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Booked an Interrail Pass to travel to #emfcamp, a hacker camp in the UK! #emf2024

Getting excited! πŸ˜† This will be the first time I use the Channel Tunnel!


Here I go! \o/ Will make a couple of in-between stops on my way to #emf2024!


Changing trains in Cologne.

Hey, if you see this in your timeline, you're Dom-scrolling! :P


Bonjour, Bruxelles! πŸ‘‹

Just passing through, still not my final stop for today!

But having a very pleasant time so far!


Made it to Lille, my first stop on this trip. πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Looking forward to exploring the city tomorrow!


Whoa, there are cafΓ©s and bakeries everywhere in Lille! Had luck with the weather today, and got to admire its cobblestone streets and brick buildings.

Quite some action in the city today: I saw a wedding with a big traditional choir, and I think there was a football (?) match against Lyon.


Also, behind this unassuming façade hides a massive 10-storey book store, one of the largest in the country! If only my French was better... :/


Boarding the Eurostar to London! ✨ Looking forward to see all the fish!


Didn't spot any fish, but some passengers sang about sharks! 🦈

London *also* is full of loud, drunk men today... :( I'm assuming it's sports-related – does someone know what's going on?

*quickly changes stations, gets on another train and flees*


I'm in Oxford! Sandstone buildings, bars, and bookshops!

I did this "self-guided tour for new and prospective students", and enjoyed it a lot! It's very well-produced, and playing audio based on my location worked quite well.

blinry replied to blinry

And look who I met! @katzazi and @leyrer! Everyone's gravitating towards #emf2024! :D

blinry replied to blinry

I also visited University of Oxford's Museum of Science, which showcases a lot of scientific instruments, including some super pretty and old astrolabes!

The museum didn't do a good of explaining how to use them, though. Need to look into that later tonight, maybe! :)

blinry replied to blinry

Isn't it weird that humans and bananas *ever* shared a common ancestor?!

blinry replied to blinry

Had a brilliant day in Oxford!

Visited Blackwell's Bookshop! <3 They have a giant underground room with cozy lighting, and staff that radiates their love of books!

blinry replied to blinry

Saw a dodo skeleton at the Natural History Museum!

blinry replied to blinry

Found the Penrose Paving at the Mathematical Institute!

Also learned that they published most of their undergraduate lectures on YouTube:

blinry replied to blinry

I really enjoyed my stay in Oxford, glad I came here! Such a cool and interesting place!

Tomorrow, I'll head to my final in-between stop before I go to #emf2024!

blinry replied to blinry

Minding the step today.

blinry replied to blinry

I'm in Bletchley! :) Was greeted by a cat committee.

blinry replied to blinry

Visited the National Museum of Computing today. I've been to plenty of computer museums – but this one is special: Almost everything works!

You can type on an Enigma, and then see how a bombe helped decipher it. It's *loud*!!

They also have a computer from 1951, the "Witch", which still works! It had 340 bytes of RAM, could calculate five values per second, and punch them out on paper tape!

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