On 25 August 1991, Linus at age 21 announced Linux project/system in a Usenet posting to the newsgroup. Here is original email that changed IT world forever. Happy Birthday, #Linux kernel.
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Not that I need to hear the @atpfm guys complain some more about Apple’s feedback/radar system… but this definitely made me think about their conversation(s)
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@nixCraft Editors...there are more of them than flavors of religion. We tend to stick with what works for us when we devoted the time to learn the weirdness unique to _that_ editor. For me it's DEC's TPU, that is EVE; only that's no longer an option for me. Now I'm wandering in the desert seeking a replacement. Nothing seems to measure up. WTF? Uninstall the Nightowl App, now. Spread the word. https://robins.one/notes/uninstall-the-nightowl-app-now.html @nixCraft One of many reasons why I have such excellent control over what comes in and goes out of my connection. I could easily stop this from communicating with it's C2 servers easily. I was able to do the same with Luminati/Bright Data by blocking their domains and DigitalOcean IPs. @nixCraft Should also clarify that this is NOT the NightOwl app that one would use with the NightOwl branded CCTV cameras.
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@nixCraft "You plug in the cat5 cable right-" Looks down, "Oh I see you've already got one plugged in." Your first website is going to suck. TL;DR: Your first attempts may not be perfect, but keep trying. Perseverance is key.
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@nixCraft To expand on this, "Comparison is the thief of joy." Don't rob yourself of the joy of creating something just because someone with years or decades of experience could "do it better". They walked in the same shoes as you did, the only way they got to where they are is because they didn't fear failure, they kept working hard, and most importantly they kept learning. Nobody is born a "natural". We all have to crawl before we walk and walk before we can run.
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The first time this happened to me, I showed up to a formal event wearing sandals, a t-shirt proclaiming the greatness of Linux, and jeans. Despite my casual attire, I was allowed entry by the security team, who recognized me as being from the IT department and assumed I was there to ensure the computers were functioning properly. LOL. (1/2)
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I have a love / hate relationship with nano. I love it because it is console based, and modeless unlike vi. I hate hate hate those default key bindings. Solved that issue with .nanorc customizations.
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@nixCraft Get ready; Google Adsense, which is used by the majority of websites out there, is introducing a beta feature called Offerwall (Ad gate). https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/11913007 Once the threshold of 4 page views has been reached for any given user, the ad gate will appear everywhere. How generous of them and the website operators? Currently, this is optional, but it may become a permanent feature unless you turn off the ad blocker. #privacy #security YouTube is about to restrict views (beta test) to 3 videos per day, or you need to disable Adblocker or buy YT premium. The battle between content creator and Ad blocker user just escalated further. The whole Google-backed-up Ad industry is going nuclear for sure. It is not just Google, but all other players like FB, Insta, Twitter, and others restricting access to content unless you allow Ad viewing.
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Poll: As a developer or sysadmin/IT person - do you put stickers on your laptop? Anonymous poll
Yes, here is the pic 💻
No 😝
I am not allowed to put it
103 people voted. 6
Voting ended 8 Jul 2023 at 11:40.
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@nixCraft I wish, but not on ThinkPad. I keep the serious look for this machine :blobcatcool: @nixCraft Yeah, every time I have a laptop, it's covered in stickers. Both old and new here in the photo )
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@nixCraft Instructions as used by my father for teaching students to become teachers. Before 1975, hence imperial measures, foolscap copy by dyeline printing. |
@nixCraft I had it in college and it was hands-down the best and most effective way to really screw something up…until I leaned C which allowed me to screw lots of things up at the same time.
It’ll teach you how a computer works though.
@nixCraft I feel the wording needs "eve-e-e-entually" somewhere in there. :blobfoxsmirk:
@nixCraft *cracks open Ghidra* time to fork this proprietary kernel blob