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Qasim Rashid, Esq.

U.S. Police kill more than 1100 civilians annually—unprecedented in the developed world.

A new app called TurnSignl, built by Black civil rights lawyers, deescalates police interactions with civilians & get everyone home safe.

Here's how it works.
1. Download the app
2. When pulled over by police, face time a lawyer on demand via voice activation. The call is also auto recorded
3. The lawyer guides the convo.

Download TurnSignl here or gift it to a loved one for free:


@QasimRashid Wow, what a good idea. But how ludicrous is it that people in the "land of the free" need this kind of thing?

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@ThatSteveGuy Agreed. But until we get meaningful police reform, this is a helpful way to stay safer.


@QasimRashid I will look this is good. It’s having the presence of mind in that moment of panic when you know it’s all wrong & your life is in danger for real. Cuz of the fucking cops.


@QasimRashid Do you suppose this might become global at some point?

Obviously America has *some problems*, but those problems aren't unique to the States, and this seems hugely valuable!

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@rebecca_meadows Great question! I hope so! Tagging the ceo so he see's this. @jazzhampton


If police try to confiscate your phone while on-call with your attorney, it seems like a whole legal kettle of worms for them.

Gen X-Wing

@QasimRashid @ZekeMD <imagine swearing> the police are not there to be judge, jury, and executioner.

It’s a fundamental issue with the police in the US. Their job is do deescalate and keep people safe. Not shoot someone asap “in case”.

I really hate what I’m going to say, but maybe citizens should have bodycams? I detest the very idea of constant recording, as it destroys privacy. But the police needs to be reformed and they aren’t all wearing them.


@QasimRashid That this isn’t free seems like another tax on the most vulnerable - or another wedge to increase inequality by increasing the life expectancy only of those who can pay.
What would it take to make this free?

It won’t be long before the lawyers are witnesses in murder trials; I wonder if accompanying lawsuits could provide funding to make the service free

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@ShadSterling it’s free for low income people. And it can be gifted for free too. Link in my bio explains those steps.


@QasimRashid I don’t see it in your bio, but following links to your Twitter then your link tree then then their gift page then their home page then their pricing page

it does say it’s free if your income is under $40k/year, which is a good start


@ShadSterling @QasimRashid The #ACLU has an free app called MobileJustice. It’s not nearly as much functionality, but it’s better than nothing if you can’t afford a subscription.

Patty Bluebird 🦩

@ShadSterling @QasimRashid I'd rather pay for an app that could save my son's life than to bury him.
Same for not wanting him to bury me.


@pburke46 @ShadSterling @QasimRashid the point is that the exact people who need this service may not have the $60 to pay for it. And 40k (the threshold for getting this service for free) for a large family living in a place like NYC is not an income that leaves you with $ to spare.


@ShadSterling @QasimRashid 🎯exactly what I was thinking. This feels like further exploitation of vulnerable communities

Kai Werthwein

@QasimRashid what a perfect solution to get lawyers even richer. And i just thought in my little mind that the next step in US civilization is that you are are legally obliged to have a loaded weapon at all time ready to fire when in public. but thats just my leftist european view.

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@Rabenalt the app is free to low income people and $7/mo otherwise. If you think that’s how “lawyers get rich” then idk what to tell you.

Kai Werthwein

@QasimRashid my point is that it is total madness for european ears and minds. is this really the world you want to live in?

Jennifer Johnson

@QasimRashid @Rabenalt it’s the world we DO live in. In America, we only get the rights we fight for, and then only incrementally.

Sometimes you have to save who you can while fighting for more.

I’m glad you’re not an American, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. This is a dangerous and uncertain place to be.


@Rabenalt @QasimRashid I don't want to live in a world where I smash a window and jump out from the first floor, but if my house is on fire, that's exactly what I'll have to do.

You're not talking to the people who made America the way it is and you're not talking to those who can write a few laws and fix it. You're talking to people who want to do their best to make the world a little more bearable for those lacking our privilege of being born elsewhere or to whiter parents. And your comment to them on Christmas Eve is "what a perfect solution to get lawyers even richer".

Please reread your words and consider an apology.

@Rabenalt @QasimRashid I don't want to live in a world where I smash a window and jump out from the first floor, but if my house is on fire, that's exactly what I'll have to do.

You're not talking to the people who made America the way it is and you're not talking to those who can write a few laws and fix it. You're talking to people who want to do their best to make the world a little more bearable for those lacking our privilege of being born elsewhere or to whiter parents. And your comment to...

Darlene Cypser

@Rabenalt @QasimRashid
Never going to happen. Most Americans don't have guns and aren't interested in owning them. Most of us rarely have any interactions with police either. We need to stop those bad interactions with the most vulnerable in any case.

Sriram "sri" Ramkrishna - 😼

@QasimRashid Wow, that's pretty awesome - definitely a good way to stop things from escalating when there is a attorney on the phone.


@QasimRashid this should be the most downloaded app online!


@QasimRashid Fantastic!!! How exciting. I hope it works.


@QasimRashid I will add #BlackMastodon and #BlackTwitter so other folks can see it.

Deescalate an interaction with a police officer with #TurnSignl app. Face time a lawyer on demand.

Phillip Hallam-Baker

@QasimRashid Blame the NRA: Yet another consequence of the lunacy of US gun proliferation.

The original purpose of the 2nd amendment was to protect the ability of states to run slave patrols.

Having millions of people running round with firearms makes everyone less secure. It also means that the police are going to assume everyone they interact with may be armed.


@QasimRashid curious about your stats. I have looked at multiple sources and don't see "more than 1100" on any years in the last 10. Can you provide a resource where the numbers are what you state?

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@hunter867 not sure what sources you’ve looked at but I’m guessing they aren’t reputable.


@QasimRashid this sounds like an incredible idea. Wonder if it's affordable for regular folks.

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@NerdShinobi free for low income people and $7/mo otherwise


@QasimRashid now that may just have saved someones life. outstanding

Tony Serrata 🇺🇦:verified:

@QasimRashid that something like this is even necessary speaks volumes of how bad things are with law enforcement's lack of accountability for their actions.

Charlie B. Barkin

@QasimRashid Imagine you are a police officer. You pull over someone for speeding. But when you go to the window, the guy refuses to talk to you, and you both have to wait for a lawyer on a phone app to join. How patient are officers going to be? Not very.

You are basically guaranteeing you will get a ticket, and there's some chance you'll be shot reaching for your cell phone, which the cop didn't ask you to do.

Olive Knits

@QasimRashid Thank you so much for sharing this. I've gifted memberships to my friends who are most at risk. This is awesome. 🙏


@QasimRashid The fact that we need an app to protect us from the people who claim to "serve and protect" us

George Merl

@QasimRashid sadly, I can totally see that backfiring completely.

Nontechie Talk :verified:

@QasimRashid So, when I get pulled over, you want us to REACH FOR...?

What could go wrong?

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@nontechietalk did you skip over where I wrote “voice activation” or….?

Nontechie Talk :verified:

@QasimRashid I must have :-) That's a key - and very thoughtful - feature. I hope this app can make a difference, and will promote it.


@QasimRashid I am so very sad that this even has to exist. People should not be at an increased risk of being shot by police because of race and ethnicity. It’s absolutely saddening that this needed to exist. That said, I do hope this helps prevent harm or death.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@QasimRashid The idea is good, but the sheer fact that this is necessary is appaling.

Personally, I'd always #FilmCops and #LivestreamCops for everyone's safety, as they cannot be trusted.

Or has any #cop been sentenced for misbehaviour recorded with their #bodycam?


As long as when you're pulling out or just holding your phone, the officers can't claim they thought it was a gun and shoot you for holding it.

Ferran Poveda :batman:

@QasimRashid @RobW I don’t see a way to donate the membership to a person who needs it the most, rather than gift a specific person.

Giovanni Toffetti 🤖:tux:🇪🇺

@QasimRashid maybe the root of the problem is that US police has to deal with armed citizens. I guess everybody knows the real solution to that. It's incredible US citizens aren't able to fix it

Jurgen Braungardt

It may be shocking to you, but you have to dig deeper: according to a Washington Post database, 1084 people were shot by police in the last 12 months. 83% of them were armed, and about half of them were trying to flee. 21% had mental illnesses. I live in Oakland, California. It is a dangerous place, but not because of the police. In total, 40600 people die from gun violence in the US every year.


@QasimRashid More education for people as to exactly what they need to do or say (and what not to) during a traffic stop or other interaction with the law, sounds like a great idea.

Having someone they can ask questions like "is this legal" etc.. someone who can be a mediator in the situation.. *could* be a great thing.
Whatever can help increase mutual trust in those moments.

John Bell 🇺🇦🇪🇺🔸🕷️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

@QasimRashid if the police kill 1100 civilians annually, and there are about 2,300 homicides annually, what does that say about the police?


@QasimRashid This is an amazing idea. The other key problem in U.K. is resilience of access to legal advice. Our govt has damaged legal aid which funds peoples access to justice. As a result there are fewer people entering the criminal legal bar & or working as solicitors. We have profound issues in U.K. right now which need addressing & this includes a huge backlog of cases & defendants incarcerated whilst awaiting trial. Also Policing trust issues.

mason (as in the jar)

@QasimRashid, real quick: are there any competitors to this app doing the exact same thing or something similar?


This is the kind of service most society needs. Lack of: law enforcement oversight, basic rights literacy, and often, basic human decency can escalate any simple situation into disaster.

Bas Schouten

@QasimRashid probably worth noting ~2/3rd of those shot were carrying a gun. Of course police shoot an unprecedented amount of people when an unprecedented amount of people walk around with a gun...


@QasimRashid wow, while I do think it’s pretty sad that something like this is even needed (as a boring white mid aged male I cannot say that I really know what it feels like to fear for your life when being pulled over by the police) I must say this is an excellent idea 💡 and a a success if it only spares one life! ❤️ #blm


@QasimRashid Sad that it's needed, but this seems a great idea.

My only concern, and it's maybe something addressed already somewhere, is the potential risk of people being pulled over, trying to reach for their phone to open the app, and that physical movement itself being misinterpreted as them going for a weapon, thus accidentally escalating the situation.

Not sure if that's something that would need to be considered in the on-boarding process the first time the app is run?


@QasimRashid how is this helpful to communities in need if it costs $60 -??
That’s not a pubic service. That’s profiting off of a system that is already exploiting POC 🙃

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@Chimaera it’s free to low income people and a cup of coffee a month to everyone else.


@QasimRashid I’m just not feeling this business model. 40k as a threshold is not much of anything for a family living in a place like NYC. This feels exploitative to me. To each his own.


@QasimRashid this feels so dystopian tbh. "Gift someone the gift of being less likely to be murdered by police for only $30/month!"

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@noii it’s free to low income people. Also I see it as a positive that legal counsel when it’s needed most is affordable.


@QasimRashid I remember the local news going on and on and on and on about two cops being shot. They kept parroting copaganda about the extreme dangers that cops face and how they’re being killed at alarming numbers. Not once did they mention that cops usually die at a rate of about 50 per year while civilians are shot by cops at over 1,000.

Jens Peter :verified:

@QasimRashid This happens only in USA - if it was not that serious an issue it would have been a joke making this app.

How come the "land of the free" cannot make things better?


@QasimRashid that's quite amazing as a service. Astounding also that it's even needed

AGTMADCAT :verified:

@QasimRashid Hey someone invented the idea I had a couple of years ago! I'm so glad! I hope this saves a lot of people.



Insane that something like this is needed, but great respect to the developers and the lawyers. Hopefully this will save lives.

David Burke

@QasimRashid Cant wait until this is in PA so I can get subscriptions for my kids.


I love the idea of this, but
1) what is the cost?
2) is it prohibitive?
3) Is there a case for funding this sort of thing with tax dollars in the same way the 6th works?

Jesse Baer 🔥

@QasimRashid @dangillmor good idea but doing this for profit does not sit right with me at all.


What a great idea and sadly, very necessary service. Thanks for sharing this. Our Police State needs all the pushback we can muster.

Old Cyclist for Democracy

@QasimRashid TurnSignl looks very promising to save black lives when pulled over by police! That black Americans need such measures to help prevent them from being killed by our police speaks volumes about white privilege in America!


@QasimRashid Do you know if there is a place for someone to gift this to someone that cannot afford the app? I am a 70 yr old white woman and I do not fear being pulled over, but I know it is a real fear for many. I would like to help.

Angie Adamson

@QasimRashid Aboriginal people in Australia need something similar, the police here use them as punching bags, deny them medical assistance then do an internal review that finds no wrongdoing.

Matthew Merkovich :clippy:

@QasimRashid Wonderful this exists. Terrible someone figured out how to monetize this terrible state of affairs.



USA civilians should be very angry at politicians and police administrations.

It comes as far as this. You need to call up a lawyer whenever there is any police interaction to make sure things don't get out of hand.

Means your police has gone rogue.

For an European, that is such an insane situation.


@antipode77 @QasimRashid as an European: the argument goes totally wrong when it comes to: "OK, perhaps there is police-violence but hey, german officers did just shot x people last year while in the US there were y people shot."
Finally all the same on different scales. Cops kill people. More or less, here, there, everywhere ☹️

Pamela Oliver

@QasimRashid this seems like a scam. Those who can afford the fee are on average a different pool from those at risk.

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@pamelaoliver honestly I’d seek a bit more nuance from a professor. The app is free to low income people and $7/mo isn’t a bank breaking amount for middle and high income earners.

Pamela Oliver

@QasimRashid Fair. I missed the free part and saw only the 60/30 part. But am still wondering about how this would work in practice. I'll ask folks in my community group about this as we have specifically discussing how Black people experience police stops.


How is it means tested? Typically the most vulnerable in society have the hardest time providing proof of income (homeless, undocumented, etc).


Pamela Oliver

@QasimRashid FWIW I dug more because I was trying to understand the business model. It is a for-profit firm. For free, attorneys can join the plan and offer assistance to people on a volunteer basis. For $1000/year they can be paid $200 per person helped in a visa gift card (gig economy). They also had an ad on their site for lawyer gig work that is no longer open & a "premium" lawyer plan you contact them about. So trying to do good in a financially viable way.

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@pamelaoliver It's a good org led by good people. I trust them and am happy to see their progress.


@QasimRashid This is an amazing idea. Thanks for posting!

Kevin Russell


Do us all a favour folks boost this ☝️☝️☝️a thousand times


@QasimRashid The crazy part is that there's need for such an app.

I largely view police in Norway as corrupt and not trust-able, but I trust 'em not to kill me.

Tim Moore

@QasimRashid the police will make sure to shoot your phone first.

Stevens R Miller


So the cop just says, "Hang up the phone now, sir."

It's within their rights to have you refrain from calling anyone or talking to anyone while they are conducting an investigation. Your lawyer could be in the car with you and they'd still have the right to tell the two of you not to speak to each other.

Now, a law requiring the cops to stream video to a civilian review board during a stop might yield results. But, no, you don't get to call your lawyer during a stop.



@QasimRashid The fact that this needs to be a thing is something … I don't even have the words.

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