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rob pike

This link captures the confusion about how to pronounce "fsck":

Here's the truth. Ted Kowalski, username frodo, may he rest in peace, was the original author, just down the hall from my office in Murray Hill, and his name for the program had a 'u' where there is now an 's'. Management made him change it for distribution, but they couldn't make him change his pronunciation.

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@robpike Quite fun that f-suck variant happened though, censor a word and another somewhat inappropriate one appears.
Rep. Eric Gallager (no "h"!)

@robpike oh man, all those mentions of Hans Reiser in the comments section have aged... interestingly.

Rep. Eric Gallager (no "h"!)

@CatherineFlick I double-checked his Wikipedia article, and apparently the date of his wife's disappearance was in September 2006... 2 months after the comments about him here were made.

Catherine Flick

@egallager yeah he was a piece of work at the time, I remember the flame wars! And then XFS came to Linux and (after a few teething problems) everyone breathed a sigh of relief

Luis Villa

@CatherineFlick @egallager Unfortunately, he was widely understood online to be rage-prone before the murders happened—I was never a kernel guy but I still knew, for example. I don’t know if anyone closer to the kernel understood to what extent it happened offline, though.

Valerie Aurora

@luis_in_brief @CatherineFlick @egallager I didn’t invite him to the file systems workshop because, basically, he was a creep. The event I specifically remember is going to a talk he gave about reiserfs that he illustrated with naked CGI women with code or tree bark for skin. Some didn’t have heads, others sat on weird… projections… No way I was spending two days in the same room as him

Tim Bray

@egallager @robpike For a while there a few decades back, my “Bonnie” filesystem benchmark was fairly influential. The only member of the fs community that got in my face about their results was Reiser. Just awful. I *probably* wasn't at risk of death…

Lorraine Lee
@robpike Apparently here in Michigan we say f-suck
[object Object]

@robpike if your Lisp machine thinks its hard disk is corrupt or it can’t contact its fileserver, one of the running processes will be “File system fucked”

a long tradition

K. Collett

@robpike TIL I’m in the Berkeley tradition

Rob Isaac

@robpike quickly clarifying for more than a few readers that frodo was unix royalty, and not the canadian singer or the guy who kept posting bombs to universities

Rob Isaac

@robpike (this topic has gone extremely wrong for me more than once)

Stephen Tures

@robpike frodo was my director at G for a brief while on GVC (the pre-cros vc appliance found in conference rooms for a while), It was such a trip telling him about our shiny new distro and then later about some challenges we had with zombie process cleanup and him saying out loud something like "how did we handle those... oh I know who to email." and getting clear answers the very next day.


@robpike There are many ways to pronounce it, but this is mine.

Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin, from the 2003 Daredevil movie, played by Michael Clarke Duncan.
Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin, from the Daredevil Netflix series, played by Vincent D'Onofrio.
Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin, from the Secret Empire comic series.
Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin, from the 2018 animated movie Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse.
Peter Sommerlad


i find the pronunciation appropriate , because you call it on the command line when a disk is f*cked...

Be Kind, Please Unwind 🐝 🦋 Ⓥ

@robpike That sidebar reads like a "know the slang your kids use" notice in an article warning parents about a "dangerous new youth trend" 😆


@robpike Now, that is one case where the pronunciation being different from what is written makes some sense at least.

Kee Hinckley

@robpike @jdp23 Extremely tangential, but this reminded me of it. Do you know who the Unix sysadmin was at Murray Hill whose handle was “god”? I’m not sure I ever knew their actual name. Would have been summer of ‘81 when I was an intern there.

rob pike

@nazgul @jdp23 Yes, I did, but his other name escapes me (as do most). Something Hartwell maybe? Sorry.

Kee Hinckley

@robpike @jdp23 Thanks. No problem, just curious. And yes, I still run into that issue of knowing someone more by their handle than their name.

Kee Hinckley

@peterhoneyman That does ring a bell. Thanks.

Edit: Confirmed via LinkedIn.

Urix Turing

@robpike I'm collecting pronunciation guidelines of tech words in my page, I'll add an entry for fsck!


@urixturing @robpike Side note: gnu (the animal) may or may not have a silent g, so it may or may not sound the same as GNU, which never has a silent g.

Urix Turing

@btdmaster @robpike thanks for the correction, I learned something today!


I don't care what anyone says, I will always pronounce it like fuck but with an S


@robpike Wow. I always though it was a contraction of “File System ChecK”


@robpike On long fsck's, one the reasons why the BSD's set several partitions under a slice could be that. Much less inodes to check. The typical PC'ish partition under Linux (swap and /) still can give you long checks on non SSD media with abrupt poweroffs.