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nixCraft 🐧

Poll: Please clarify what your primary purpose is for using #Linux : πŸ€”

Anonymous poll


Software Development
Server Administration
Personal Desktop
217 people voted.
Voting ended 29 April at 14:22.
neel chauhan
@nixCraft I'm in a uncommon scenario: develop on Windows for a living but at home run Linux and one Mac.
Terry Bray

@nixCraft it's to bad you don't have a choice for i don't use linux

Tim Ward ⭐πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ”Ά #FBPE

@nixCraft "Because I'm paid to" or "because that's what you get on a Raspberry Pi" or "because that's what my ISP offers" or "because that's what my phone runs" (if you're counting Android) are my reasons.

Laukidh :ablobcool:

@nixCraft wow, are we actually seeing the year of the Linux desktop in these poll results


@nixCraft I had always used Linux for web development, server administration and basically all of the web/email browsing. Had to dual boot on Winboez to use Adobe softwares and games. But recently started to adapt/teach myself Gimp (for desigining) and Proton (for gaming). It's a really awesome feeling to finally dump Winboez completely.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.

@nixCraft I am a gamer and a developer, and have been both since before my first Linux install and long before I switched to Linux full-time.

But, even if I stopped playing games and writing software, I doubt I'd move off of Debian, as long as it works on my hardware. Not that Debian has no problems, but they are different and less than what I hear about from MS Windows users, and put up with on my employer's laptop.


@nixCraft Actually, for me it is all of them. It startead as a combination of Personal desktop and software development, but it progresibly escaled to everything, I currently don't use anything else that is not Linux, unless someone forces me to do otherwise.


@nixCraft [X] Watching Windows Users' Heads explode when working on the shell

sean doherty :archlinux:

@nixCraft I'm used to it and can generally support it myself.

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