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rob pike

Current pet peeve: News web sites that require you to log in but then log you out after a day or two.

black traffic 🇺🇦

@robpike has started asking me to log in for some reason. Why would I bother ? Argh.

Rickard Lind

@robpike News (and other) sites whose cookie consent form fails to display with adblockers on, leaving the site completely disabled. Needing to disable adblockers to reject cookies kind of defeats the purpose…


@rickardlind @robpike Web sites in general suck. Everything is terrible and abusive.

Brian Reiter

@robpike there is a very short list of news sites I will log into and it corresponds 1:1 with ones I will pay a subscription to read. Not for viewing random articles.

Robin Burchell

@robpike I’ve stopped subscriptions due to that in the past. I’m sure I can’t be the only one.

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@robpike sf chronicle somehow requires me to log in, then when I click login, it remembers that I'm still logged in and doesn't ask for a password.

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