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14 posts total

TIL: Firefox has a cool built-in method for keyboard navigation! ⌨️🦊

Pressing ' (the apostrophe key) opens the "Quick find (links only)" tool. Start typing a part of the thing you want to click, until it's highlighted. Press Enter to confirm.

If there are multiple hits for what you typed, you can cycle with F3.

I think you can get very good and fast with this!

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@blinry oh, this is awesome! :breaddrool:



@blinry oh what the hell i've been relying on Vimium's link hints features for years and didn't know Firefox had that natively


Booked an Interrail Pass to travel to #emfcamp, a hacker camp in the UK! #emf2024

Getting excited! πŸ˜† This will be the first time I use the Channel Tunnel!


Here I go! \o/ Will make a couple of in-between stops on my way to #emf2024!


The Chaos Computer Club is giving out art grants!

If you're an artist/writer/creator of whatever type, you can apply for 420–4200 EUR, to work on your visions and utopias for the Chaos Community! ✨

See for details. Application deadline is already the 2024-02-29! ⏰

If you have more questions, join the @callforstories "office hours" next Thursday!


(I've been asked to be part of the advisory board. I'd love it if some of you applied with your wildest project ideas! You can also apply as a group!)


My Framework laptop is here! ✨ It's a modular, repairable laptop that I've been hearing really good things about!

This is the "DIY edition", so let's assemble all the pieces together!


I'm greeted by a small envelope in the lid of the box, which contains... stickers! \o/ And a QR code leading to the assembly guide.


Learn how QR codes work, and how to read them without a computer!

@piko and I just released the interactive explainer that we used in our workshop at #37c3!

✨ ✨

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Cqoicebordel ❎

@blinry @piko
You use bytes to store alphanumeric dataβ€―?

Because I made a QR Code watchface for the Watchy (, and I guarantee trying to decode alphanum data on paper or in your head is hard, each char use 5Β½ bits.
Guaranteed headache.

All that to say, it would have been funnier to use alphanumeric encoding ;)


@blinry @piko Some time ago I learned about QR codes out of curiosity.
But I realized I forgot most of it when reading your post.

However, you inspired me to use my pixel art editor to draw some QRs.

The rainbow colored one can't be read by my reader, so a little more work needs to go into finding colors with enough contrast.
But I still like the message it contains.

Am I?

Uhh, really not what it is for, but think about doing a#CPP #mdspan iterator to do this 😳
@piko @vitaut


I thought I could control the power of the yeast. I was wrong.


Exciting announcement: @bleeptrack and I will create a 2.0 version of our open-source Git learning game! πŸŽ‰

For the first time, you'll be able to play the game directly in your browser, using a *real Git* in a tiny Linux VM!

And for people whose first language isn't English, the game will come with other language versions!

Thanks to the @PrototypeFund for funding these often-requested features!

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ClickHouse CI :archlinux:

@blinry @bleeptrack @PrototypeFund I've installed it today, and here's the story

Besides that, git is my daily tool, and I have a lot of fun by commit --fixup + rebase -i --autosquash

IMHO it's the best way to keep the repo clean, and almost nobody uses it v_v

Nik | Klampfradler 🎸🚲

@blinry @bleeptrack @PrototypeFund

It would be great if you could ensure that *every* learner can use it and contribute to it freely and self-determined.

Currently, the issues preventing that are mainly:

* Development on GitHub (locking out young learners and learners from US-embargoed countries)
* Feedback survey (a good way to make a first contribution) on Google Docs

If you need help choosing good open platforms, feel free to contact @Teckids!


Are you curious how Git works under the hood?

Check out the first technical prototype of Oh My Git 2.0:

✨ ✨

It lets you try all commands of a real Git in a Linux VM *directly in your browser*, and shows you what they do internally!


Finally, a solution to the unfairness of authorship ordering in scientific papers! πŸ˜‚

"Every Author as First Author"

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@blinry Just print the paper in holographic film so a different name appears depending on what angle you look at it. Or maybe merge the top and bottom halves of letters together, or combine them like sigils οΏΌοΏΌοΏΌπŸ€”

The Corodon

"A final issue is that overlapping name stacks are not easy to read."
Chef's kiss, 11/10, no notes.

Jencel Panic

@blinry So, all authors' names would be unreadable - sounds good, actually.

In traditional Asian culture, there was no custom of specifying the author of a given work.


Traveling to Lapland by night train today!


Our cabin has a toilet that converts to a shower! :3


Do I have followers who live in Copenhagen, Oslo, or the rest of Norway? @daniel_bohrer and I will do a train trip this month, and would love to visit or meet people! :)

Also, general recommendations on what to do/see/eat super welcome! πŸ‡©πŸ‡°πŸ‡³πŸ‡΄

Souvlaki Space Station πŸ›Έ

@blinry @daniel_bohrer
Southern tip of Norway, feel free to hmu if you want recs for what to check out in the region or if you need someone to go hiking with, my dog and I might be available


@blinry @daniel_bohrer While in Denmark you must obviously eat SmΓΈrrebrΓΈd.


How it started / How it's going


The Git learning game and I are building is progressing nicely! \o/

We've been experimenting with a "time travel" theme for the introductory levels this week, and early feedback by our playtesters has been encouraging! #screenshotsaturday #godotengine


Finally! After all those years of using VLC illegally, I have now obtained an official license! \o/ #FOSDEM

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@blinry glad you came to the light side of opensource πŸ‘


@blinry actually, people should consider donating to the projects they care about so they will be actively maintained in the future.

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