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Григорий Клюшников

Apple's maniacal insistence on retaining control over iOS devices after sale is the №1 reason why I'm that weirdo who uses a Mac but an Android phone. I can't see myself using a phone where I'm not able to install apps form wherever the fuck I want without asking anyone.


@grishka @thomasfuchs I guess they will also try to go the appstore only route for their new VR/XR computing. I can understand app stores have auto updates and solve some trust problems for some users, but on the other hand it's too much control in the hands of a single entity.

Григорий Клюшников

treefit, VR/XR isn't nearly as critical. You are required to own and use a smartphone (with one of the two major OSes) to function in the modern society, while VR is mostly a gimmick. Auto-updates were a solved problem on desktops before mobile app stores were invented.


@grishka @thomasfuchs It is the comparison between macOS and VisionOS, I think visionOS will could replace macOS before replacing iPhones, and on macOS you can download 3rd party apps from outside of the appstore, granted they need to be notarised by apple, but not reviewed by their team.

Григорий Клюшников

treefit, no, I don't think visionOS will replace macOS. It feels like Apple themselves aren't sure what their Vision Pro product line is for. They just put it out as a technology demonstrator and to see what third-party developers will come up with. It's entirely possible that VR is a solution in search of a problem for anything but games.

BTW the notarization aren't even a strict requirement. You can still distribute macOS apps without any Apple involvement, it's just that the UX of the first launch of such an app won't be great.

treefit, no, I don't think visionOS will replace macOS. It feels like Apple themselves aren't sure what their Vision Pro product line is for. They just put it out as a technology demonstrator and to see what third-party developers will come up with. It's entirely possible that VR is a solution in search of a problem for anything but games.

Thomas 🔭✨

@grishka @treefit visionOS, at least so far, is just a vanity project for Cook


@grishka @thomasfuchs Though they don't offer native steam vr integration yet and no awesome own titles, so I don't really think they are serious about gaming.

The focus really seemed on the UI, wich reviewers say is way better than the other VR interfaces that are out there.

Knowing that you need to go to the settings or to the terminal to allow the app is a rather big UX hurdle, but good to know that it is still possible, I thought they made it even harder, good its still in the settings.


@grishka @thomasfuchs
That you are forced to use a phone from one of two players, that can track you where you go, is also a thing that's rather creepy.

I really hope that #linuxphones catch up and that there will be laws that prevent essential apps like banking to at-least not deny usage in a virtual environment.

Also would be nice if hardware keys for 2FA would be standard, as I don't trust my phones. Even iPhone had too many "take the phone over with a one iMessage" zero-days. 😰

@grishka @thomasfuchs
That you are forced to use a phone from one of two players, that can track you where you go, is also a thing that's rather creepy.

I really hope that #linuxphones catch up and that there will be laws that prevent essential apps like banking to at-least not deny usage in a virtual environment.

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