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Kai Werthwein

@QasimRashid what a perfect solution to get lawyers even richer. And i just thought in my little mind that the next step in US civilization is that you are are legally obliged to have a loaded weapon at all time ready to fire when in public. but thats just my leftist european view.

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@Rabenalt the app is free to low income people and $7/mo otherwise. If you think that’s how “lawyers get rich” then idk what to tell you.

Kai Werthwein

@QasimRashid my point is that it is total madness for european ears and minds. is this really the world you want to live in?

Jennifer Johnson

@QasimRashid @Rabenalt it’s the world we DO live in. In America, we only get the rights we fight for, and then only incrementally.

Sometimes you have to save who you can while fighting for more.

I’m glad you’re not an American, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. This is a dangerous and uncertain place to be.


@Rabenalt @QasimRashid I don't want to live in a world where I smash a window and jump out from the first floor, but if my house is on fire, that's exactly what I'll have to do.

You're not talking to the people who made America the way it is and you're not talking to those who can write a few laws and fix it. You're talking to people who want to do their best to make the world a little more bearable for those lacking our privilege of being born elsewhere or to whiter parents. And your comment to them on Christmas Eve is "what a perfect solution to get lawyers even richer".

Please reread your words and consider an apology.

@Rabenalt @QasimRashid I don't want to live in a world where I smash a window and jump out from the first floor, but if my house is on fire, that's exactly what I'll have to do.

You're not talking to the people who made America the way it is and you're not talking to those who can write a few laws and fix it. You're talking to people who want to do their best to make the world a little more bearable for those lacking our privilege of being born elsewhere or to whiter parents. And your comment to...

Darlene Cypser

@Rabenalt @QasimRashid
Never going to happen. Most Americans don't have guns and aren't interested in owning them. Most of us rarely have any interactions with police either. We need to stop those bad interactions with the most vulnerable in any case.

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