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nixCraft 🐧

Human Resources (HR) is not your friend at all. They exist to protect companies' interests. Always remember that.

Pascal Leinert

@nixCraft The name Human Resources itself makes that obvious. You are a resource, not a person.


@nixCraft don't trust any part of the company that refers to you as simply 'a resource '. - No, I'm a person, I have a family, a life and feelings. Treat me as such. Unfortunately, HR don't do that.

nixCraft 🐧

@rj @nixCraft is that your dog? I am talking about your avatar


@nixCraft like a soldier who want to be a human but can't. Maybe it's the way how any human society goes.


@nixCraft bingo. almost every convo is a potential trap. esp in this age of DEI and AA, where they're incented to discriminate against whites, males and straights


@synlogic @nixCraft
Oh boy, another "centrist" who seems to only ever support far right-wing talking points. Nobody's fooled (except maybe yourself if you actually believe the garbage you spout). Just own up to it, coward.

Darwin Woodka

@synlogic @nixCraft oh help, I play the game on the easiest possible level and its still so UNFAIR

Bye, asshole.


@darwinwoodka @synlogic @nixCraft

Lol cooked and cleaned the plate. Gotta love a good self-report.

Hubertus Munz

@nixCraft In theory, our interests should be in-line with the company’s..


@hubertus_munz @nixCraft
In theory (and in practice), companies want to pay you as little as they possibly can and squeeze every last ounce of energy out of you. That does not align with my interests.

Hubertus Munz

@jargoggles @nixCraft So i guess you haven’t found the right company yet.


@hubertus_munz @nixCraft
The company I work for pays me well and I have a really good work-life balance.

But the fact remains that they would absolutely pay me less and get me to spend more time on work and less time with my family if they felt like they could.


@nixCraft in fact nobody is friends with us, I think everybody is only thinking about the interests of the organization they work for or their own interests! right?


Make sure that you document as much of your communication with them as possible and for all email correspondence, BCC your personal email.

CYA because HR will not do it for you.

Kenneth Henderick

@nixCraft I think that HR should be your friend. When you can't go to HR for problems,or they don't support you, it might be an indication that the company reads "resource" as "consumable" rather than "asset" (in the positive meaning of the word). I've probably been lucky, but in the past, I've always had great colleagues at HR. We sometimes disagreed (they usually push back when you want/discuss a raise 😅), but it was always respectful.


@nixCraft Neither is your boss. They will both throw you under the bus without a second thought.☹️

Ivan Bk

@FRONTINE_LeFEVRE @nixCraft i have been lucky. My previous boss was and is still a friend. Unfortunately (for me), he retired. And now everything is different. I look forward to retiring

Diabolic Preacher
@nixCraft thanks. about to get a job next week and hr round is left.

@nixCraft when someone asks "what would you tell your younger self?", this is an excellent answer.


@nixCraft Yes- HR is there to look out for the company. But given my experience at (company name redacted), the top four founders, plus the head of HR, were the only ones to make money after the company was purchased. So- look out for the company and self is more accurate. I wouldn't even say dog eat dog- more chimpanzee eat chimpanzee


@nixCraft I read an article in at the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it related to karma visiting an HR executive and how she wished that she had been more empathetic to employees...HR is indeed a fallacy that serves corporate interests

Honest Jim - webcomic

@nixCraft The name just explains it: 'resources' are materials to use for functional purposes, nothing more.


Inhumane resources for people that can't do a proper job

Benoît Verhaeghe

It is like your banking advisor who works for the bank. Not for you!


@nixCraft They are there to intercept your complaint before you can talk to a lawyer.

Paolinus :redhat_linux:

employee target: do something.
hr target: fire employee.

Tucker Carlson's Nuts

🥥 Eye worked at a company where the head of HR apparently had a problem with humans.
Stories were numerous and legendary about "associates" entering her office employed and leaving it unemployed.
Thanks to the office grapevine it wasn't long before no one went voluntarily to her office. 🥥

Dan Morris

@nixCraft My grandfather was head of HR at Armco Steel. His philosophy was that "Unions exist because HR failed". So he convinced the company to set up community colleges for workers kids, low interest mortgages, basic healthcare, etc... And while steel mills everywhere had strikes and union busters, his company (for his tenure at least) didn't ever have a strike and he never needed a union buster.

however.... he was clear that a union exists for a reason. It doesn't happen magically, people have to be unhappy and mistreated. So, he wasn't really anti-union, but more "It's cheaper not to fuck people".

Unfortunately, you know how they say the "most efficient form of government is a benevolent dictatorship", when that dictator goes, you end up with an asshole and everything goes to shit.

I'm not sure what happened a after he left the job (heart attack), but now they're a union shop, and by his own logic, it's 100% the fault of a shitty HR department.

@nixCraft My grandfather was head of HR at Armco Steel. His philosophy was that "Unions exist because HR failed". So he convinced the company to set up community colleges for workers kids, low interest mortgages, basic healthcare, etc... And while steel mills everywhere had strikes and union busters, his company (for his tenure at least) didn't ever have a strike and he never needed a union buster.

Stephen Cerruti

@nixCraft Doesn't the name kind of give it away? I always wondered why they didn't think to name it something less obvious.


@scerruti @nixCraft I made the mistake of thinking they were "resources for humans", as in, there to be resourceful to me when I need it.

Haha. Stupid, younger me.


@nixCraft Boy I learned that one the hard way...

Confusion as a Service

@nixCraft @paul_ipv6 Just like the environmental dept has nothing to do with saving the planet


@nixCraft That became obvious when they switched the name of the department from "Personnel" to HR. As in, Tools.


@nixCraft The name says it all. "Human Resources". HR sees employees like laptops or desks. Resources that can can used, depleted or replaced.

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