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Devine Lu Linvega

@bouncepaw just wanted to tell you how much I love browsing through your wiki. Lots of good stuff in there :maru:

Devine Lu Linvega

The tide brought a big chunck of styrofoam into the little anchorage we've tucked ourselves into for the past few weeks.

Floaty McFoamface just wants to go home. :')

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua



Those big chunks are generally used to stabilize house boats when people change location to the furniture.

You can tow it in a safer place when you'll leave that bay, and maybe you can even barter it with something useful for Pino.

Devine Lu Linvega

Added something to Nasu that we've been needing for quite a while, the option to read and write 1bpp graphics.

Devine Lu Linvega

Extracting the first channel of a 2bpp picture.

Devine Lu Linvega

I've been copy-pasting the same bad #uxntal code to add theme-support to software without really thinking about it. So if you copy-pasted my theme loading code, I'd suggest replacing it with something like this:

Devine Lu Linvega

I used slack today, it has been a year or two since I last had to, it took about 45 minutes to download the initial payload. I let it download the assets over breakfast, eventually purple bars started to show up, I just can't believe of they fucked up chat so bad.

I'm dreading the next time someone asks me for a "quick chat"

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@neauoire that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time.


@neauoire I have to use Microsoft Teams at $dayjob and having used Slack before, I think Slack might actually be the worse of the two.

Devine Lu Linvega

Friends of ours gave us their old chart plotter. It's beautifully low-res, it's one of the fanciest electronic we have aboard now :D

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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua


I'm sure soon we'll see something else on that screen 😄
After all, when you're not sailing, there is no need to know every moment where you are… and that display is really attracting.


@neauoire Nice! That looks almost identical to the one that came with Hale Kai. I think yours is the "fish finder" version, that's why CPF(180|300)i? instead of CP(180|300)i?, so it probably has some way to connect a sonar transducer to it.

Devine Lu Linvega

A Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator for #uxn!
Takes an hour to render the mandelbroth, haha.


@neauoire lol, I misread it as a GB and GBC emulator running ON uxn and I thought WOW! *That* I need to see!

Still neat though.


This is so cool!!
I'm gonna make a short gb game and run it on this
What Gameboy or Gameboy Color games that you've played in the past still inspire you?

Devine Lu Linvega

okay, cohost, ello and whatnot - but, don't let it sap your wanting to build yourself a personal website.

these platforms are not-anti software, they're anti-other-platforms, they want to be the one platform. So take inspiration from that, and build your own website, use syndication standards if you need, and say fuck platforms.

Devine Lu Linvega

Seeing the menu colors change in real time is super neat :maru:

Devine Lu Linvega

I love how hyper-local the FM radio news are up here. The whole morning news segment covered nothing but the time when the tide will turn, whale and bear sightings, the time that the food carry ship will reach the public dock, the vegetables that are expected to be ready for harvest this month - the birthday of a local fisherman.

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tired blip

@neauoire Central/North Coast BC is such a vibe. Maybe I go try to work a commercial boat up there some day as a path to permanent residency or something 😅

How close are the bears to you two according to the sightings?


@neauoire That sounds like exactly the right amount of news my brain should be able to handle.


@neauoire This is what I aspire to when I eventually get my (definitely not) pirate radio station back up.

Devine Lu Linvega

Hibiscus tea is my favourite cold drink in the summer, I could drink pitchers it, I probably would if I didn't care about it burning through my teeth enamel.


@neauoire does it really have an effect on enamel?


@neauoire Do you boil the hibiscus and let it cool off or do you let the flowers steep in cold water?

Odo Klave

@neauoire hibiscus tea damaged enamel?? Do you add citric acid?

Devine Lu Linvega

We are people from all walks of life with one aim: To make it impossible to own a huge polluting 4x4 in the world’s urban areas.

How to deflate an SUV tire, with lentils:


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Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters

Whilst the notion of #deflatingTyres of #SUV vehicles appears contraversial among we the left, and we do not formally condone such, we would like to point out that that website is proxied via #LiteSpeed.

Litespeed is a #USBased firm that is often seen, operating govt #websites in #Australia.

No you cannot make this stuff up.

Also if you place a bean in the valve until you hear a light hiss then its one less #bean that you can #rehydrate and #eat!

#alwaysUseTor #I2P #onionMaximalist

Whilst the notion of #deflatingTyres of #SUV vehicles appears contraversial among we the left, and we do not formally condone such, we would like to point out that that website is proxied via #LiteSpeed.

Litespeed is a #USBased firm that is often seen, operating govt #websites in #Australia.

Alejandro Gaita Ariño

Not advocating this particular type of direct action, but still, if this kind "propaganda of the deed" leads to conventional propaganda (attached) softly recommending people to perhaps just not getting a SUV, it makes one think that the effect of these actions are indeed going beyond the direct effect on the tyre/vehicle/driver affected.

For a less direct example, articles like this one where spokepeople of the activists get quoted directly to make their case:

Not advocating this particular type of direct action, but still, if this kind "propaganda of the deed" leads to conventional propaganda (attached) softly recommending people to perhaps just not getting a SUV, it makes one think that the effect of these actions are indeed going beyond the direct effect on the tyre/vehicle/driver affected.


@neauoire Drivers don't share 45% of the urban landscape well except with each other, and SUVs take up the most space when you look around. Their employers would probably sympathize, as they also are very likely to drive SUVs.

Andreas Malm writes that a driver might inconvenience or even injure cyclists and pedestrians and easily escape consequences, but the retaliation in response to nonviolent reversible inconvenience is often frothing with threats of violence or law-enforced. Lentil away IMO

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