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Johannes Ernst

Anybody know of a #cooperative (#coop) that has members around the world, in several jurisdictions? How would one go about that?

Stefanie Schulte

@J12t As a maybe somewhat unusual (but huge!) example, there is SWIFT:

Also, the European Union has established a legal form specifically for cooperatives with members in more than one EU country: the European Cooperative Society (SCE),

Shauna GM

@J12t not sure what kind of coops you're looking for but I was just listening to a conference talk about Igalia, a coop with people across the globe

Johannes Ernst

@shauna Excellent pointer, I will read up on it!!

Evan Prodromou

@J12t you can just start a California coop. Non-residents can be members.

For #CoSocialCa we restrict membership to Canadian residents because most privacy, copyright, consumer protection etc. laws apply nationally. It's hard enough to run a good service domestically without having to deal with remote members.

But different coops have different needs.

Johannes Ernst

@evan Are you certain about out-of-state (out-of-country?) members? I seem to have read something in the statute that sounded very much it was an in-state only thing under california state law, but then I'm not a lawyer and have not spent much time on it yet.

Johannes Ernst

@dickhardt @evan under which jurisdiction are you incorporated?

Dick Hardt :verified:

@J12t @evan

WA state per advice of our lawyer, Michael Droke, who wrote this book

Cooperative Business Law: A Practical Guide to the Special Laws Governing Cooperatives

benjamin melançon

@J12t @dickhardt @evan

Looking forward to reading more about @HelloCoop 's employee member class for our international worker cooperative @agaric, and more about the user member class for Drutopia #LibreSaaS websites cooperative!

(Sounds like most of the complexity is for investors, which is vital for many but probably isn't in the cards for us.)

Are there public bylaws or similar for (What do people or organizations looking to join get shown?)


@J12t A good friend of mine was a senior project manager for Oxfam. She said “cross-borders organizing is another example of herding cats. Except all the cats are hungry, drunk, corrupt, or just dropped a tab of acid.”

Good luck, JE,.

I’m here to help!

Philip Mallegol-Hansen

@J12t @evan appears to have members in both the US and Canada (I don’t know if those two countries in particular make it easier?) - One of the founders is giving a presentation on #COOP’s at #FOSSY right now!



that's a salient question!

there ought to be a Mondragon style coop run as anarcho-syndicalist international voluntary consortium. something that does not automatically pump dollars to the usual banks and moguls, but rather feeds, clothes, and nourishes people everywhere.


Nemo_bis 🌈

Do you know about, @osma? (I see you're listed as board member for 2019 but no updates on what happened after that.) :D

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