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Devine Lu Linvega

Friends of ours gave us their old chart plotter. It's beautifully low-res, it's one of the fanciest electronic we have aboard now :D

Devine Lu Linvega

Made a little mount, ran it to the breaker panel and installed it under the dodger.


@neauoire looks great! If you ever wanted a lower resolution one in Black and White, we can swap hahaha

tired blip

@neauoire somehow I'm oddly enticed by how low-rez and extremely focused this UI is (especially given its nature as safety equipment)

I think your "less is more, we need constraints in UX again" ways might have rubbed off on me...

Devine Lu Linvega

@klardotsh no bluetooth bullshit, no notification junk, no speaker-pairing gizmos. CHARTS

tired blip

@neauoire Can/how do you update the charts on that bad boi? SD Card of CMaps (?) format stuff you have to buy/pirate? Or does it take the NOAA/Canadian Hydrological Survey format files that are public domain?

Sadly a charting app is unlikely to be something I can write as long as I work where I do; there was an abandoned experiment of making a chart plotter app at work and my IP/Non-Compete contract means company would own any such endeavors I tried (even under WA's worker-friendly IP laws)

tired blip

@neauoire if it's C-Maps, I happenstanced upon a guy selling the carts for the entire Inside Passage from Olympia WA up to Elfin Cove AK. if you two need or want them, holler and I'll make sure they get to you some how, some way :) they're old, but I have to assume at least vaguely still kinda useful in broad terms

Devine Lu Linvega

@klardotsh ah yes! it's a C-MAP cart, but it's orange and it's quite a bit smaller than the pictures on craiglist.

tired blip

@neauoire Looks like that's the C-MAP NT Max (or Max Wide maybe?) series. Welcome to the wonderful world of cartography DRM, where there's a several-pages-long PDF compatibility guide of what plotters will accept which carts...

Anyway looks like NT MAX and NT+ are both plentifully found on the 2nd hand market whenever you need them, that's cool! :) glad that plotter found a good new home!

Liaizon Wakest

@klardotsh @neauoire wow I had no idea gps nav systems had their own media format thats a trip

are any of these reflashable or somehow only written in the manufacturing process

tired blip

@liaizon @neauoire I'd love to find out some day, but don't have the time any time soon to rip one apart and RE it with an Arduino or whatever even if I found a free one.

Looks like the newer C-Map carts are actually just encrypted / DRM'd SD cards with a PC app to update. I believe Navionics hardware carts are the same general idea. These really old SNES-cart looking ones? Unknown.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua


I'm sure soon we'll see something else on that screen 😄
After all, when you're not sailing, there is no need to know every moment where you are… and that display is really attracting.

Devine Lu Linvega

@GustavinoBevilacqua canit run uxn 🤔 was like my first thought.


@neauoire Nice! That looks almost identical to the one that came with Hale Kai. I think yours is the "fish finder" version, that's why CPF(180|300)i? instead of CP(180|300)i?, so it probably has some way to connect a sonar transducer to it.

Devine Lu Linvega

@ve0hak yeah it does :) we have it too, but I don't think we'll install it.

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