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Devine Lu Linvega

I used slack today, it has been a year or two since I last had to, it took about 45 minutes to download the initial payload. I let it download the assets over breakfast, eventually purple bars started to show up, I just can't believe of they fucked up chat so bad.

I'm dreading the next time someone asks me for a "quick chat"

tired blip

@neauoire do yourself a favor and use or next time you're forced to use that shit on a bad connection. I have problems with it even on "better" connections closer to civilization than y'all are, it's so bad.

Devine Lu Linvega

@klardotsh myeah, I had to create myself an account and the account creation goes through basically downloading slack..

Max Cahill

@neauoire yeah have to use it for some work stuff and wow it's heavy. Even discord seems lighter, though also does that absolute joke of "progressive refinement" where it loads pretend chat to display before the actual chat.


@neauoire there's some goddamn video calling built in their "chat app" now, it's ridiculous


@neauoire hey can we have a.... quick zoom? :angry_laugh:

Râu Cao ⚡

@neauoire They used to have IRC access to all their channels a long time ago, but they shut it down, of course.

Alina 0xFF

@neauoire just answer "sure, meet me on IRC" and give them a server and channel name. Make it their problem to figure out how to use old efficient chat systems that are light on your connection


@neauoire ah, you should see how insane our codebase is (I work on/at Slack) hahaha. was this on the web client? or the desktop electron app? also curious... how long is your start up after it's downloaded and you're loading a second time?

Devine Lu Linvega

@metasyn web client yeah, I couldn't possibly download the application.

Once I had downloaded the initial payload, where stuff started to show up, I did a couple of refreshes and after 10-15 minutes of that I managed to send messages, and 5 more refresh later I could see what people were saying.


I hope the actual chat didn't also end up having been a waste of time...


@neauoire Some time ago I was asked to use it through an edge connection. After I told the other side that it would take a day or so to just download that big ball of javascript, we fell back to email.
Someone used to call Slack "the pinnacle of bad engineering" and I tended to agree but since I have been forced to use Teams I'm not so sure anymore. ;-)

François 🇺🇦


suggest jitsi meet? works in any semi-recent browser. Been using it for years. Nothing to install.


@neauoire "let's have a quick chat via email" 🤔😅


@neauoire that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time.


@neauoire I have to use Microsoft Teams at $dayjob and having used Slack before, I think Slack might actually be the worse of the two.

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