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Carl Gold, PhD

@QasimRashid smarter people than I have pointed out that our society is one in which it’s not so hard to have consumer items including tech - what’s unreachable for many is a good home, health care and education - and those should not be luxuries!

AutisticMumTo3 She/her 🌈

@carl24k @QasimRashid
Here in the UK internet access is essential for claiming Universal Credit and for not being sanctioned and have it stopped (both relating to completing your Universal Credit online journal & meeting your job search requirements which often include using the 'universal job match' site amongst other things). And mobiles etc are essential for accessing that stuff too. Under Universal Credit your housing benefit is part of your UC payment.

AutisticMumTo3 She/her 🌈

@carl24k @QasimRashid
Universal Credit isn't just an unemployment benefit but also tops up the incomes of those in employment but on a low wage. & it is also claimed by long term sick or too disabled to work.

Firehorseart lives!

@AutisticMumTo3 @carl24k @QasimRashid

Carers payments are also made through UC.

However I've heard that deductions also apply if you get more than one type of payment or have any other income.

AutisticMumTo3 She/her 🌈

@srfirehorseart @carl24k @QasimRashid
You can get Carer's Allowance & UC but your Carer's Allowance is deducted from your Universal Credit like mine is deducted from my Income Support. That is not the same as sanctions.

Sanctions its not a set value that is deducted but instead it tends to be the whole of your UC that is stopped no matter how much you get.

AutisticMumTo3 She/her 🌈

@srfirehorseart @carl24k @QasimRashid
Claiming Carers Allowance can enable you to get an extra allowance added to the amount of UC you're entitled to before deductions and get you let off the requirement to search for a full time job because to get CA you need to be caring for at least 35 hrs/week.

Lorraine Lee
@QasimRashid @carl24k I have a stinking feeling housing is about to join health care and education as a third "cost disease" sector, and the thought of it gives me dystopian nightmares.
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