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nixCraft 🐧

I have been using #Firefox since 2004 and do not intend to stop anytime soon. You need to take it out of my dead hands. What about you? #chrome #opensource #linux #unix #macos


#FireFoxESR to gain more control But #TorBrowser (firefoxEsr as well) are my main browsers, until a more privacy acknowledging one comes up. #notMyImage #anime #waifu

Christian :gentoo: :idle:

@nixCraft I use Firefox for Linux as my main browser. It is great. It lacks some features like rendering through vulkan, Google Chrome does better. @Patrick which browser do you use?

MicroBlog Castellano

@nixCraft But newer firefox sucks. After going from Netscape, Inc. to Mozilla Fundation, it is now Mozilla, Corp., and that means the browser start page is full of ads.


@nixCraft Started using #Firefox around 2006, because it was so much faster than #Opera. Then I spent two days playing with add-ons to get back all my dear Opera features, like gestures and right-click search. I used #Edge before setting up containers, in order to test not being logged in to services etc. #Chrome I only use for #Streamyard, because it won't work with my headset in Firefox (and for testing my changes to #WikiTree browser extensions so they work for others as well)


#Firefox all the way :firefoxnew:
Been using it since the early 2000's


@nixCraft I had to look when Firefox was initially released , but yes .. same timeframe ...

Christiano Anderson

@nixCraft Firefox is my default browser. But I've been using Brave and Mullvad when I need to connect to privacy-invasive services.


@canderson @nixCraft I don't get your use case. I'm not trying to give you advice or get you to ditch Brave, but I don't understand how Brave would protect you when you're actually logged in to a privacy-invasive service. Are you talking about the VPN built into the Mullvad browser, or about tabs containers?

Will Wasley

@canderson @nixCraft brave over Tor used to leak your DNS. I think they patched it but I would trust Mullvad browser or Tor Browser if you are connecting to Tor. That being said, Brave is convenient in that the out of box Privacy settings seem to work well. My favorite part of brave is device syncing without having to give an email and create an account.

#Brave #Privacy

Christiano Anderson

@will @nixCraft I agree! I rarely use Tor, my only concern is the abusive tracking by the ads companies to build your profile. For this use case, using a VPN or a service like NextDNS gives an additional layer of protection against the tracking.


@nixCraft I was going to share it anyway, but this is an excellent image description 🙏

Zergy :verified: :redpanda:

@nixCraft Firefox user since version 0.8, same with Thunderbird.



different styles from the same manufacturer. I'm glad I switch from chrome to firefox in my devices


@nixCraft Have used many browsers in my life, but my first one was Firefox and it is still my go to.
We use GSuite in company I work, so it is necessary sometimes to use Chrome just to get some features work. Like Google Meet`s virtual backgrounds - there are periods of time they work well and then they just stop working because of blah blah blah. Obviously I switch to Chrome for this particular task.
Or to test some behavior of our product when it don`t/do work on FF and I don't know why.


@nixCraft personal FF al the way, including thunderbird. For work chrome and librewolf, since the google account / teams web shit works best on chrome (which I think google does on purpose). Qwant for search (long time google search but annoyed with the ad and promoted results)

Dentaku (Thomas Renger)

@nixCraft I've been using it (and its ancestors) since switching from XMosaic to Netscape Navigator.


@nixCraft I think a better name for the second one is Homohobic Chrome.

I take more issue with that, than the other crap they’ve come up with.

Peter Jakobs ⛵

@nixCraft Firefox is the only trustworthy browser. I kept using it throughout the times when it was technically trailing others because trust beats function!


I use firefox with m'y computer and i have found fennec in fdroid for m'y phone, any advice about him ?

Tobias Schmidl

@nixCraft Same. I'm with #Firefox since Royal Oak (v0.8). I contributed to the 1.0 announcement in the New York Times.


@nixCraft Not Chrome is the girlfriend of Chrome. Both secretly love each other and both of these teenagers' parents have "sharing" information about each other, however, Chrome's parents are a little bit too rich so Not Chrome's parents can't directly ask them, but the relation makes a bond.

Wind (Vējš)

@nixCraft FF since v1.0. I usually have Chromium installed just for those cases when FF is poorly supported by some sites, but I use it rarely.

Salix 🇨🇿 🇺🇦 🇪🇺 🇮🇱 🇹🇼

@nixCraft FF, of course. With bunch of Ad. blockers. Only if something doesn't pass my blocking, I sometimes use Falkon or Vivaldi. Edge only for Teams. Ha, ha... Chromium only for Google services. So over 99% of time: FF.

Mr. Kindle

@nixCraft Iridium browser, haven't found anything better

Chirayu :verified: :twit:

@nixCraft I tend to go for the defaults...

Used IE for a long time then Chrome for a few years

Went back to Edge when they launched their Sparta Engine with Windows 10.

Used Safari on an old Macbook and then back to Chrome

Then used Edge with Chromium Engine until they started spamming it with MS services

Using Firefox for the past couple of years and have never been happier


@nixCraft Firefox & Fennec (android). Opera for a few streaming video sites, where things worked out of the box. A private tab in opera for my annual FB check in (to remind people to call rather than FB msg if they are visiting my city).

Separate firefox profiles for banking, work, and cloud provider accounts. MFA for everything important / hard to recover, and I try hard to keep MFA separate from primary devices. And a lot of unimportant throwaway accounts w/o MFA, stored in a pw manager.



I use Vivaldi and Firefox, search engine is Ecosia.


@nixCraft Changed to librewolf last year. But yes, for me more it's the best browser.

Marino :firefox:

@nixCraft With the Mozilla family since Netscape was my first browser after Gopher.

Richard Broekman

@nixCraft I don't remember the exact year but ... same, on Windows.

Robert Mathew

@nixCraft Firefox is great but the mobile version is slow and the back action is not working properly. I like to use the same browser on my phone and laptop, so I can use bookmarks and share links.

So right now I'm using Brave.

Tom :damnified:

@nixCraft I use Firefox since ~ 2007. There was a time when Chrome was faster and I was a bit jealous about it, but I never stopped using FF. Never regretted it.

Will keep using it until is sucks very hard. It's the very last important browser / engine that is really free and does not to restrict your web experience. It's worth maintaining and protecting it. Even if not every decision by Mozilla is supported by me.

Sebastian {DarkMetatron}

#Firefox was known as Mozilla Suite when I started using it (well to be honest I even used Netscape Navigator before that) and I will use Firefox till the bitter end.
For me it is the best #browser


@nixCraft Gonna be calling Edge "Microsoft Chrome" from now on :MOULE_Ha:


@nixCraft Same. Switched to Netscape in 2001, then came Netscape 7 Mozilla, then Mozilla (what‘s called Seamonkey today), then Firefox and that‘s it 😘


@nixCraft Firefox is my main browser and Vivaldi is my browser for some

Daniel S. Reichenbach

@nixCraft same, switched to full Linux and Firefox usage in 2004. Will never return because it’s the most stress and problem free personal computing situation I ever had.

Mark Asbach

@nixCraft I’ve been a long-time #Safari (on macOS) and #Konqueror then #Epiphany (on Linux) user because I favor small and standard-compliant engines. And because Safari is so much more battery efficient. However, there are always web tools that don‘t work - mostly things like Zoom, Teams, etc. Those I use with #Chrome which has better options for screen sharing, recording, etc. - but I want to switch to #Firefox now because I don’t trust Google anymore.


@nixCraft 99% #Firefox user. For a few sites wie where it does not work well, I use #ungoogled #chromium.

Wasabi the Black Cat 😼


I generally use Brave, but Firefox is also on my machines as a solid alternative.

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