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I find it fascinating how people often talk about "social media" in the same way they talk about smoking or eating jelly donuts or getting spray tans.

It's seen as a vice, something enjoyable but ultimately "bad for you"-- but I think this bad reputation has a lot to do with what we have let social media become. We treat it like it's not important. Like it's superficial and for vain shallow people who practice puffery.

In reality it's the central hub of news, media and cultural distribution.

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@futurebird I understand why social media is thought of as a vice. Without conscious effort, social media use can be addictive, can create craving for attention, disconnect people from their surroundings, and warp their understanding of reality.

Sven 🛌

@futurebird Funnily enough, I agreed until the very last sentence. 😄

There are enough hubs for news and media, but too few places where people are true, genuine and where they (can) connect with each other.


@futurebird Social media itself is not a bad habit, but it becomes one if a person starts using it improperly. The majority of the population prefers, sorry, primitive content. And social media fulfills that demand. Not always and not for everyone. But in general.
At the same time, as a source of information, social media is not the most reliable.


Posting factual information is ... becoming radical. Making it easy to find? Extremist behavior. Not making people look at ads to see it? Downright suspect! How dare you.

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Steve Gisselbrecht


I love explaining things! I am didactic to an annoying degree in person.


Bob Dendry (Join Our Server!)

@futurebird in the words (incorrectly) attributed to George Orwell, "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act".



Are there militant pro-library organizations?



I'm assuming for a pro-library organization, to be "militant" means they're NEITHER burning books or papers, NOR locking them away.



A bunch of "Chuck Finley"s ("He said the same thing is being done at other libraries, too."):


All shadow libraries:

Currently most prominent one: Anna’s Archive: currently ,Wikipedia:'s_A


Digitization & preservation: @internetarchive


Re-publishing: @gutenberg_org


Offline distribution: @kiwix


I'm assuming for a pro-library organization, to be "militant" means they're NEITHER burning books or papers, NOR locking them away.



A bunch of "Chuck Finley"s ("He said the same thing is being done at other libraries, too."):


Why can't MAGA people be angry that the US has *weak* power outlets and why can't they all get mad about it and switch the country to 220v? Seems very unpatriotic that European power outlets and Chinese Power outlets have twice the voltage.

Why couldn't they just get fixated on that issue and forget the rest?

"liberals think 220v is too dangerous for you! They don't want you to be able to make poptarts too fast!"

Wordstitcher :TheCDN4:

Hate to tell you this, but virtually every home in North America has 220v service - for the electric stove, or in the garage otherwise - you know, that big switch box ...


Pica wishes you a happy #thanksgiving. She is thankful for full body massages and “good prompt servants”

(what are you thankful for?) #picaTheCat #catsofmastodon

Pica a small brown tabby resting and looking relaxed and content.

There are deep sea isopods with legs like sea spiders.

This is Paropsurus. IDK man. No idea WHAT is going on down there.

Isopod literally means "same leg" like the legs are supposed to be "the same" Not... not "crazy out of control legs"

Feels wrong to call it an isopod. More like a spindly-productus-sopod

They are just making creatures up now to see if I'll buy in to it.

Under the sea on the barren sea floor a white creature with very long spindly legs and the body of an isopod.
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I think you should put a CW on this, it's quite horrific to look at and might trigger some people's arachnophilia.


Pica: rao rao
Me: Who says that? What is "rao rao"?
Pica: Rrrao murr rao!
Me: It's not real talking if you don't use real words.
Pica: ... rrrraw?
Me: Yup you just make cat sounds.
Pica: RRRao! mur. Rao rrr muro mew murrrro!

Ángela Stella Matutina


I can't get the words but the tone of urgency is unmistakable.

Peter Kisner ≈

"These 'raos' are just to convey emotional tone. You're supposed to pick up my meaning through body posturing and context clues."


Can you imagine the sheer nerve and chutzpah it takes to be a JUDGE for a cat fancy contest?? Not just judging one cat but dozens... as they all look at you, judging you back.

"My understanding is humans are supposed to have more hair than you do on top of your head."

"Your body lines are not very elegant."

"Skin lacks a healthy luster, arm and leg lengths are not what we expect for a top grade human."

"even for a human, this one makes a lot of pointless noise."

-the cats probably


Every cat is perfect in every way. But, Pica is the most perfect in the most ways of them all.

She's all cat. The Most Cat Cat.

And that is the sum total of my "judgements."

Pica rests on the couch in a sunbeam. Her whiskers catch the sunlight. Her catty eyes are green and large. Her ears are pointy and you can see her little pointed teeth peeking out. 

She looks very pleased with herself and confident that you are also pleased with her. (And you are! Right?)
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My regular reminder that Pica DOES NOT have a "degree in sleeping" and she cannot issue valid diplomas. She does claim to offer "courses" that "teach to to sleep better" but there is no evidence that these courses do anything and her LLC isn't an accredited university or college.

Under no circumstances should you give her your SS number, credit card number or... really even your age or height.

You have been warned.


Breaking News!
Tabby Cat, Pica Posts YouTube Apology

After accusations of “treating her staff like cat food dispensers” Pica has posted a rare apology: “I’m very sorry some people had to get offended, and for the confusion this controversy has caused my many loving fans. I do not think of anyone as a mere food dispenser. My staff has other uses ... such as petting me. Hopefully, we can put this all behind us now.” #picathecat #picaLaw #cats #catsofmastodon

Pica a cat looks serious and a little over it all as she rests on the arm of the couch.
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Mike P

@futurebird The look on her face is more like




I've discovered a charming little YouTube channel with analog kitten videos and wistful electronic music. I like to intersperse them in my playlist like commercials with the videos I decide to watch.

Check it out this is the good stuff:


Poor Pica. She loves being held, and petted and squeezed, and will come to me to get picked up and comforted... BUT she gets a little scared, or maybe finds it fun to run when you reach out to grab her. So she keeps circling back and almost getting picked up over & over & over, until she's a just a little too slow. She gets caught.

Then she goes limp in your arms and purrs and is so happy.

What an absurd animal!

(I don't pick her up for a day or two? she starts sadly meowing more & more...)

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@futurebird Even more evidence that our Maltese is really a cat!

Kevin LaRose He/Him

@futurebird @palin No question, it’s a silly kitty game. Our multicolored 11-year-old poofball does exactly the same thing.

Tim Coffman

@futurebird Our Jiji runs out the back door the minute it’s opened for any reason.
It used to be that he wanted to eat grass.
Nowadays he just pauses after his 5-10’ dash and surveys the yard, waiting to be picked up and carried back into the house like naughty royalty.


My husband does his Chinese lessons every Saturday morning, and Pica, our cat always tries to join in, which his teacher finds hilarious. I guess she sees him struggling to make noises correctly and she's like "pfffth this is simple. I can make noises. Here I will do it for you: raw mrow raw! See? Like that!"

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Bryan Redeagle

@futurebird His teacher should send Pica a certificate saying that she's fluent in "Cat-tonese".


@futurebird 他可爱吧!



So I just found a lucky ring (one of the rarest items in the game) in a crate!

BUT, it bounced out of bounds (and I don't have on a magnet ring on... nor a way to go get one)


*rage quitting the 'calming' 'farming game'*

screenshot showing my "farmer" in the Skull Cave mines near the edge of a wall looking at the lucky ring I can't collect.

"lucky ring" my arse....


"This interview will mean Harris facing some of the tough questions about immigration and her role at the border and the positions she had in the primary 4 years ago."

Cool. This is fine. But, just as a little benchmark, you know, for fun, what are the "tough questions" for the other guy? Like ... which one would you even start with?


@futurebird He really doesn't 'answer' questions, and is never held accountable for his responses. So she is supposed to give a serious answer to a tough question, and get picked apart for days on her response, while he just bullshits his way through another 'news' conference? She should ignore the press until they get equal treatment.


Pica loves to sit in the potted plants 🪴 like it’s a little forest. #caturday

A cat hiding in potted plants looking out from behind branches and leaves.
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