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14 posts total
rob pike

There's been a thread about dependencies lately and the challenge of convincing developers to look at the full dependency chain.

I once maintained a C++ binary that included a PostScript interpreter, a JPEG decoder, a JavaScript interpreter, and a number of other utterly irrelevant pieces causing a huge factor increase in the size of the binary.

The culprit: A single logging statement that invoked a general-purpose printer that could print web stuff. Switching to sprintf fixed it.


@robpike I once found an app had added the pyICU(i18n/l10n) package just to convert european-style floats (3,142) to US/UK style (3.142) in a single line in the codebase.

rob pike

My talk "Go: What we got right, what we got wrong" at GopherConAU is now available to all.



The content is the same except for the Q&A being unique to the video.


@robpike That's a great essay, Rob.

I was at Microsoft when Go was announced, and I remember being confused about the goals as I understood them ("fast builds"--though I should not have been, given that a Windows dev build took, like, days).

When I eventually moved to Google and eventually learned Go, it became clear to me that the goals were, as you write, not about language nerdery but about how we build things, usually very big and complex things, for groups of "we" that are quite large.

Kudos to you and everyone else for spotting the opportunity and changing the way so many of the rest of us think about development!

@robpike That's a great essay, Rob.

I was at Microsoft when Go was announced, and I remember being confused about the goals as I understood them ("fast builds"--though I should not have been, given that a Windows dev build took, like, days).

When I eventually moved to Google and eventually learned Go, it became clear to me that the goals were, as you write, not about language nerdery but about how we build things, usually very big and complex things, for groups of "we" that are quite large.

rob pike

This link captures the confusion about how to pronounce "fsck":

Here's the truth. Ted Kowalski, username frodo, may he rest in peace, was the original author, just down the hall from my office in Murray Hill, and his name for the program had a 'u' where there is now an 's'. Management made him change it for distribution, but they couldn't make him change his pronunciation.

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I don't care what anyone says, I will always pronounce it like fuck but with an S


@robpike Wow. I always though it was a contraction of “File System ChecK”


@robpike On long fsck's, one the reasons why the BSD's set several partitions under a slice could be that. Much less inodes to check. The typical PC'ish partition under Linux (swap and /) still can give you long checks on non SSD media with abrupt poweroffs.

rob pike

I'm giving at talk at GopherconAU (Sydney) in a few weeks, about what we got right and what we got wrong. I have lots to consider but admit I might be solipsistic on this topic.

So I'm open to outside ahead-of-time input, provided it can be given politely.

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Carl M. Johnson

@robpike maybe too many ways to declare a variable and the := shadowing problem. A lot of the other errors can be fixed


@robpike The stdlib log package being so lacking in functionality was bad for the ecosystem, because now we have 46 logging packages and little hope of unification. (I counted them at one point.)


@robpike Using nil both for empty interface variables and for null pointers, which are conceptually very different.

rob pike

We're currently experiencing the usual unusual call volume.

rob pike

The backslash file name separator on Windows still rankles after almost 40 years. It just looks wrong, unbalanced, tippy.

But even worse is that in common parlance now, \ is often called slash and / backslash.

Microsoft will never be forgiven for promulgating this affront.

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Rachel Rawlings

@robpike Every time I hear a DJ say "backslash" when reading a URL, a little more of my faith in humanity erodes away.

Arne Jørgensen

@robpike I remember back 29 years ago when I had my first struggles with LaTeX. I struggled for a long time to typeset a backslash. Only to discover, once I succeeded, that I actually just needed a regular slash 🙃

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven

@robpike Only heard that once by someone. Is this a US IT thing?

rob pike

"Oppenheimer" is very very good and passes surprisingly close to the documented history. I was captivated.

My nerd credentials must quibble though: Those nixie tubes showing the countdown were not invented until 1955 (I know because a dear friend of mine, David Hagelbarger, invented them) and also the spoken countdown is plausibly credited to early broadcasts of rocket launches.

ᵒᵏ wakest

@robpike this caught my interest and went to search David Hagelbarger and see that they dont have a wikipedia page wich seems like quite a shame. I dont see any references to their work on Nixie tubes either. So interesting how many people fall though the cracks of history like that.

rob pike

Back in the early 2000s, programmers were encouraged to avoid threads. Today that sentence means something different.

rob pike

Current pet peeve: News web sites that require you to log in but then log you out after a day or two.

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Robin Burchell

@robpike I’ve stopped subscriptions due to that in the past. I’m sure I can’t be the only one.

[object Object]

@robpike sf chronicle somehow requires me to log in, then when I click login, it remembers that I'm still logged in and doesn't ask for a password.

rob pike

Does anyone have any technology that works? I am becoming despondent over the state of things. So much technological progress and yet everything seems to be broken (or must be updated, which amounts to the same thing in user experience) all the time.



@robpike Maybe the perception that old tech was better is just survivorship bias. Exhibit A:

rob pike

The satisfaction one gets from bringing a completely dead device back to life with a little application of heat, torx, and a few seconds of voltage across the battery inside. (Bose sleep buds 2)

rob pike

Always bothered me that they have the term backwards. One cannot "unlock" an achievement, only achieve one. The phrase should perhaps be, "Unlocking achieved", as in, one has unlocked this prize, except that doesn't work well either. Oh the travails.

rob pike

We live in a world in which songs, audio books, and podcasts, all of which are just audio files with a little metadata, require different tools to play.

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no, take spotify album name, curl, pipe to a script that runs yt-dlp and play the resulting files with mpv. easy, and no different than it used to be (tape, CD)

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