Johannes Ernst

So why does quote-tweet and other forms of quote-posting not point to the original post like reply does?

In email, todays clients usually implement reply by first copying and quoting the entire content of the to-be-relied email first. Why is this behavior different on social? Maybe the default is fine, as the context is much more easily findable in social, but isn’t quite-post just a form of reply with the flag but please treat this is as a primary post like a normal one?

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:


I would assume Fediverse apps are copying Twitter.

And Twitter just included the URL to the quoted post.


But I often include a screenshot of the post, even when I include the URL.

Nelson Minar 🧚‍♂️

@J12t I think Twitter designed it as an extension of retweet.

Johannes Ernst

In other news, I really hate auto incorrect ion. (Yes, that’s what it turned it into)


@J12t hmm. it looks like it's just a link to the original post. but since you actually use ice cubes, i bet they do some special handling of it to turn it into an embed of some sort, that can be used to navigate to the original post in-app instead of going to the browser.

or is that totally off the mark?


@J12t @J12t wait, how? @IceCubesApp on my iPhone doesn’t give me that option

Johannes Ernst

Indeed in a web browser this is just a link.

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