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192 posts total
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Michal z Michle

@nixCraft I know it is a joke but... Come on! GPT4-turbo would never do that mistake. GPT-4o (the new model that now even unpaid customers can use) neither. To get that answer you must chose GPT3.5 that is now #29 on lmsys bechmark.

Go with llama 3 70b. You can even install it on your laptop if you have a good one.


@nixCraft OK, that just means that it's calculator only does 12 digits.

nixCraft 🐧

Privacy is dead, and all of your data, including medical information, is constantly being sold to the highest bidder. This is a terrible situation, and there should be strict regulations for those who are breaking the law. Source

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@nixCraft Referencing Threads aside, stricter regulations won't necessarily change their mind.

Enforcing near-bankruptcy-inducing penalties for violating said regulations, however, might. Perhaps adding an extra couple zeroes and threatening their corporate ability to exist next year would encourage them to stop selling PHI.

Brandon Mitchell

@nixCraft therapist: why do you say you have trust issues?


@nixCraft this is insane. These people should be in jail.

nixCraft 🐧

What Happens When a Romance Writer Gets Locked Out of Google Docs: In March, an aspiring author got a troubling message: All of her works in progress were no longer accessible. What happened next is every writer’s worst fear. Remember, the cloud is just someone else’s computer

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David Grieve

How high would her word count have to be to go beyond the capacity of a resonable usb pen drive? We are not talking about 8k video files here. Backing up important work has been drilled into me from IT class day dot. To trust so much to something completely beyond her control is just daft.

Owen Tyme

@nixCraft This is why I use LibreOffice, running on Linux, on my own hardware AND make regular backups.

When my work goes online, its through Draft2Digital, for publishing. Works in progress (WIP) do not get put online.

Reminds me of a critique exchange with another writer. I was super angry when I found out they put my work in Google Docs and then shared a link back with their notes as comments, because I don't post WIP online.

Google Docs has always been a problem in search of a solution.

Michael Richardson

@nixCraft sad storey. But it could happen today with Win11 and Word too.

nixCraft 🐧

Everyone should immediately stop contributing to the stack overflow and its network. The human touch is what made it unique. Delete your profile from SO AND all your answers. Freeloaders are making money out of human contributions.

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Jason Hunter

@nixCraft I never expected to get paid for my SO answers. I wrote them so freeloading developers could freeload on me. I always expected SO as a site would make a few bucks to run the show. My answers were my donation to the universe. What’s the problem here again?

Len Frankel

@nixCraft a potential alternative is Codidact, which is essentially a Stack Exchange clone only open source and run by a not-for-profit. It was started up a few years back by ex StackOverflow moderator Monica Cellio (who was fired by SO in another one of their faux pas moments).

Oh FFS. Can we stop this LLM/data-hoovering rubbish already 🀦
nixCraft 🐧

Google self driving car with Chrome rims. πŸ˜‚ Google thinks it is funny that 4 tires (aka tabs) are enough.

nixCraft 🐧

I am a:

βšͺ️ Man

βšͺ️ Woman

πŸ”˜ New Linux user who is configuring Nginx for the first time

Looking for:

βšͺ️ Women

βšͺ️ Men

πŸ”˜ How to exit from vim

nixCraft 🐧

this developer retired or resigned from software giant after 22 years 4 mos, and became a farmer. bro is living his dream.

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Did he move to a remote town in a small valley where everyone is more or less friendly, there's ample fishing, a hat-selling mouse, a wizard and plenty of mines to explore and everyone is just a bit suspicious of the big corp?

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Michael Boelen

Yes, saw them as well on my end. Tried contacting them and not much of a response yet. We should feed them digital rubbish, so their products will output πŸ€‘πŸ’©


@nixCraft Well done to the @linuxmint team for finding and blocking this Ai scraper πŸ‘


@nixCraft Dang, I actually somewhat enjoyed using Claude, for all its limitations.

nixCraft 🐧

Poll: Please clarify what your primary purpose is for using #Linux : πŸ€”

Anonymous poll


Software Development
Server Administration
Personal Desktop
217 people voted.
Voting ended 29 April at 14:22.
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@nixCraft [X] Watching Windows Users' Heads explode when working on the shell

sean doherty :archlinux:

@nixCraft I'm used to it and can generally support it myself.

nixCraft 🐧

damn πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚ you are now just showing off your fancy cpp code πŸ‘€ original gist at by X/Twitter user

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Pascal Leinert

@nixCraft It is a good thing, that programming was invented in the English language world.


Oh man, now you can compile this

nixCraft 🐧

Laws are never equally enforced or applied especially when you have tons of investors money. It is a sad reality.

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Radio Resistance

@nixCraft i thought the same thing the other day. when they want to steal our work, that's totally legal, when we want to fair use their shit, we're criminals.



"There must be in-groups whom the law protectes but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

-Frank Wilhoit


@nixCraft Did OpenAI just admit that most companies building AI tools are criminal enterprises?

nixCraft 🐧

Spotify CEO Daniel Ek surprised by how much laying off 1,500 employees negatively affected the streaming giant’s operations NSS. πŸ˜‚

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BirdInFire :mastodon:

@nixCraft So he just tell that they have layed off on money without checking the consequences … hope they go bankrupt…


@nixCraft We tech folk don't generally like doing the "work around the work", that's a thing either organically necessary to the work or imposed by managers who never want to hear the details and just want us to pump out code 24/7.

You can't just arbitrarily reduce headcount and think that represents any improvement.


@nixCraft It's always strange for me when "share jumps" seem to be better than real benefit in such articles...


@nixCraft I remember buying it every week. It lasted 11 issues, I think ?

William Shotts


Having purchased a Penguin Computing system back in the day, I have the mouse pad:

nixCraft 🐧

A #Linux user walks into a solar #eclipse viewing party...
...and spends the whole time configuring their telescope's drivers.


@nixCraft the funny thing is it seems like the only time I have to think about drivers these days is on windows. Downloading them from a website like a barbarian.

Sunshine's inane ramblings

@nixCraft IT ME!! (well, would be, if it were viewable from here;)

nixCraft 🐧

Modern software development be like: I wrote 10 lines of code to call an API that calls another API, which calls yet another API that finally turns on a lightbulb. Pray that Cloudflare or AWS will not be down during this operation; otherwise, there will be no light for you.

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Anton Piatek

@nixCraft it's doesn't have to be... Mine are all local network. I do use a mqtt server, though could do direct http to the lights too.
We've made a choice to make everything cloud connected, because consumers value only price and convenience and manufacturers only look for profit


@nixCraft I honestly find embarrassing that to print a file in my local library I need to email it and it will likely do a journey around the world before reaching the printer which is one step away from me. I'm happy I don't have to connect an untrusted USB to my phone, but I wish there were a middle ground with a local and secure by default protocol.

Tobias Klausmann

@nixCraft And the sysadmin/SRE is the one who writes Golang templates to generate YAML that configures a system that configures a system that configures a system that configures a system that configures a system...

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@nixCraft ERROR!! food not found CRITICAL ERROR!! fridge is empty 🀣


ansible-playbook ask-spouse-to-go-grocery-shopping.yml

@nixCraft ```Reading state information... Error! E: Read error - read (5: Input/output error)```
nixCraft 🐧

this is how bots army and click fraud take place. your uniq mobile id means nothing. Here is How they build the 3rd gen, 20 mobiles into a server chassis? 3rd generation click farm fraud involves mobile device servers, centralised and operated by one.

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@nixCraft this would be great for parallelizing automated smoke tests of apps

Riley S. Faelan

@nixCraft It's a Matrix pod, only it's unscrupulous and manipulative humans mercilessly exploiting innocent cellphones who think they're living on a real network. :blobcatsad:​

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