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nixCraft 🐧

Modern software development be like: I wrote 10 lines of code to call an API that calls another API, which calls yet another API that finally turns on a lightbulb. Pray that Cloudflare or AWS will not be down during this operation; otherwise, there will be no light for you.


@nixCraft Back in my day you could pick up an issue of Nibble Magazine and get an entire program in 1 line of code. Dang kids these days.


@nixCraft forgot the it cost me $50 a month.


@nixCraft i require entire forests to be cut down to fuel the AI in my eco friendly light switch.

Melroy van den Berg

@nixCraft those 10 lines are written by AI via another api. So basically everything is api


@nixCraft *Laughs in Home Assistant and local networking*

Andy K

@nixCraft Those 10 limes of code compile down to 52.9 megabytes of executable and you have to reboot the operating system after installing the app.


@nixCraft Don't forget that it federates the lightbulb request which might DOS attack the user service through N+1 queries somehow.


@nixCraft Ah, so true. Or that the net or a server won't be down. Technology has always been great, when it works. Sometimes just like other things in life, it doesn't.

Zeki Çatav 🤔 ☕ 🕯️🎶

@nixCraft There are now many AI options that work locally. And they are becoming more and more skilled. The playing field is expanding. But GIGO is always valid. 😉

BirdInFire :mastodon:

@nixCraft found funny switch the light (with matter and thread) (full local)


@nixCraft This is why I aim for solutions that work locally–not for the reliability, but out of spite.

Chief Master Sergeant Walter H

@nixCraft I'm currently working on building a rather large system based on microservices and event driven architecture. Either we are doing it wrong or I just don't understand it, but I say bring back the monolith!

unixjunk1e 🌵


And... The last API claims the rights to the query and results, and the prior API claims the rights to the query and the results, and the prior API claims rights to the .... Oh, did you save all that in a cloud provider? Well they claim the rights to the...

Anton Piatek

@nixCraft it's doesn't have to be... Mine are all local network. I do use a mqtt server, though could do direct http to the lights too.
We've made a choice to make everything cloud connected, because consumers value only price and convenience and manufacturers only look for profit


@nixCraft I honestly find embarrassing that to print a file in my local library I need to email it and it will likely do a journey around the world before reaching the printer which is one step away from me. I'm happy I don't have to connect an untrusted USB to my phone, but I wish there were a middle ground with a local and secure by default protocol.

Tobias Klausmann

@nixCraft And the sysadmin/SRE is the one who writes Golang templates to generate YAML that configures a system that configures a system that configures a system that configures a system that configures a system...

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