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53 posts total
Thomas 🔭✨

Eero the Cat

Retro digital photography with Kodak DCS Pro SLR/n from 2004.

Yes, they had amazing digital cameras back then.


Thomas 🔭✨

Hi, if you want to “save children”, instead of performative bullshit how about you ban guns, make paid parental leave mandatory, have single-payer healthcare for everyone, provide free daycare and kindergarten, ban corporal punishment at schools, make higher education free and make food free at schools.

Konnor Rogers

@thomasfuchs because they don't care about children. They care about control.

Karsten Schmidt

@thomasfuchs I really think in many cases this has little to do with a growing backlash, conviction or even ethics, as it is a branding strategy to capture a market/consumer segment which is forming. Just like selling plus-size sports fashion (or Pride-themed marketing/signalling), sure there're some benefits to people in those segments, but from the POV of the companies/startups, this is mainly about tapping into and capturing sizable demographics which might already feel alienated by other competitors and are currently left in a void. In other words, it's just marketing working as intended... (not to say that notable ethical exceptions exist of course!)

Also, in the case of Cara (the poster child example of this trend), their "No AI" is actually very much a conditional "no", to be reviewed in the future... From their T&Cs: "...will continue to make adjustments and updates to our policies as our platform grows and the situation around AI-generated media evolves." (

@thomasfuchs I really think in many cases this has little to do with a growing backlash, conviction or even ethics, as it is a branding strategy to capture a market/consumer segment which is forming. Just like selling plus-size sports fashion (or Pride-themed marketing/signalling), sure there're some benefits to people in those segments, but from the POV of the companies/startups, this is mainly about tapping into and capturing sizable demographics which might already feel alienated by other competitors...

Paul Tourville

@thomasfuchs No one couldn't have foreseen this. Why it's utterly thinkable! Businesses desperate to appear relevant embracing a half-baked technology they don't understand, only to discover it's half-baked and they don't understand it? Why... nothing like this has never not happened before!

Thomas 🔭✨

The maître d' showing you to your table


Thomas 🔭✨

People, always: Mozilla, please just make a web browser

Mozilla, 2014: here’s a phone!
Mozilla, 2018: all in on VR!
Mozilla, 2022: let’s do crypto!
Mozilla, 2024: hurrah AI!

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Lukas Stancik
@thomasfuchs I bought the phone and I liked it actually..
SuperDicq Ever since Thunderbird has split off from Mozilla they have done exactly what everyone wanted; Just build a better e-mail client.

Maven :neocat_flag_demigirl:

@thomasfuchs @mozilla needs to stick with what theyre good at: the web

I could see the phone, I might be able to see vr, but ai? crypto?? no.

Firefox has only been getting worse over time, i still miss being able to set your own search engine

Thomas 🔭✨

Ah yes, the good old times when Apple’s mobile devices supported memory cards

Stewart Russell

@thomasfuchs there is one person left who sells these, and he only takes orders over the phone.

They were also used by a tiny Amstrad 8-bit notepad computer, but also a huge and expensive CNC machine. users of the latter will pay a lot for working cards

Thomas 🔭✨

"But it can be useful, like for summaries!"

Meanwhile, 99.9% of generative AI usage is for replacing authors and editors with garbage writing, outright scams, flooding search engines with shit, ripping off artists, cheating on writing assignments, firing translators, creating pornographic images of people who didn't consent, generating CSAM, stealing other people's code and advancing the fine art of low effort enshittification.

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Jesse Janowiak

@thomasfuchs Ok, but… citation needed? Nobody can deny that AI is generating tons of junk, but how are you judging the amount of legit and useful applications? Those don’t get dumped out into the wild as often, so we don’t know about it.

Jared White

@thomasfuchs I'm constantly flummoxed by how "generating summaries" is considered useful work. Like, are there *really* so many people out there who are required to summarize "other people's stuff" but *also* don't need to learn the stuff themselves in order to summarize it?

> “Yay, I can stop reading stuff I don't need to and can just clickity-clack to get generated summaries of it all instead!”

**Said me never.**

Who's doing this??!!?!


@thomasfuchs It is not AI. That's the key point. It means to be fucking with our language and our brains to call LLMs and SDs Artificial Intelligence.

They are static networks of vector nodes, products of mathematic iteration, incapable of self reflection and adaptation. They are bayesian token chainguns. But they are not intelligent.

Thomas 🔭✨

I love Apple products and for their own good they should be forced to open up their mobile platform (just like their computers always have been) for people to install whatever they fucking want on it

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@thomasfuchs The iPad would be one of the greatest devices ever created if I could install macOS on it.

Alex 알렉스

@thomasfuchs totally true. Eventually the most users will not care at all and use it the same way as they do right now. 💁

Григорий Клюшников

Apple's maniacal insistence on retaining control over iOS devices after sale is the №1 reason why I'm that weirdo who uses a Mac but an Android phone. I can't see myself using a phone where I'm not able to install apps form wherever the fuck I want without asking anyone.

Thomas 🔭✨

It’s all fun and games until you realize that USB-C is a type of connector, not a protocol (doesn’t even have to be USB over it) and not a connector & protocol combination like most of what is depicted.

In other words, we switched from ports and connectors that had specific shapes for specific single protocols to a connector that looks the same but uses different protocols and mutually incompatible cables.

hashtag progress

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Jesse Lamb

@thomasfuchs I completely agree with your premise, but have you encountered random things that use an s-video or ps-2 style connector for power or communication in a seemingly arbitrary way? I have a few times and it’s always a surprise. Maybe there’s another standard for those connectors I’m not aware of?

Justin Mancinelli

@thomasfuchs 😬 ah yes, I first learned of this from

I only ran into a bad case of it about a month ago when I picked a random cable to plug my phone into the computer to run adb and it wouldn't work... too many minutes of trying to fix it with updating software versions, etc, then I tried flipping it around and it worked😠


@thomasfuchs does anyone make a USB-C “sniffer” that you can connect a cable or device to and it will tell you which features are supported?

Thomas 🔭✨

Having programmed computers for almost 40 years now the best advice I have for programmers is: what you’re doing is primarily a social job, not a technical one.

Thomas 🔭✨

This isn’t just an empty aphorism.

Unless you are an ethical person who strongly cares about not making other human beings suffer—you cannot make high quality software.

This includes not making software at all when as a consequence of that software other human beings would suffer.

Thomas 🔭✨

Why is it Vision Pro and not iPatch

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@thomasfuchs I'm reminded of a novel in which someone got an experimental cybernetic replacement for her optic nerve and wanted to call it her "eye pod", which really annoyed RIM because they were the ones who built it. Someone later got an implant to bypass spinal nerve damage, and decided to call it the "backberry" to make up for it! 😂

Thomas 🔭✨

Headline in 10 years from now:

“Of course AI didn’t achieve sentience, but at least we ruined the Internet trying!”

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The Tired Horizon

@thomasfuchs Still less of a risk than it controlling our drones.. 😂


@thomasfuchs I try to think of it as an attempt at creating a labor substitute in a country that has a shrinking population nearing retirement age. The pandemic really highlighted this problem when a bunch of people said fuckit and retired “early”.

We can’t go back in time 30 years and create more favourable conditions for people to pop out kids at above replacement levels, but we can attempt to automate the things we’d need bodies to do.

Not a good substitute, but an attempt nonetheless.

Thomas 🔭✨

From “Computer Lib”, Ted Nelson et al (1974)

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what MLK called "negative peace" (preferring the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice)

whenever evil takes hold in the world, it's always these people: "i can't be bothered, i can't do anything, just go away"

the banality of evil

Eli the Bearded

@thomasfuchs Rings true. Except for the nice and timid part.

Jacky (is looking for work)

@thomasfuchs This could have been posted in 2018 and 2020 and would still have been missed smh

Thomas 🔭✨


Blockchain: a slow database

Crypto: an expensive slow database

NFT: an expensive slow database to store URLs

AI: a way to write slow and inefficient algorithms

LLM: a database that stores text in a slow and inefficient way

Chat GPT: an expensive imprecise query language for slow and inefficient text databases that often returns wrong results

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@thomasfuchs For years I was thinking about Software getting worse faster then hardware is getting better. When Nikolaus Wirth died, I found and finally I felt understood.



only more like "AI: A buzzword, actual meaning is 'some magic', we don't have the slightest clue about how to create said magic. Currently used to indicate that something techy want's to be trendy"

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