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17 posts total
David August

I feel like I’ve read this before…


Here's Why It Would Be A Mistake To Do Anything That Inconveniences Rich Assholes 

by Some Rich Asshole

@davidaugust I will say this it's usually rich assholes (like TD yesterday) that make life harder for everyone else especially people with disabilities and cause lawsuits against them. People usually just want to do the simplest things don't make it harder than it is necessary to do that

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@davidaugust I'm sorry but did somebody actually read the basic details about Schrödingers work?
*"****Schrödinger thought that the cat being both alive and dead was “quite ridiculous”**** and intended his thought experiment to challenge other scientists’ suppositions about quantum mechanics."*

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Mark Eckenwiler (ft. Wet Leg)

@davidaugust @peter That’s great until you’re arrested wearing an extra finger, or even if there’s just online evidence of your familiarity with this ploy, such as comments about it posted on th—oh, shit.

Sire of Swamp Dragons

@davidaugust The downside is that Inigo Montoya would think that you killed his father and expects you to be prepared to die.

David August

Drinking coffee, what a tasty countermeasure. To your health! ☕️

“And, our human trial study suggested that drinking coffee (approximately 1–2 cups per day) has a potentiated ability to suppress the infection with present SARS-CoV-2 strains (including the Omicron variant), and proposed that drinking coffee can be adopted in the new COVID-19 protection guide to limit the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2.” - from the study
🧵 1 of 3

#COVID #CovidIsNotOver #coffee

Drinking coffee, what a tasty countermeasure. To your health! ☕️

“And, our human trial study suggested that drinking coffee (approximately 1–2 cups per day) has a potentiated ability to suppress the infection with present SARS-CoV-2 strains (including the Omicron variant), and proposed that drinking coffee can be adopted in the new COVID-19 protection guide to limit the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2.” - from the study
🧵 1 of 3

David August

“…findings suggest…coffee can limit SARS-CoV-2 infection by inhibiting…interactions... Coffee also reduced protein levels... Bioactive compounds in coffee… showed inhibitory effects. The human trial showed that sera from regular and decaffeinated coffee consumers can suppress SARS-CoV-2, including the Omicron variant. …authors suggest…coffee intake could be a potential dietary strategy to prevent infection in…post-COVID era.” - from the article

2 of 3

#COVID #CovidIsNotOver #coffee

skribe 🇺🇦 :verified_mustard:

@davidaugust this is better than the alternative reason why I was the only one in our household not to catch the latest round: plain, dumb luck.

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@davidaugust that's very creepy. Did you notices how her lips weren't quite in sync with her voice? extra creepy


@davidaugust "We'll likely all be opting-in to creating AI versions of ourselves very soon"

Absolutely fucking not. Hasn't anyone seen The Congress? Jesus, people. I understand that people feel like they might as well get paid if it's going to happen anyway, but consider what you're legally signing away when you do this.

Lucas Janin 🇫🇷 🇨🇦

@davidaugust @virtualbri Definitely, not the bright future I had in mind 20 years ago :-(



Most mental illness is inflicted on others by the mentally ill with this mindset. Social conservatism is low-grade psychopathy. Prove me wrong.

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Growlph Ibex

@davidaugust it want all squares with the sign in it, or only the squares with the iconography?

I'm not even sure which of those would be more ontologically correct...


Oh god those evil things, road paraphernalia that looks nothing whatsoever like the stuff we have here, squinting closely often doesn't really help, they make me go through 5 or so screens of alien traffic lights hanging unexpectedly from the sky, trying to figure out what a fire hydrant looks like and is that thing defined as a bus or a van etc. I can't read those weird squirly words either or make out what the audio version is. Often I just decide I didn't need that website after all...

Oh god those evil things, road paraphernalia that looks nothing whatsoever like the stuff we have here, squinting closely often doesn't really help, they make me go through 5 or so screens of alien traffic lights hanging unexpectedly from the sky, trying to figure out what a fire hydrant looks like and is that thing defined as a bus or a van etc. I can't read those weird squirly words either or make out what the audio version is. Often...

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@davidaugust is it terrible that I looked at that and thought “huh, English should be capitalized there”. :D Pedantry indeed.



In a story I wrote, there's the following interaction:

"You can't be here!"

"Well, if I CAN'T be here, then who are you even talking to?"

"You know full well I'm addressing you!"

"Well, I think you have the wrong address! Stupid!"


@davidaugust I feel called out massively

I do this so often with the question 'can I use the bathroom' that somewhere half the year other students will pre-emptively groan at my joke when someone asks it that way.

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Oscar Sjöstedt

@davidaugust when the wizard eventually falls after trying to execute runyoufools.exe it returns two weeks later as a blue screen

🇮🇹Riccardo C.🇨🇦

@davidaugust You have to call Dorothy! That message is about the Wizard of OZ....

David August

Twitter, once the most powerful real-time information system ever built, so much so someone accidentally live tweeted the death of bin Laden, now not only can’t be used to save lives from bad weather, but won’t even let the existence of bad weather be seen by the weather people.

Screenshot of a tweet by EATH.
NWS Wakefield §
Due to new limits on the number of tweets an account can view per day, we may be unable to see tweeted reports of severe weather and associated damage. Please contact our office directly at 757-899-2415 with any reports #ncw× #vawx #mdwx 
4:42 PM • 7/1/23 from Earth
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@davidaugust This is actually kinda insane. I hadn't thought about the impact for Weather reports and other similar things

Fabian ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@davidaugust I wonder if this also opened up a new DoS vector? Just send 600 tweets where you mention a specific user. Would their client then immediately try to load these and use up their daily budget?

Or is there also a limit on how many tweets one can send? But then, someone would just need 10 accounts and send sixty tweets each?

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@davidaugust once worked for a “company that is like your family”, regularly heard the daughter of the owner calling on the over head in the shop floor “Daddy, call on line two” and the IT guy who swore when the network went down to immediately hear from the receptionist “William! Language!” And his sheepish answer “sorry grandma”.

Max Leibman

@davidaugust I'm reminded of an exchange from 'Spy Game,' one of my favorite films...

Harker: We just need you to be a team player on this one, Muir.

Muir: [chuckles]

Harker: Why is that funny?

Muir: Every time my coach told me that, I knew I was about to get benched.

Jay Stephens

@davidaugust I had a long tradition on the birdsite of periodically tweeting "always call out Schrodinger's douchebag" at appropriate junctures... I shall keep this going on Masto, but there hasn't been a need, yet...



How to we call comedians who base their career on this kind of douchebaggery?

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@davidaugust so, mediocre is what we end up with, all the time.

fedops 💙💛

@davidaugust I disagree. If by "good" you mean easy, intuitive - sure. But categorically excluding powerful, flexible, straightforward is not what I personally want.

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