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Johannes Ernst

I don’t remember the name of the #scifi novel, but there was this line that stuck: when the ocean water in the Caribbean Sea actually started boiling, that finally got their attention.

Apparently we are already at 100F.

Fiona Turner

@J12t And still so many go blindly about their day.Gross overconsumption in the pursuite of a retail high. like all addicts denying the harms & justifying their behaviour. Powerful interests, continue ravaging the earth. Selling our souls down the river for a pot of gold. Greed is killing us. Maybe we deserve nothing less.

Auntie Syzygy

@J12t Might be "The Sea is Boiling Hot" by James Bamber, 1971. Title is a quote from Lewis Carroll.

Johannes Ernst

@AuntieSyzygy that does not sound familiar, and I kinda doubt I would have forgotten reading a 1971 sci-fi tale. But thank you for trying to jog my memory…

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