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197 posts total
nixCraft 🐧

The battle is on: Me vs. the sudden urge to use my keyboard as a pillow. Please send help.

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@nixCraft almost fell asleep using an electric saw :blobsweats:

Wervice :javascript:

@nixCraft Turn keyboar upside down, get cotton, hot glue it to the keyboard, order new keyboard, sleep


If you
do succumb, make sure to post a picture of what key-imprints were left on your face, afterwards.

nixCraft 🐧

Welcome to the world of open source ! We have cookies.

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Exa :calim:

@nixCraft Even as a developer I'd say they should have made a or a pyproject.toml since it's a Python program, but they don't have any of these.


@nixCraft Textbook example of why you don't steer end users to a Github page. Github may be great for tech people and devs organizing a project, but the UI/UX is possibly the worst fscking thing for any regular person who doesn't know how to navigate Github.

Make a separate project page and put your binary releases on it for those people. If you're putting out software for end-users, you have to understand that audience.

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@nixCraft How to move people to stop using password managers πŸ˜‚

Blass Rose :unverified:

@nixCraft I swear some sites have this. Just an hour ago I tried to log into a website using my password manager: incorrect username/password. I went to a different page and hit login there. Got brought to the same login screen, but it let me in just fine this time!

nixCraft 🐧

How did the #Linux systems administrator find true love?

.... They grep'd for it. πŸ€“

nixCraft 🐧

If you mention someone twice in a post (like @nixCraft @nixCraft), that tooth will receive a boost on Mastodon and the mentioned users will receive three reminders via push notification. This is a hidden feature that they don't want you to know.


@nixCraft don't boost teeth. that's just uncomfortable

Paolo Redaelli

It mostly looks like an Eastern-egg πŸ˜€

Chris Hessert πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

There's another group of Nginx developers that forked off earlier, and already have a product: Angie.

Someone posted this earlier on another thread about this.

nixCraft 🐧

A Git implementation in AWK for #Linux and #Unix: Modern AWK is capable of a lot more than one-liners. This is a toy project to explore some of the internals of Git and newer features of GNU AWK. Downlaod for fun and profit

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Site Reliability EnbyπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸπŸ”¦πŸ“ˆπŸΊπŸ‘—


I did exactly that before.

$job: "We're enforcing MDM to use Slack on phones"

Everyone: "Ok, when do our company phones arrive?"

$job: "Yeah, we didn't really plan to do that at all"

Everyone: *uninstalls Slack*

That weekend, large outage.



I had my laptop dock/hub break, and applied for a replacement, and was denied because supposedly that's not approved for work-from-home employees.

I told my employer that I wouldn't use my external monitors or mouse because they didn't provide methods to use those with my USB-C only laptop.

They decided that giving me a replacement dock/hub was in their best interest.


@nixCraft funnily enough i worked for a company that was entirely remote but we were explicitly banned from working off the clock to comply with labor regulations

this meant if someone called in sick, they weren't tasked with finding a replacement. in fact, no one was. because we didn't call people when they weren't working.

we just overstaffed a touch and if it ended up being a bit too much overstaffed we offered voluntary undertime and usually someone would be happy to take it

nixCraft 🐧

Human Resources (HR) is not your friend at all. They exist to protect companies' interests. Always remember that.

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@nixCraft That became obvious when they switched the name of the department from "Personnel" to HR. As in, Tools.


@nixCraft The name says it all. "Human Resources". HR sees employees like laptops or desks. Resources that can can used, depleted or replaced.

nixCraft 🐧

Oh nooos. Is Vim losing the restaurant menu editor war?

nixCraft 🐧

I really don't think it's fair that my generation
* had to help our parents use the printer
* ο»Ώο»Ώhave to help our kids use the printer

Cole Brodine

@nixCraft Seriously, does anybody know what happened to make kids not understand technology? I thought we'd be hiring people with a basic understanding of computers by now...

nixCraft 🐧

When a backend engineer designs the frontend πŸ’€

nixCraft 🐧

Poll: How do you access #Mastodon? Please boost for reach. TIA.

Anonymous poll


Web browser
iOS app
Android app
I will reply below
0 people voted.
Voting ended 26 January at 18:44.
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@nixCraft Web Browser on PC and Android App on my Phone


Mostly i use Tusky tbh, but I also use Tokodon, it's great!
KDE is great!

Edit, link;

Thomas Broyer

@nixCraft I use the mastodon UI of my instance on desktop, and @phanpy on mobile, installed as a PWA.

nixCraft 🐧

I have been using #Firefox since 2004 and do not intend to stop anytime soon. You need to take it out of my dead hands. What about you? #chrome #opensource #linux #unix #macos

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Mark Asbach

@nixCraft I’ve been a long-time #Safari (on macOS) and #Konqueror then #Epiphany (on Linux) user because I favor small and standard-compliant engines. And because Safari is so much more battery efficient. However, there are always web tools that donβ€˜t work - mostly things like Zoom, Teams, etc. Those I use with #Chrome which has better options for screen sharing, recording, etc. - but I want to switch to #Firefox now because I don’t trust Google anymore.


@nixCraft 99% #Firefox user. For a few sites wie where it does not work well, I use #ungoogled #chromium.

Wasabi the Black Cat 😼


I generally use Brave, but Firefox is also on my machines as a solid alternative.

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