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53 posts total
Thomas 🔭✨

Looked up statistics and the Meta Quest headset, after about 3 years of availability, has…

…500 apps.

For comparison, the iOS App Store has close to 4,000,000 apps.

Apple has picked a steep hill to climb.

Thomas 🔭✨

I think the competition for them isn’t Meta, games consoles or one of the headset makers for PCs.

The competition is themselves, they’re basically creating virtual Macs.

That’s why it’s priced how it is and positioned 80% as work device.

Will it work, for work?

They already make the best computers, and those don’t make people nauseous looking at them, and you don’t need to strap anything to your head. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thomas 🔭✨

Posting boobs

Facebook: lol no
Twitter: what about a Nazi instead
Bluesky: you are now verified
Mastodon: add alt text or ban

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@thomasfuchs wish alt text could be disabled in app and just be an option.

Mark Eckenwiler

@thomasfuchs Actually, Twitter sometimes gives you boobs *and* a Nazi.

(Alt text: Photo of Sebastian Gorka sporting man-boobs and holding a rifle with scope.)

Kent Borg

@thomasfuchs My site's full feed includes boobs (and other anatomy). I hadn't noticed whether they have alt text, I'll check next time they go by.

Bluesky: I don't know much about it. But now I know a little more about it.

Thomas 🔭✨

People: “Tech industry, stop with the NFT grifts!”
Tech industry: “Fine, how about these lying text generators instead?”
People: “No, not like that.”

Thomas 🔭✨

Pretty please Mastodon maintainers, add the features underprivileged communities need to move on from Twitter:

- Quote posts to add context
- Restrictions on who can reply to a post
- Add a "catch-up" timeline to see popular posts from people you follow
- Better, less technical onboarding & directly integrate e.g. fedifinder as a one-click checkbox without tech jargon "[x] Automatically find who I'm following on Twitter"
- Better support for higher quality media

Pinging @Gargron.

Pretty please Mastodon maintainers, add the features underprivileged communities need to move on from Twitter:

- Quote posts to add context
- Restrictions on who can reply to a post
- Add a "catch-up" timeline to see popular posts from people you follow
- Better, less technical onboarding & directly integrate e.g. fedifinder as a one-click checkbox without tech jargon "[x] Automatically find who I'm following on Twitter"
- Better support for higher quality media

Thomas 🔭✨

Reply guys: for the love of fuck don't reply with "that's unpossible", or "use flubbertwoot beta" or a link to the Mastodon roadmap.

Please think about why these are not valid or wanted replies to anyone who is asking to make Mastodon more useful for more people.

Thomas 🔭✨

Someone at Twitter is trying to delete data from from a git repository

Please pass the popcorn

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Mel Mel! git has a warning about -f not because that screws up repos, but because the Force Police will hunt you down and cause merge conflicts until the end of time

Thomas 🔭✨

The best thing about Twitter is this

Dr. Juande Santander-Vela

@thomasfuchs if many people talk about this, The Man With The World’s Most Sensitive Skin™ will get to change it…

Thomas 🔭✨

I was ordering salt, just FYI.

We've been using Maldon for years, it's the best salt. And yes, one salt can taste very differently from other salt, even though technically it's all sodium chloride.

The shape and size of the salt crystals and additives (or lack thereof) make it taste and feel better than I like other salts.

Thomas 🔭✨

Haven’t done this in a while, so here’s a #Retrocomputing quiz! What’s this cable for?

Thomas 🔭✨

Some of you got it right! It’s a the NeXT monitor cable which also connects to the “soundbox”

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Llav we must go back to the chonky laptops please ​:aamiyadeskbang:​

thomas (they/them) 🌺

@thomasfuchs that guy with the CRT makes me feel so claustrophobic ugh, imagine having to get up to pee

laura lemay

@thomasfuchs I didn't see the CRT at first because I literally had the problem the guy with the laptop had -- my thinkpad fit very neatly right under the top of the seat in front of me and then the guy in that seat reclined it and wedged it so hard I thought the screen was going to shatter. 😬

Thomas 🔭✨

Petition to bring back 🌈 rainbow computer logos
#retrocomputing :apple_old_logo: :spinning_pinwheel:

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Derek Dahlsad

@thomasfuchs I've acquired some original Apple logo stickers over the years, one decorates my new MacBook Pro M2

Jonathan Hendry


I was thinking Apple should be flying a rainbow Apple balloon over their Battersea Power Station offices.

Thomas 🔭✨

Also in 1983, Lucasfilm (later Pixar) made the first high-resolution computer-generated image that was supposed to be near-photorealistic and "a single-frame movie".

"The Road to Point Reyes" took a month to render.


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@thomasfuchs I want to believe it rendered in one, uninterrupted session.

In 1983 it would also have been impressive to find a display that could have done justice to this image. I wonder how many people looked at a 60hz interlaced version.


@thomasfuchs we sure this isn't a screenshot of Rfactor 2?

Curtis McHale

@thomasfuchs and now my iPad renders better than that real time while tracking cycling metrics live.

Tech is pretty cool

Thomas 🔭✨

Fascinating to see tech people learn that setting up a Mastodon server, keeping it secure, paying the bills for hosting and the 24/7 devops... the easy part.

Proper steering of a community and keeping tabs on moderation is 95% of the work.

Don't start a server if you're not willing to learn and do that.

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

@thomasfuchs Furthermore, those name folks think moderation in 95% banning nazis, spammers and other obvious undesirables. They're maybe 5%, the other 95% of your time and energy is in getting rid of extremely popular abusers with massive fan clubs full of averagely normal people


And that moderation is often an unpaid and extremely thankless task. People almost never contact customer service to say thank you, and you can tell many have not considered that before becoming a host.

Christopher White

@thomasfuchs That’s part of the reason if I make a server it’ll be for me and MAYBE a couple other people. Moderating myself is already a full-time job.

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