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11 posts total
Qasim Rashid, Esq.

Let’s be explicitly clear.

The Electoral College exists because enslavers wanted to count their enslaved in their vote total without freeing them, much less giving them voting rights. That is the one purpose the Electoral College ever served.

Pro Electoral College is pro white supremacy. Abolish it.

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Pete Keen

@QasimRashid also article 5.5 of the constitution, which disallows any change to the Senate via the amendment process.

John Alston Ii

@QasimRashid kind of reminds me of that line in the first Pirates of the Caribbean..

In a population-based election, cities would overpower the voter count of smaller towns..

" Well, that doesn't give me much incentive to fight fair."

It's weird because you flip it around and you get gerrymandering for other political roles, but no, having all the people decide the vote is wrong because W Bush and Trump lost their first popular vote.

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

New leaked audio affirms VP Candidate JD Vance wants a national abortion ban. Project 2025 will make sure that happens.

Here's the quick & dirty on what you need to know about Project 2025's attacks on abortion access:



The nationwide abortion ban needs to be aborted.

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

This is unprecedented. Brown University strikes a deal with its students to end their peaceful protest & encampment, in exchange for a formal divestment vote from Israeli interests. And no student will be punished for protesting. This is democracy at work.

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Bernard Vall

@QasimRashid we must protest & keep on protesting everywhere throughout the world. To be silent with genocide is to collude

Steph Roccia


Student power.... glad to see it in action!

Tony Vladusich


I will believe it's democracy at work when Brandeis follows suit.

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

Boomer: At your age in 1970 I paid off college and bought a house with hard work.

Millennials: At your age in 1970 college was 5% of median salary—Now it’s 44%. A median home was $24K—Now its $417K. The top marginal tax rate was 70%—Now its 37%. You worked hard—and then closed the door behind you.

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Leefeller Guy

@QasimRashid Ageism is just one more way to divide US.


More stats for you:
Residential real estate costs tripled in the 1970s in my area (Cali).
I graduated from college in 1983, and students were still able to put themselves through college (the "five-year plan"). Right after that, tuition rose sharply.
After the 2008 crash, people could write a sign about their financial struggles, pose with the sign, and post the pic to a "we are the 99%" site. That site is a real time capsule.

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

MAGA Logic:
-Abortion: Ban it
-Marijuana: Ban it
-Drag shows: Ban it
-Immigration: Ban it
-Public Schools: Ban it
-Dialogue on racism: Ban it
-Books by Black or LGBTQ authors: Ban it

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James B Toy

@QasimRashid MAGA types are so busy with the "shall not be infringed" part of the 2nd Amendment that they overlook the stated objective of the 2nd Amendment: "the security of a free state." Given the level of gun violence in this country, it is clear that the 2nd Amendment has failed to achieve its stated objective., and we need to find better ways to maintain security than unfettered access to weaponry.

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

Never take seriously those who ridicule low income people for having a smartphone or laptop.

“If they’re so poor how did they buy an iPhone???”

Because they’re trying to escape poverty, not the 1700s, genius. If you think basic tech access is luxury, try and survive a month without it.😐

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Happy Noodle Boy

@QasimRashid THANK you! I've been trying to tell people this for years. When I was homeless people used to say to me "can't be that homeless if you have a phone". Okay but where does it end? I'm also wearing clothes, is that also not allowed? Do you imagine I live in a cave?

People will use any excuse they can find to hate on the poor.

John Lusk


I've been on trips to Africa visiting orphans and vulnerable children living in extreme poverty. They have cell phones. Which I take to be an indication of the importance of being part of the network.


@QasimRashid the definition of poor in the US looks a bit twisted, the price of the latest top model iPhones, that the homeless in the US have, and it's a luxury for some Lebanon where dollar exchange rate is so high, so all top Hezbollah commanders try to destroy the US (and Israel!) with latest iPhone in hand, and they ride Ford truck technicals around so those Sunnis and Christians all see they're alpha males!

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

Today is the 204 year anniversary of the "Civilization Fund Act," which paid white missionaries to partner with the federal govt to force Native Americans to convert to Christianity or die.

At its peak 357 such schools kidnapped Indigenous kids & abused & tortured them to death.

The right wing extremist push to break down church state separation is not new, it's a revival of the atrocities of yesteryear.


@QasimRashid Thank you so much for bringing this to light... So much about what happened to Native Americans just seems to go by the boards without much notice. It actually was a harbinger for the awful things to come.. Hate & Racism... America was founded on that as well.. Unfortunately. Separation of Church and State is as crucial as Human Rights IMO.

Qasim Rashid, Esq.


MAGA wants SCOTUS to block $10K student loan forgiveness for low income people b/c its "unfair."

Okay, let's play that game and see where it takes us.

Black people paid taxes for pools schools & libraries they couldn’t use during Jim Crow (1865-1965)—$0 reparations

Native people had 270M acres of their land stolen via Homestead Act (1862-1987)—$0 reparations

"But that's ancient history!"—MAGA

It’s really not, but there are plenty of other examples MAGA pretends to not notice.


Qasim Rashid, Esq.

In 2023—Undoc immigrants pay taxes for welfare benefits they can’t use.

Documented immigrants pay taxes for welfare benefits they can’t use.

"But they're not citizens."—MAGA

So? The Constitution doesn’t discriminate in rights. Meanwhile, in 2023, returning US citizens pay taxes for welfare benefits, federal education grants, section 8 housing, and federal and state job benefits they can’t use.

ZERO MAGA outrage at any of the above. But it gets even worse. For example…


Qasim Rashid, Esq.

America’s legal system today

I want to practice law:
—You need a 4 year Bachelors, take the LSAT, then a 3 year JD, then pass the BAR, buy malpractice insurance, & total cost is ~$300K

I want to enforce the law:
—Here’s paid 13-week training & a gun

I want to write the law:
—No qualifications needed and a billionaire can buy you a seat

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

UPDATE: The Turkey/Syria earthquake death toll has now surpassed 35,000 people, & tens of thousands more are still in harms way.

Thank you to the thousands who have donated. We are past $50K on our $100K goal.

I leave for Turkey soon.

Please Donate what is in your capacity, and signal boost if possible. I'm grateful to each of you for stepping up:

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

U.S. Police kill more than 1100 civilians annually—unprecedented in the developed world.

A new app called TurnSignl, built by Black civil rights lawyers, deescalates police interactions with civilians & get everyone home safe.

Here's how it works.
1. Download the app
2. When pulled over by police, face time a lawyer on demand via voice activation. The call is also auto recorded
3. The lawyer guides the convo.

Download TurnSignl here or gift it to a loved one for free:

U.S. Police kill more than 1100 civilians annually—unprecedented in the developed world.

A new app called TurnSignl, built by Black civil rights lawyers, deescalates police interactions with civilians & get everyone home safe.

Here's how it works.
1. Download the app
2. When pulled over by police, face time a lawyer on demand via voice activation. The call is also auto recorded
3. The lawyer guides the convo.

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Tim Moore

@QasimRashid the police will make sure to shoot your phone first.

Stevens R Miller


So the cop just says, "Hang up the phone now, sir."

It's within their rights to have you refrain from calling anyone or talking to anyone while they are conducting an investigation. Your lawyer could be in the car with you and they'd still have the right to tell the two of you not to speak to each other.

Now, a law requiring the cops to stream video to a civilian review board during a stop might yield results. But, no, you don't get to call your lawyer during a stop.



@QasimRashid The fact that this needs to be a thing is something … I don't even have the words.

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