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I thought I could control the power of the yeast. I was wrong.

Plastic containers with pizza dough on the fridge are completely spilled over, and have smashed the hummus containers which were placed there to contain the dough.

It looks like you need a bit more to contain it than poor little deli containers:
«Below 50 MPa (500 atm) yeast cell morphology is unaffected»

And even worse (or good?), "What doesn't kill the yeast, makes it stronger":
«mild HHP treatment to wild yeast cells provides multiple protection mechanisms»


I case someone is interested in more useful and nerdy yeast knowledge (e.g. the difference between reproduction and fermentation metabolism), I can highly recommend this two (german) podcast episodes:


I case someone is interested in more useful and nerdy yeast knowledge (e.g. the difference between reproduction and fermentation metabolism), I can highly recommend this two (german) podcast episodes:


@blinry you need to have at least level 7 zymurgy to prevent this

Bozo Shaw

@datn @blinry yesterday I checked on the batch of hard cider I had brewing and found that it had somehow achieved a much higher alcohol concentration than the strain of yeast I used is theoretically capable of, and had done it in less than a week. It had devoured all the sugar in the batch and left me with essentially pear schnapps. The ways of yeast are inscrutable.


@blinry Looking at your deli container, do you know of any other German/European dealer apart from Monouso?

The deli lids are out of stock at Monouso since weeks and some containers are labeled with "last units". Somehow it looks like they're taking them out of their range.


@blinry we are all fools to the power of yeast.


@blinry Have you ever tried to brew your own beer and do the last fermentation step in bottles with swing top? I bet you can picture the result if there is too much sugar left...


@blinry Slow TV version of the "Mentos in coke bottle" trick.


@blinry Ich habe für mich irgendwann entschieden, dass der Aufwand, Hefeteig über Nacht langsam gehen zu lassen, sich nicht lohnt. Habe es damals in Klarsichtfolie gehen lassen - funktioniert, aber schmierige Angelegenheit. Würde es heute vermutl. mit einer deutlich überdimensionierten Schüssel + freuchtem Tuch zur Abdeckung probieren. sorry für DE, kenne die Fachbegriffe nicht in EN

Noam writes
@blinry This is the opening of a horror film, clearly.
It came from the fridge!
Kevin Karhan :verified:

@blinry M8, you need some sturdier containers....

Like the ones @fuchsiii uses...

Also don't turbo it!


The POWER of YEAST compels you!

Kasey Smith :verified:

@blinry Bested by the yeastie beastie! A formidable foe indeed.


@blinry The mycelium will not be containerized.

not marion fitts

@blinry I thought your fridge was a garage for a minute and that was the worst minute of my life.

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