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Qasim Rashid, Esq.

This is unprecedented. Brown University strikes a deal with its students to end their peaceful protest & encampment, in exchange for a formal divestment vote from Israeli interests. And no student will be punished for protesting. This is democracy at work.


@QasimRashid Yes! It's also a 'teachable moment' for other college admins.


@KatM @QasimRashid And yet Columbia seems to be the dominant model. Thatโ€™s telling.


@microveldt @QasimRashid Are they? Perhaps they are just getting all of the media attention while many other colleges and universities are allowing dissent. Remember, the media has an agenda here. Columbia, USC, UCLAโ€ฆ those are more dramatic stories to tell. Allowing students to voice their outrage without cops beating the crap out of them in front of cameras is so boring. /snark


@QasimRashid I hope Brown takes the lead in its endeavors. ๐Ÿ™

Emma Builds ๐Ÿš€

@QasimRashid except the vote doesn't occur until the Fall, which essentially sweeps it under the rug. The ghouls on Browns board can stop stealing from workers and fouling the world for a couple of days to meet on this now.

Doctor Popular

@emma @QasimRashid good catch, I didn't realize that was part of the deal.

Qasim Rashid, Esq.

@docpop @emma I agree I don't like delaying it 5 months, but on the books is better than no vote at all. I'm hopeful this builds momentum to get other universities to step up in the same way.

Doctor Popular

@QasimRashid @emma considering that the University of California has said that it will not consider divesting, I think what is happening at Brown is a step in the right direction. Hopefully the progress at Brown will make it harder for UoC to ignore it's students.


@docpop @QasimRashid @emma Yes! Harder to ignore and easier to engage. The time lag does mean the perception of urgency in the fall is bound to be different. Not good. Maybe a bandwagon could fimd more timely action.


@QasimRashid @docpop @emma No it isnโ€™t, this is nothing more than a delay tactic. Thereโ€™s no reason to wait five months for something this urgent. And itโ€™s not like universities care about things being โ€œon the booksโ€ when they show no hesitation about allowing police brutality on students.

Mr. Completely

@QasimRashid but... But... The cops don't get to punch anyone or buy more riot gear? Who will think of their needs?


@QasimRashid they only control about 10% of their endowment.

Susan Romano

@QasimRashid Brown dealt with this same op years ago with protesters against fossil fuels

mike bayer :python_logo:

@QasimRashid IIUC the "vote" is all the way in October. And they can just vote "no". Right ? Then what ? Seems like a smart stall to me, tho certainly this would be vastly better at Columbia compared to the ridiculous and dangerous NYPD cosplay event they've initiated


@QasimRashid It is nice to see leadership from Brown. I am sorry to say that my Alma Mater, Columbia, failed the leadership test. And I told Minouche Shafik, she failed, in a couple emails.


From what I've read punishment is still on the table, but the settlement will weigh in the students' favor. Today I'm kind of proud of my old school.

Captain Superfluous


That's just it, it's democracy.

Most college admins vehemently hate campus democracy.

Most college admins want to preside over prestigious, obedient, intellectual sweat shops that bolster their personal status and income.

Which happens to be the real contract they signed with the board of trustees and the major donors.

Because the board and donors also want prestigious, obedient, intellectual sweat shops that bolster their personal statuses.

Which only makes this move by Brown more admirably surprising.

#uspol #studentprotests #education


That's just it, it's democracy.

Most college admins vehemently hate campus democracy.

Most college admins want to preside over prestigious, obedient, intellectual sweat shops that bolster their personal status and income.

Which happens to be the real contract they signed with the board of trustees and the major donors.


Dialogue over aggression
Intellect over muscle

At least one institution with common sense.

Mary625 Ceasefire Now โ˜ฎ๏ธ


Awesome! A few other schools are doing pretty much the same, including Northwestern. I'm pretty sure Northwestern was the first

Void Turtle

@QasimRashid they're just going to vote no. This was purely a way to dissolve the encampment while making literally 0 concessions.

Lynda H

@QasimRashid How is that democracy? When a small group demands policy changes and stages a sit-in to get it? Negotiating, yes, democracy no.


@lhookham @QasimRashid
- that small group (students and faculty) is not as small as the board of trustees that decide everything
- vote is not a decision. It's a choice. They may or may not go with the results anyway.
Your point?

Lynda H

@alper @QasimRashid Simply that this is not an example of โ€œdemocracy at work.โ€


@lhookham @QasimRashid
That's exactly what democracy is. How do you expect a change otherwise? Can you walk me through the process?

Lynda H

@alper @QasimRashid
You support the protesters so you see it as right/democratic. I see a small group of souls applying pressure for a policy change which may not representative of the majority of students/ faculty. The University negotiated an end to the protest. That is good work on both their parts.
The fact that the students/protesters voiced their opinion is democratic. But the process where a small group try to coerce a policy change is, not IMHO, โ€œ democracy at workโ€.


@lhookham @QasimRashid small groups are people, too. And that's how they are heard when they are ignored. If they were wealthy/powerful they'd be "peacefully" lobbying by buying judges and Congress members. You sound like a privileged minority who doesn't know what being ignored is like.


@lhookham @QasimRashid they didn't "get it", they get to vote on it.


@lizzard @lhookham @QasimRashid
Whatever school that person went to, they didn't teach reading comprehension.

Pablo Martini

@QasimRashid Man just the one educated university in America?
It beggars belief the paying power of a "former" terrorist country that didn't exist 'till 1948! Did you know all the government ministers etc were internationally marked as terrorists! Also by Einstein!
Wiki the Balfour declaration &


@QasimRashid Cornell faculty members have become involved with the protest, with some delivering speeches and canceling their lectures. Professors have also played a role in providing more active support for protestors, engaging in discussions with the administration, giving demonstrators supplies and participating in the encampment. Faculty Show Support for Encampment, Denounce University Response

Mess around Marx

It's just a smart de-escalation tactic on naive protesters, a simple put-on. There will be no result at all. Nothing's going to change, nothing's going to be divested.
If there's no solidarity between the protesting campuses and each is trying to get it's own pseudo-success, the outcome will be zero and the protests in vain.

Bernard Vall

@QasimRashid we must protest & keep on protesting everywhere throughout the world. To be silent with genocide is to collude

Steph Roccia


Student power.... glad to see it in action!

Tony Vladusich


I will believe it's democracy at work when Brandeis follows suit.

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