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Qasim Rashid, Esq.

Never take seriously those who ridicule low income people for having a smartphone or laptop.

“If they’re so poor how did they buy an iPhone???”

Because they’re trying to escape poverty, not the 1700s, genius. If you think basic tech access is luxury, try and survive a month without it.😐


@QasimRashid We all have to invest all the money we have in the tools of our trade. For tomorrow.

Stygian Lizard

@QasimRashid internet is a basic utility these days. Even phone books are online.

Ricki Tarr

@QasimRashid This drives me insane, a cellphone hasn't been a luxury for 15 years +, why are people still saying this?!

Amadi Lovelace

@RickiTarr people know that jewelry and purses can be super cheap from Target or Walmart while looking functionally identical to expensive pieces, so now it’s cellphones and manicures.

Ricki Tarr

@amaditalks Well even if you have a newer iPhone a lot of times they are free with an extended plan or are being paid off in installments, most of the people I know don't just buy a $1400 phone. People like me just buy a Samsung that's 3 years old lol

Exiled New Yorker - Connie

@RickiTarr @amaditalks

I wish we could live without them but we can’t.

I’ve never paid full price for any of my phones. If they were flagship models I got them for free. I usually get older models at lower prices.

I upgraded and gave my husband my two-year-old phone because the charges for in-room telephone service at the skilled nursing facility are very expensive.

I need to be able to reach him and he needs to be able to reach me as long as he can still use a phone.

Ricki Tarr

@Pagan_Animist @amaditalks I had a landline until it was more expensive to keep that than to have a cellphone, but yeah I buy a used refurbished phone too


@Pagan_Animist @RickiTarr @amaditalks
My wife and I have a rule about technology. We keep them until they stop being updated. Then we get the latest ones so they will last the longest. #Amortization

Don’t play in my face

@PensiveTM @Pagan_Animist @RickiTarr @amaditalks THIS! My MIL has the longest streak for keeping a phone. She used her old phone until it needed to be plugged in for any battery life beyond 15 minutes. 🤣

My old iPhone XS Max screen went black a year ago. Luckily, I had an Apple Watch to make calls/texts before I got to the store to get a 13 Pro Max (even though they were pushing the 14). I’m going to run this for as long as I can.

Jax UK

@jnlbrk @PensiveTM @Pagan_Animist @RickiTarr @amaditalks

Up until a few months ago my daughter was stull using my old samsung note 3, until it finally gave up the ghost!

Dr M

@amaditalks @RickiTarr tell me who gives an iPhone for free with a plan these days? Haven’t seen discounts on handsets in years here in aus. They’re so expensive I keep for 4yrs to justify cost and I earn plenty.

Jordi Margalef

@ivalaine @amaditalks @RickiTarr the handset is never free. Its cost is either serviced by a separate loan or included in the airtime of the provider. This option fell out of favour because it became an abusive permanent loan rather than a fixed term.

Ricki Tarr

@ivalaine @amaditalks Verizon does, and I'm pretty sure AT&T too, if you sign up for several years and/or have a phone trade in, but they are gonna get more than their monies worth back on that deal.

Dr M

@amaditalks @RickiTarr fascinating. We used to get a discount on handset repayments if plans were on bigger end. Now the plans have just got bigger and bigger (and they keep adding new plans and scrapping smallest) on top of large phone repayments.

Dr M

@amaditalks @RickiTarr everything has unlimited call and text but honestly everyone i call or text is via data anyway. And I don’t use that much data. Annoys me there is no basic plan anymore. Considering prepaid on the next one as save cost of the whole next phone with annual top ups!


@RickiTarr @QasimRashid BC specifically the iPhone is
- recognizable
- usually more expensive than its equivalents

The answer to their question, though, is
- used
- in an installment plan like everybody else does

David H. McCoy


It could be used, for example.

I also tune out people who begrudge low income people having ANY sort of pleasure in life.
Like they should eat gruel and play with rocks for fun.

elliot :brennans:

@davidhmccoy @QasimRashid wasting time playing with rocks? They should be interviewing for better paid jobs.

Alex Celeste

@davidhmccoy the folks who view low-income as a moral failing view that attitude as the point
i.e. that the poor don't have any right to fun
it has nothing to do with whether they could/should be putting their resources towards something else, such people would unironically believe in "tip your landlord" because the landlord is more "deserving"

Jax UK

@davidhmccoy @QasimRashid

I'll never forget the time I posted on a local forum asking if anyone knew if you could sign on in another town bc I was going to download festival - you can imagine the shock and horror that followed from some people - how dare I! 😂


@QasimRashid @stufromoz Try interacting with any government service without your own technology. It’s impossible.

Carl Gold, PhD

@QasimRashid smarter people than I have pointed out that our society is one in which it’s not so hard to have consumer items including tech - what’s unreachable for many is a good home, health care and education - and those should not be luxuries!

AutisticMumTo3 She/her 🌈

@carl24k @QasimRashid
Here in the UK internet access is essential for claiming Universal Credit and for not being sanctioned and have it stopped (both relating to completing your Universal Credit online journal & meeting your job search requirements which often include using the 'universal job match' site amongst other things). And mobiles etc are essential for accessing that stuff too. Under Universal Credit your housing benefit is part of your UC payment.

AutisticMumTo3 She/her 🌈

@carl24k @QasimRashid
Universal Credit isn't just an unemployment benefit but also tops up the incomes of those in employment but on a low wage. & it is also claimed by long term sick or too disabled to work.

Firehorseart lives!

@AutisticMumTo3 @carl24k @QasimRashid

Carers payments are also made through UC.

However I've heard that deductions also apply if you get more than one type of payment or have any other income.

AutisticMumTo3 She/her 🌈

@srfirehorseart @carl24k @QasimRashid
You can get Carer's Allowance & UC but your Carer's Allowance is deducted from your Universal Credit like mine is deducted from my Income Support. That is not the same as sanctions.

Sanctions its not a set value that is deducted but instead it tends to be the whole of your UC that is stopped no matter how much you get.

AutisticMumTo3 She/her 🌈

@srfirehorseart @carl24k @QasimRashid
Claiming Carers Allowance can enable you to get an extra allowance added to the amount of UC you're entitled to before deductions and get you let off the requirement to search for a full time job because to get CA you need to be caring for at least 35 hrs/week.

Lorraine Lee
@QasimRashid @carl24k I have a stinking feeling housing is about to join health care and education as a third "cost disease" sector, and the thought of it gives me dystopian nightmares.
Chris Adams

@QasimRashid @emmah that one especially annoys me because if you talk to a teacher or public librarian they can give you a long list of things which require a modern browser, like getting a job, medical care, registering for school, finding a place to live, etc. which they know because they have to help people get their lives unblocked on a regular basis.


@acdha @QasimRashid @emmah Government workers helping people with the bureaucratic system agree.

I know one who says free internet access - eh, with restriction to safe sites, perhaps - is a needed public service for minimum equal access to essential functions in WEIRD nations. The added disadvantage to those in poverty from the cost of home access/ lack of safe free access is appalling.

Weyoun 6

@QasimRashid people have been saying this for at least a decade and for at least a decade there have been programs to help people get phones for free, usually older phones donated by people when upgrading.

Mark F. Buckley

@QasimRashid ... You can't eat a phone, nor can Steve Jobs drive you to work.


@QasimRashid because iphones are starter phones subsided by Apple to get their trackers into the pockets of poor people.

Purism phones and the like are expensive.


@QasimRashid always remember:
Poor people are allowed to have nice things.

Preston de Guise 🏳️‍🌈✍🏼

@QasimRashid The number of times I hear people claim a homeless person having a smartphone is sufficient reason to not help homeless people is staggeringly depressing.


A curious child (or an adult) with no understanding of these things or malice towards the poor would ask, genuinely.

Reminds me of the time a little girl refused to shake Sri Lankan cricketing great, Jayasurya’s hand. When asked she replied, “He’s bald and too dark”. These things happen.

Curious Loth-cat

@QasimRashid For poor people, tech is an investment rather than a toy.


@QasimRashid I know Solomon Islands folk in my area of Australia - they're here doing back-breaking crap work (that no Aussies want to do) so they can send a few dollars back to their families. Some only get to see their own children once a year. Their nation is one of the poorest in the world, GDP per cap. < US$3000. They all have mobile phones. If anyone wants to claim these people are not poor, I'll give them a solid whack.

Clara Listensprechen
@QasimRashid Such nonsense is most absurd--only the rich can afford a landline these days. The Dollar General OTC smart phone is the cheapest option. Rich people aren't as smart as they bill themselves, clearly.

Exactly. The privileged criticize those in need for any creature comfort or necessity they may have. As if that proves they're not really needy. It's Reagan's "welfare queen" syndrome.
Americans have replaced empathy with '"what aboutism" and it's not a good look.

judi Henry

@QasimRashid Thank you for this post I can't stand people that demean low-income families or people. For me is none of the others people's business, or anyone else.

Mad Dog Ace Run

I get what you are saying but it is also a generalization. When it comes to the homeless they are not necessarily trying to escape poverty. A few years ago, after my apartment building was taken over by a wealthy out of towner, it was run it into the ground. They took out the key locks for the outside doors and installed code locks. Soon the homeless people took over the building. Their phones were used for selling drugs or texting each other the code to get into the building...


@QasimRashid internet access is essential for modern living, especially in a world that's still actively in a pandemic (even though many people still refuse to acknowledge it). Internet is a basic necessity in the modern world and as a result high speed internet should be accessible to everyone for ✨free✨



The thing is that if you're poor, it's becoming increasingly difficult to access government services without a phone and/or (mostly and) something with internet access

If you want a recent extreme, during the pandemic most support offices were closed, so you *had* to have a phone or laptop

By "support" I mean social security, Medi-Cal, SNAP, etc. Basic survival resources

But also that "Universal Lifeline" on your bill is $35/mo towards a cell or internet plan for these folks

Braw ☕🏳️‍🌈

@QasimRashid you guys have iphones and laptops? :blobcatglare:


@QasimRashid and universal lifeline now extends to cell phones thanks to the Obama administration and hence lower income people can afford a phone. It is really hard to find work without a phone.

The Werewolf

@QasimRashid I agree with the basic point you're making - but - there are MANY very functional smartphones far, far less expensive than an iPhone.

I know because I own them (and one iPhone which oddly, I consider the least useful smartphone I own).

If I was poor AND I decided that the smartphone I *had* to own was an iPhone, well, it seems to indicate I might need help managing my financial resources.

H. A. Kirsch

@TheWerewolf @QasimRashid

Why should food benefits let you buy a premade sandwich you can just make your own for less


@TheWerewolf @QasimRashid Your less-poor friends all own an iPhone? You would have to have one also otherwise you're weird and also less hirable.

James Wells

@TheWerewolf @QasimRashid
Yes and no. Yes, the iPhone 13 is expensive if you buy it outright, but multiple US cell phone companies will give you a free iPhone 13 for just for signing up for their $35 per month service on a 2 year contract.

At the same time, there are "second hand" stores where you can buy iPhone 10s & 11s for under a hundred dollars.

Android phones are even less, and can be bought, with service, without a home address or credit card for under $15 per month.

@TheWerewolf @QasimRashid
Yes and no. Yes, the iPhone 13 is expensive if you buy it outright, but multiple US cell phone companies will give you a free iPhone 13 for just for signing up for their $35 per month service on a 2 year contract.

At the same time, there are "second hand" stores where you can buy iPhone 10s & 11s for under a hundred dollars.

Joe Original

@QasimRashid I don’t think it’s possible to function in our current society without being “wired.” More power to them.


@QasimRashid Yeah, I would not see having a smartphone as a problem or even indication that one can't manage money.

However, I actually live in a country in which it is thankfully largely possible to not own a smartphone and I barely use mine (a device I use since five years and I have costs of 0€ per month for 200MB 4G-speed mobile data + unlimited 64 kbit/s). And I wish for that to stay optional, thus each time something (company or goverment) that provides some essential services comes up with something that will allegedly save money but destroy the accessible non-smartphone dependent system (like #dhl is trying to with new packet stations atm) I join the outreach against that and in most cases it works out.

@QasimRashid Yeah, I would not see having a smartphone as a problem or even indication that one can't manage money.

However, I actually live in a country in which it is thankfully largely possible to not own a smartphone and I barely use mine (a device I use since five years and I have costs of 0€ per month for 200MB 4G-speed mobile data + unlimited 64 kbit/s). And I wish for that to stay optional, thus each time something (company or goverment) that provides some essential services comes up with...

Von Xylofon

@QasimRashid I guess the logic is why didn't they buy a cheap Samsung or something.


@QasimRashid Well no. There’s no escaping poverty. Having these items is basically a necessity for living in this current reality of society and civilisation.

This idea that people can “pull themselves out of poverty” is utter & pure fantasy. As realistic as everyone biding time till they get that $400 million lottery jackpot.

Horatio Alger can go fuck himself. :)

Cultor 🥀 👑

@TransitBiker @QasimRashid literally the entire history of capitalism is people being lifted out of extreme poverty, but please, go on…

Cultor 🥀 👑

@TransitBiker @QasimRashid I apologize, I thought we were here to be honest, not make a mockery of history to justify clout.
Yes, no one in history has suffered as much as us!


@CDeorum @QasimRashid a mockery of history? No clue what you’re on about. Have a lovely day! ❤️

Cultor 🥀 👑

@TransitBiker @QasimRashid I’m on about your blatant refusal to accept that objectively, capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system in human history.
Have a lovely day as well, please stop undermining the struggle of minority groups with class reductionism.



I do not understand those who demonize poor people or homeless people.

It always sounds to me like some sort of Calvinistic superiority nonnsense.

Piggleston Pecanpants

@QasimRashid I never ridicule low income people. I come from low income people. I also used to be homeless.
Technology helped lift me from homelessness. An iPhone is not basic tech.

Thorne Lawler

@QasimRashid As a general rule, the kind of people touting this line are either boomers, to whom all of the internet is an idiotic, unnecessary waste, even if they now work there full-time, or someone trying to sell something to a boomer.


"God I'm so poor. I wish I could afford rent."
"Yet you own things? Curious."


@QasimRashid “If you’re so poor, why do you have an iPhone 6?”

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@QasimRashid isn't the question there “why an expensive iphone instead of a cheaper android phone”, rather than “why a smartphone”? which is still problematic, if one considers the existence of a significantly richer used market for iphones than for android phones.

(the whole thing depends on the local phone market, of course, here a new iPhone is afaik about a month's wages for a *non poor* person, decent android phones can be had for a bit more than a tenth of that)


@QasimRashid Having a phone today is a must but having a most expensive one on a market is another thing. I have a friend who buys new iPhone on premiere day, and it he then takes 6 to 12 months to again save money for new one next year because he sees it as status thing. 😬


@QasimRashid And good luck trying to get back into work/find better work without internet access.

You can't simply walk into a workplace with your CV and get hired any more.


@QasimRashid 90% of job applications are online. I don't know how I'd even setup bill payments without online banking. Not to mention that a phone takes up no space and holds entertainment to stop you climbing the walls when you're in a tiny space/no space.



Many programs give cell phones away so they can stay in touch with employers, health care and counseling FYI.


Even a decent smartphone is not terribly expensive as things go. A midrange smartphone or an affordable laptop will cost you maybe a couple weeks worth of gas, insurance, and upkeep on a reasonably priced car. It's not surprising that someone can afford an iPhone and often not a car or even a place to live. Tech is cheap compared to food, shelter, and transportation.


@QasimRashid Totally. And I suspect they are often iphones, because older models seem to be cheap (which is why companies buy them for staff).

You cannot get a job without a phone. You cannot claim benefits ithout a phone. They are getting the tools they need to survive.

Señó Moshuelo 🦉

@QasimRashid En todos sitios el mismo argumento para mantener agachada la cabeza, pisada, de la gente normal, trabajadora, de los que no han tenido la suerte de nacer con lo material resuelto. Argumentos estúpidos para gente perversa. Sorry for write in spanish, my level of english not enough.


@QasimRashid This is such an important point and, to a certain extent, I think, can be extended to nice things as well. So often I feel really weird whenever I'm able to buy something nice for myself either through financial aid from being a student, scrimping/saving for a long time or, (carefully,) using payment plans. If I'm truly poor, I shouldn't be able to do this, right? I shouldn't be able to get something that isn't the bare minimum, even if it would quantitatively help me/improve my quality of life somehow in a measurable way? We have associated poverty with having nothing in a beyond rock bottom sense, and while many don't have much--I certainly don't--having something does not magically make the fact that money is extremely tight go away. It just means that, once in a while, you manage to find a way to get something you need, even if that need is slightly impractically shaped.

@QasimRashid This is such an important point and, to a certain extent, I think, can be extended to nice things as well. So often I feel really weird whenever I'm able to buy something nice for myself either through financial aid from being a student, scrimping/saving for a long time or, (carefully,) using payment plans. If I'm truly poor, I shouldn't be able to do this, right? I shouldn't be able to get something that isn't the bare minimum, even if it would quantitatively help me/improve my quality...

Charlotte Walker

@QasimRashid I work with people in the criminal justice system. A lot of people dislike the idea that offenders should have, for example, smartphones. But really here in the UK at least internet access is essential to claim welfare benefits or job hunt. Increasingly people use messaging services or social media to keep in contact with friends and family, and offenders need that sort of social capital if they’re going to move out of a criminal lifestyle


@purplepadma @QasimRashid people dislike the idea that free offenders should have the tools other free people have to, as you say, exit a criminal lifestyle.

why? why are people cruel?

Chris A Dude

@QasimRashid everything today is online, from banking to getting a job. It is a necessity to get out of poverty.


@QasimRashid I always think of how many months of health insurance you can get for the same price. Even the most expensive iPhone only costs about as much as two months of health insurance, and the iPhone will last several years. Even if a smartphone was a purely luxury item, not having one won’t save enough to escape poverty, not by a few orders of magnitude. Same goes for the big-screen TV or game console. We’ve made those things affordable, but not housing or healthcare or education

Laurens 🧢

@QasimRashid There are working people, who used to be able to afford a house, living in their cars . They're homeless, but with a reasonable income.

I wonder whether the ridiculers think that's supposed to be a normal situation as well 🤔

𒀭Wiiお姉さん 💜 🏳️‍⚧️

@QasimRashid I hate hearing this about refugees as well. "If they can afford phones, they aren't escaping poverty!" 😩😖🤢

This is specially dumb with war refugees, because how the fuck are those even related.


@QasimRashid only people who don't understand poverty or dignity say such things in my experience.


@QasimRashid Especially in a system that tries to sell you stuff at any given time. If you are poor and you have to pay your phone over a period of some months the people who sell it to you will earn even more money from you. That's so fucked up.


@QasimRashid Many countries it's far cheaper to have a mobile than a land line. In African countries almost everything is done on a mobile phone. This is becoming the case in south asia as well. Mobile phones are essential in these places.

Jason Stangroome

@QasimRashid I'm disappointed that safe and secure tech access still feels like a luxury. I.e. mostly only the more expensive devices receive the security updates promptly and ongoing, while older, or budget, options are left unpatched and vulnerable, leaving the people who can least afford to, wearing the most risk.

alexcoder04 :verified:

@QasimRashid In modern world, not having internet access means not being able to participate in social and public life.
However, an iPhone? These overpriced things own the purpose of showing your „status“. Buying them instead of any other cheaper device (which gives you the same possibilities) in a limited financial situation is rather a sign of poor understanding of finances.
P. S. not be misunderstood: I don‘t want to say that being poor is the result of oneself‘s inabilities

Fahri Reza

@QasimRashid the cheap ones could have malwares, or so an antivirus company said, without mentioning what brands they were talking about


@QasimRashid I don't have a problem with it, more that you called an #iphone "basic tech".

I have a phone that cost 3 times less which I can upgrade/repair myself meaning cheaper long term cost too!


@QasimRashid They might have brought an iPhone so that they can be online for NHS appts, health apps and keeping in contact with loved ones banking etc. Their old phone may have been excessively hit by other bugs and viruses Apple has better security and though not infallible (I lost all my data before new Iphone replaced). They may have endured months of poverty and hunger while an award appeal was going through legal process then received a large sum backdated when awarded at tribunal.

Dan Bocain

@QasimRashid If they always have the NEWEST phone, that statement is pretty valid but I agree, smartphones are cheap for the value they offer. Education, access, opportunity, social security (friends/family, not the govt program).

$250-$350 goes a long way when spent on a smartphone. And if you're in the city, you may not even need more then $18/mo to maintain a phone, text and data line.



This is like the republican senator who recently said people weren't poor if the had a refrigerator and stove...


@QasimRashid it’s incredibly stupid, but marginally better than them complaining that poor people had refrigerators in the ‘90’s. Full context was a statistic about how many poor families didn’t have them which should have been taken as a massive indictment on our country because you basically need a fridge to survive and eat reasonably good food at home, right? But they spun it as look at all these dirty, undeserving jerks have an appliance!


@QasimRashid do people not know the amount of phones plans that come with free phones on signing?

Vince Gattuso

@QasimRashid Or maybe someone else bought it for them or maybe they bought it before they were poor or maybe they got it as a free or low cost promotion from their service provider.

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@QasimRashid Try to get a job without a mobile phone. If the recruiter doesn't get an answer from a landline they're not going to try again later - they just call the next person on their list.

H. Jakobs :verified: ⚣ 🏳️‍🌈

Ridiculing poor people for having a smartphone is one thing.

Mocking about them buying the most expensive brand is another.

Making those companies richer who press the most money out of poor people in other countries isn't a good idea for poor people here. Actually not for anybody here.


@QasimRashid not that I don't agree with you but they could buy an inexpensive android, IPhones are way too expensive..



That is a very fair point. in the #uk there is a real issue with #digitalexclusion of poor people and the resulting lack of easy access to #publicservices.



Smartphones are ubiquitous now. You can get older, used models for next to nothing.

In many parts of the world (US), 3G and older mobile networks are phased out. So a pre-smartphone may not even work anymore.

Holly Jahangiri

@QasimRashid most of us wouldn't survive. It was eye opening to get to know people living in their car for years. He was employed, full time. They paid their bills, including cell phone. They had a blog. They couldn't afford first AND last month's rent while staying current on doctor bills, food, clothing, gas, etc. They weren't irresponsible or lazy. Quite the opposite.

British Tech Guru

@QasimRashid I have a $50 prepay AT&T android Alcatel phone and pay $33 a month for connection. I get 3gb of data a month.

I refuse to get contract phones or to spend a grand on a phone that'll break in 3 years.

Arnel Šarić Sharan :verified:

@QasimRashid I'm sorry, but you can buy a more powerful Xiaomi for one-third of the iPhone's price. iPhone is still luxurious, like other Apple products, especially in low-standard countries like mine. New iPhone 14 here is more than 1000 euros, and I don't consider that my 250 € Poco X3 Pro is anything near the 1700s.

Arnel Šarić Sharan :verified:

@QasimRashid Also, my post is about iPhone price, not ridiculing morons. You're moron for doing that to people anywhere, anytime, for any reason.


@QasimRashid and you are telling me that someone capable of having enough money to buy a phone, a calling/internet subscription and shower/general health necessities isn’t capable of buying food?

This is like the JK Rowling story, stop making it harder than it is!

casey is remote

@QasimRashid I understand the question to some extent; a new #iPhone is expensive! But not everyone buys new phones outright, nor do they buy them brand new in stock condition. You can probably easily get an #iPhone for $300-$400 if you get one used or refurbished.

Rhombus Ticks


At this point, dont ever take anyone who defends capitalism, the rich or the status quo seriously period


@QasimRashid When I worked with the homeless their standard response to cops who'd ask how they could afford a cell phone was "I had a landline once, but I got no place to plug it in."

Astrid Sawatzky

Its so hard to understand that housing costs more than owning a mobile phone.

/sarcasm out


@QasimRashid Yeah, so many essential tools and services literally ONLY exist with an online interface now. There are some bus stops where I live where if you can't get online - tough shit! You don't get to know when the bus arrives. This is one of the reasons why some regulatory bodies define internet access in the 21st century as a human right.

Raquel 👉🏼🏳️‍⚧️👈🏼

@QasimRashid they have a nice iPhone because phone companies often offer them for free for joining up with them. Which, I might add, shows how overpriced they are and how much stupid rich people pay to think they’re some kind of elite.
Monkeys with too much money, guns, and ego.

Nicole Parsons


The fortunate adopt so many self-serving false narratives about the poor and unhoused.

"Don't provide help. They'll just waste money on cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol".

Sometimes, that money goes to the phone they use to get that job, keep in touch with family, or keep their place on a waiting list for housing.

It's how social services are delivered nowadays - via phone.

Wish there was a better way to recycle second hand phones to the less fortunate.

Anton P. Nym (aka Steve)

@QasimRashid There's also that whole thing about nearly every phone on the market can be purchased outright for less than a month's rent on a one-bedroom apartment, and a month's cell service costs less than one dinner for two at a "$$" tier restaurant.

It's *so* not the '90s anymore, but some folks just can't seem to grasp that.

Amandine B (She/Her)

@QasimRashid people buy cellphones on credit. It's something basic now.

Pēteris Krišjānis

@QasimRashid also iPhone is like two rents. Afaik rents are ongoing costs, while iPhone costs that *once*.


@QasimRashid @RickiTarr Absolutely NOT ironically, those are the same people that build apps that the impoverished are required to use. Imagine subsistence without access to the internet.

Happy Noodle Boy

@QasimRashid THANK you! I've been trying to tell people this for years. When I was homeless people used to say to me "can't be that homeless if you have a phone". Okay but where does it end? I'm also wearing clothes, is that also not allowed? Do you imagine I live in a cave?

People will use any excuse they can find to hate on the poor.

John Lusk


I've been on trips to Africa visiting orphans and vulnerable children living in extreme poverty. They have cell phones. Which I take to be an indication of the importance of being part of the network.


@QasimRashid the definition of poor in the US looks a bit twisted, the price of the latest top model iPhones, that the homeless in the US have, and it's a luxury for some Lebanon where dollar exchange rate is so high, so all top Hezbollah commanders try to destroy the US (and Israel!) with latest iPhone in hand, and they ride Ford truck technicals around so those Sunnis and Christians all see they're alpha males!

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