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eena meena me

@futurebird this is touching me at a level i cannot explain

Pepper The Vixen🏳️‍⚧️🦯

@futurebird Hexagons are the bestagons. Also thanks for alt text :3

kaylie (moony)

@futurebird I'm sorry to inform you that the bees actually make circles, not hexagons. Expansion of the cells then causes them to become hexagons. Bees don't know what a hexagon is. :pensive_cowboy:​


Oh no!

China gonna get us!

Scary scary--

hold up. what is this "right axis" and "left axis" stuff?

(see next tweet)

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серафими многоꙮчитїи

@futurebird wow, even with your hint this is so misleading. I looked at both axes and thought "no these units match" and checked really carefully, until it finally hit me. That's not even misleading, it's a graphical lie, displaying an intersection (one of the things we learn to treat as significant on a graph) where there is none.

I was looking for something sneaky and this was too blatant to notice 😳


There is no benefit to anyone on the left being on twitter.

Nina Turner tweeted "Insulin should be free." some libertarians responded "Nina should pick cotton for free."

Did this obvious racism hurt them? No, they now have more followers than ever. Being over there is just being bait for these extremists to build their network.

Grotesque racist images of Nina, rather than being demoted by the algorithm are being *promoted* since the people posting them paid for blue checks.


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Mike McGraw

I wonder how fast those Libertarians started crying, “Insulin should be cheaper” after they were diagnosed as diabetics?

gavinisdie :troll:

@futurebird my friend is part if a group that gets targeted on titter but wont leave, I think it is because of the art scene?


@futurebird (1) Glad I have multiple accounts, because you are not found at my others. (2) beside the racism and stupidity you mentioned, there's obvious bad logic. Insulin is available, Nina Turner is not, so of course it's not free, but they are free to as stupid as they can.


@futurebird that’s the corporate calculus.😑😖

@futurebird Banality of evil/very long chain of responsibility, so that if enough people just slightly bend ethics it can lead to a genocide.

Something came in the mail today. I can only draw one conclusion.


Don't let them shop online unsupervised. That's all I'm saying.


The is off twitter! If you live in NYC or use the service

(including metroNorth, CT friends!)

Please contact the MTA and let them know they would be more than welcome on the fediverse. They could probably have their own instance "" just the way it ought to be.

I hope they come here.

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Karen E. Lund 💙💛

@futurebird Done!

(Although they're getting off Twitter, I'm guessing somebody is still monitoring responses for a while.)

Gone 2 Threads


Just out of curiousity, how does having one's own instance, versus having an account on an existing instance, change things? Does an instance name make it more searchable? Will all other instance members be able to find it.


When I was active at the wikipedia there were a group of other writers who would follow me around and mark my articles on women and black people for deletion. They marked my edits CN even when there was a citation. They reworded everything I wrote to minimize the contributions of minorities to history, and hint at theories of racial inferiority. I'd just go to the library and bury them in more citations. It was kind of violent TBH.

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Ian Ramjohn

@futurebird Were you futurebird there too? I’ve been wondering if you were ever since I got here


@futurebird something that most of white people not only never experienced but haven't even considered. I am sorry.


@futurebird We need a Wiki encyclopedia that specifically includes "fighting white supremacy" in their bylaws because it takes effort to be an island of inclusiveness in the West.

If you try to be an "unbiased source" and you literally just present Western culture as it is today, you've already lost the inclusiveness/diversity/factual accuracy fight.

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