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Johannes Ernst

Twitter: ad revenue down 59% YoY, 57% of top 1000 advertisers left, cash flow negative. And their biggest potential competitor just launched successfully.

Hard to see how they can stop the bleeding, never mind compete successfully.

Alessio :linux:

@J12t as their biggest competitor you mean threads? Launched successfully could be very arguable, Meta just created in a shadow way a threads handle for each insta user.

Just a vanity metric, I wanna check it out on the long run.

Anyway yes: I really hope Twitter is doomed now

Johannes Ernst

@dottorblaster “biggest competitor” = Meta. The competition isn’t just the product as-is, but the space that the product could be taking going forward. Before Meta just had some well defended borders well away from Twitter proper, now they have launched right into its core territory.

Alessio :linux:

@J12t I see, that’s true. I still don’t consider Threads a success, but I have to say that competitors have been raising in number for Twitter at a gigantic pace. I wonder if we’ll ever see IG/FB’s downfall one day

wasabi brain

@J12t so many disasters they don’t even mention the crashing during the desantis announcement, the highest profile event hosted on twitter since he took over


@J12t yet Twitter can afford to pay a bunch of rich bad actors like the Taint guy ad revenue shares lol

Prashanth Mohan

@J12t if 57% of their top 1000 advertisers left and it only caused a 59% drop in revenue then it either means that they have a long tail of advertisers or some of their other large advertisers are ramping up spend on Twitter. Interesting.

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