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Григорий Клюшников

treefit, no, I don't think visionOS will replace macOS. It feels like Apple themselves aren't sure what their Vision Pro product line is for. They just put it out as a technology demonstrator and to see what third-party developers will come up with. It's entirely possible that VR is a solution in search of a problem for anything but games.

BTW the notarization aren't even a strict requirement. You can still distribute macOS apps without any Apple involvement, it's just that the UX of the first launch of such an app won't be great.

Thomas 🔭✨

@grishka @treefit visionOS, at least so far, is just a vanity project for Cook


@grishka @thomasfuchs Though they don't offer native steam vr integration yet and no awesome own titles, so I don't really think they are serious about gaming.

The focus really seemed on the UI, wich reviewers say is way better than the other VR interfaces that are out there.

Knowing that you need to go to the settings or to the terminal to allow the app is a rather big UX hurdle, but good to know that it is still possible, I thought they made it even harder, good its still in the settings.

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