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@nixCraft I know I've been toiling in the Sysadmin Mines for too long in my life because I read the code and thought "Heh, that's a neat workaround" 😅


It’s not a bad idea. From some points of view.


@nixCraft there's no artist name in the picture. Please inform the artist name now


@nixCraft i swear my phone has this "feature"


@nixCraft oh snap who's crypto is bs tho!? cash is king.. and that racism thing gotta go killed Navalnaya?


@nixCraft Awesome way to annoy credential stuffers and your customers at the same time!


@nixCraft Hey where did you find my code? But I even wrote a comment spam protector like this with first ten tries and random.


@nixCraft I believe something like this was the punchline of a story I read once... Can't think of the details but the villain had his computer set up so that he had to enter the wrong password on the first attempt or it locked him out...


Where’s the
in the middle there?

Shnowdenz Shecretz

@nixCraft The first condition is unnecessary. If you reject all initial attempts as incorrect, why check for correctness?


I have the feeling I’ve been tricked by this quite a few times.


The code basically says that if you don’t input the password correctly at first you don’t get to log in for the whole session. Edit: nvm it actually checks for both being true without negating them. So it always forces the user to input the same password twice


Image description: A three pane comic depicting an office setting. In the first pane a men with bags under his eyes and a cup of coffee asks “Hey! What’s going on?” while two men and a woman stand exasperated behind a men who looks at the computer screen while smiling. In the second pane the coffee drinker spits his coffee and drops the mug while in the standing trio, the woman screams “Sick bastard” towards the person on the computer, one man covers his mouth while his hair turns gray and the second man rips his own hair. The men on the computer does a thumbs up, still smiling. The third pane shows the computer screen which contains a “brute force attack protection” programming code. The code reads "If is password correct and is first login attempt, then error: wrong login or password "

Image description: A three pane comic depicting an office setting. In the first pane a men with bags under his eyes and a cup of coffee asks “Hey! What’s going on?” while two men and a woman stand exasperated behind a men who looks at the computer screen while smiling. In the second pane the coffee drinker spits his coffee and drops the mug while in the standing trio, the woman screams “Sick bastard” towards the person on the computer, one man covers his mouth while his hair turns gray and the second...


@nixCraft "that appears to be related to password validation"

The sick MF set it so even if you get the password right, you have to type the password in again, so people who try multiple passwords skip over the real ones, while people who remember the password shit their pants as to whether they forgot their passwords again.


This man found the code for USB plugs


@nixCraft That would really work ..... for awhile.


@nixCraft From a terribly misconfigured PAM config 20 years ago I know that at least one brute force script tried the same password twice in a row.


@nixCraft I *KNOW* I'm typing my password right the first time, now i've learned why it doesn't work


@nixCraft How to move people to stop using password managers 😂

Pixelcode 🇺🇦

@dart @nixCraft yeah, the first one is the superposition (thx Schrödinger 🙄)

Blass Rose :unverified:

@nixCraft I swear some sites have this. Just an hour ago I tried to log into a website using my password manager: incorrect username/password. I went to a different page and hit login there. Got brought to the same login screen, but it let me in just fine this time!

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